
How To Keep Pretending [BL]

[Mature content] To save his family's reputation hanging by a thread, Mikael took on his twin sister's place in an arranged marriage to Marquess Wolfram, all while dealing with his father's crumbling business. Aware that his identity would eventually be revealed, Mikael planned to tread cautiously. But... would his plan hold up for long? #alphaxalpha

hayaa · LGBT+
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167 Chs

A Quiet Conversation (1)

They were a little late for lunchtime when Mikael arrived at the dining room. He had been told to have his meal in the dining room, with Secretary Cade leading after their castle tour.

And as Mikael entered, the dining room immediately greeted him was nothing short of luxuriance. He had been immune now that he could no longer be in shock.

'It's to be expected... I guess.'

A smile drew Mikael's face. It was not the bright one that would reach his eyes but rather a hesitant upturn of the corner of his lips.

Each piece of furniture bore meticulous craftsmanship. Though unfamiliar with the subtleties of wood quality, Mikael assumed it was expensive since he had never encountered such richly textured wood before.

Secretary Cade walked ahead, moved to the table, and pulled out the chair beside the head of the board for Mikael, who gladly accepted the offer.

Afterward, Cade gestured toward the line of maids standing against the walls. Among these servants, Mikael recognized a familiar face.

He saw Leticia, who stepped forward to assist with arranging the table. At the same time, the rest of the maids functioned perfectly synchronized, almost as if their movements were part of a rehearsed choreography, ensuring that every detail was immaculate.

Beth, clearly impressed by the spectacle, watched the scene before her with wide eyes and a filled heart of awe. However, since she did not know what to do and not being among the performers, she could only stand beside Mikael.

The maids placed a setting in front of Mikael. The plates were made of fine porcelain with intricate designs and were positioned in an elegant manner, catching the radiance of the chandeliers overhead. Utensils of polished gold glistened beside them, placed meticulously with precision.

As Mikael marveled at the table set, more maids entered the room, pushing heavy silver trays laden with food. The centerpiece promptly became a mountain of seafood, an impressive sight for Mikael, who had never witnessed such extravagance on a plate.

Glistening lobsters, plump prawns, and various exotic fish were artfully arranged, surrounded by vibrant garnishes and fresh herbs. The scent of the ocean filled the air as the maids expertly served Mikael, placing a generous portion of seafood before him.

'…T, This is just in, insane.'

With the meal sitting on the table, each produced clinks when they were placed. Mikael contemplated the new privilege that came with his new role as the Marquess' spouse.

Just when he believed he had witnessed the limits of extravagance, this discovery took him by surprise. It was like someone had mistakenly prepared for a whole banquet.

Mikael cast a quick sidelong glance at Secretary Cade, his throat clearing subtly. The gesture was enough to beckon Cade to lean in closer, their voices dropping to a hushed tone.

"Um, isn't this all quite... too much for one person to eat," Mikael expressed, his gaze returning to the bountiful seafood spread before him.

Secretary Cade chuckled softly, understanding his sentiment. "I think the chef got a bit too excited," he remarked with a knowing smile. "But you can indulge as much as you like, Marchioness."

Mikael nodded in response, though he was overwhelmed and unsure where to begin with the array of seafood choices set before his face. After a moment of thinking, he decided to start with the clams, their flavors teasing his taste buds.

As he was about to savor a clam, the door to the dining room suddenly swung open, causing Mikael to jolt in surprise. The spoon in his hand slipped from his grip and clattered to the floor.

In the doorway stood a young girl. Her presence seemed to fill the room with a certain energy with widened eyes as she took in the sight of Mikael.

Her dark hair pulled into a sleek ponytail, its ends straight, cascading down her back. Instead of the customary dress, she chose to wear pants.

The moment her unexpected presence charged the room, the previously peaceful atmosphere was instantly disrupted. The collective attention of everyone present shifted abruptly toward her, drawn to her entrance.

'Who is it?' Mikael asked himself inwardly.

As she stepped further into the room, the young lady's gaze met Mikael's, and an immediate, particular unspoken connection seemed to spark between them.

"Miss Aurel, are you out of your mind?" Secretary Cade's voice rang out, carrying irritation in his tone.

Mikael had never seen him like this before. His usually composed posture was replaced with tensed shoulders, just out of character for him.

Yet, as Mikael looked at the young miss' face more closely, a sense of familiarity washed over him. She bore a striking resemblance to someone he knew.

While Mikael was wandering in his thoughts, a diligent maid swiftly approached, holding a new golden spoon, and discreetly placed it beside Mikael's gleaming plate. Meanwhile, Leticia retrieved the fallen spoon from the floor.

"What? Am I not allowed to meet my sister-in-law, Cade?"

"You can't just stroll in without a knock, Miss Aurel. Things have changed," Cade said. "Adhere to proper etiquette, especially in the presence of nobility. It's rude."

"Eh, I ain't no noble." Auerel let out a carefree chuckle, brushing aside the idea with a wave of her hand.

"Well, our Marchioness is one," Cade replied, his tone tinged with a hint of dry humor.

Aurel's realization dawned slowly, her eyebrows shooting up as she processed Cade's words. Her lips parted slightly as if she was about to speak but settled for a quiet "Oh" mutter.

Aurel walked toward Mikael, who had stopped eating in the middle of his meal. "My apologies, sister-in-law," she said, asking for forgiveness while she extended her hand.

Cade shook his head in disappointment, reminding her, "Miss Aurel, remember the noble way to apologize." Then, after, he sent an apologetic look to Mikael.

"Argh, come on," Aurel mumbled, letting out an exasperated sigh. Cade shot her a stern glance, prompting her to proceed with a clumsy bow.

"I humbly request your forgiveness, my lady," Aurel expressed, her tone carrying a touch of ruefulness.

Mikael, unable to utter a word, nodded in response. Since if he would dare speak a word, it would unravel his disguise.

Aurel leaned closer to Cade, her voice a hushed whisper that Mikael's keen ears caught. "I, Is she mute?" she inquired.

Cade, quick to respond, pinched Aurel's ear and looked at Mikael. He assured with a polite smile, "Marchioness, I will be taking out this mess. Please, do enjoy your meal."

With that, Secretary Cade whisked Aurel away from the dining room, leaving Mikael to observe their departure. Now, he was left alone with the mountain of seafood to feast.

Beth's voice called out, breaking through his reverie. "My lady?"

Startled, Mikael shifted his attention back to his meal, maintaining his silent facade as he resumed eating.

He couldn't help but wish that the potion Nicolaus had mentioned would arrive soon, allowing him to speak openly.

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