
How to Get the Queen Married in 30 Days?

[MEDIEVAL][DUKE][KNIGHTS][CLEVER MC]My name is Susan. One month ago, I was a 20-year-old fashion-design rookie living in the 21st century. Now, my soul has switched into the body of a skinny 18-year-old girl living in an alternative medieval world, struggling to fill my stomach. What's the most exciting thing about me, you ask? Emmm, they order me to marry off the Queen in a month. Does it count?

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49 Chs

Chapter-14 It’s Not Easy to Be the Duchess of Wilson

After that, the nobleman assigned Daniel to send Susan home.

Daniel was a talkative young man who had just turned twenty. Like all big boys his age, he was enthusiastic and interested in everything. Susan was eighteen. Their age was so similar that they soon began to talk like friends.

From Daniel, Susan knew the official identity of the nobleman: Henry. The Duke of Wilson, the most powerful and charming Duke in the Kingdom of Silver Moon, is also a bachelor sought after by countless court noblewomen.

"Why is Duke Wilson still single?" asked Susan curiously.

"I've known Henry for so long, I mean, my lord. I have never seen his interest in any woman. Those aristocratic girls, exotic princesses, are high status and wealthy but also hypocritical, selfish, and stupid. Duke wouldn't marry those women."

"Pretty picky," Susan commented casually.

"That's nature," Daniel said, pausing, "although his mother was the lady of Shadowmoon Manor in name, in fact, it was Lady Edgington who was in charge of the manor and all the estates. Lady Edgington was Duke's aunt, widowed in her thirties. She has lived at Shadowmoon Manor ever since helping the Duke manage the estates. I mean, it's not that he doesn't want a wife, but it's not easy to be the duchess of Wilson."

It sounds like the mother of Duke had no real power in the family. Isn't this a telenovela? Susan thought in her heart and did not continue to ask.

Instead, she changed the subject: "Is your lord often not in Silver Moon City, to supervise the war in the northern defense line or something?"

"The Duke does want to go to the front line in person, but domestic conditions do not allow it. He had not been able to leave Fort Silver Moon for a long time because he used to be the regent. Only after the Queen took the reign did he have the time to visit the various forts and found many problems." Daniel frowned, thought he had said too much, and stopped talking.

Daniel said goodbye to Susan, where he saw the entrance to her home.

Ella, sitting on the doorstep, caught sight of Susan. She swooped down like a bird with a cry:

"Susan! What took you so long to come back? Do you know I was worried sick? Whose cloak is this? And who is this funny guy?"

Susan breathlessly pulled Ella down, who was hugging like a koala. And she made Ella stand up, then introduced them to each other: "Ella, this is Daniel. He sent me back. Daniel, this is Ella, my little sister."

"How do you do, little girl." Daniel greeted with a smile.

"Who are you calling little girl? you the brat! " Ella narrowed her eyes at Daniel and suddenly kicked Daniel's calf hard.

Daniel shouted in pain and almost jumped up: "You you you ..."

Susan was also shocked by Ella and quickly apologized: "Sorry, sorry, Daniel, Ella is not usually like this. She just hates it when people call her little girl."

"Okay, it's my fault." Daniel endured the pain and stood up, heart palpitating, and looked behind Susan, "If you have other sisters or brothers, whatever, older or younger, better tell me the taboos all at once."

Susan stifled a laugh and said: "In addition to Ella, I only have two brothers. They are in the city to help in the workshop. My mother is at home. She's not well, though, and is bedridden most of the time. See, my family is very simple."

Susan took off her cloak and handed it to Daniel: "Please return it to the lord for me, thanks to his cloak."

Daniel smiled and answered.

As he left, he surveyed shabby and dirty streets with interest. Also, he smiled graciously at the curious stares around him.

Ella pulled Susan back inside.

The room was dimly lit, with a faint glow from the few firewoods left in the fireplace. The woman Susan should call her mother, sitting on a wooden chair under the window, staring out in silence.

Susan wondered if she had seen Daniel, but perhaps she would not have asked even if she had.

Since the day Susan woke up from this body, she hadn't said a few words to this woman. Except at the request of the Shadow, teaching Susan's sewing skills, the woman seemed not even bother to look at Susan. Not only Susan, all the children in this house, Ella, Jamie, and Kevin, she did not care. Sometimes Susan even felt that she hated them all.

"Tell me all the details. How did you get out of it? How did the buttons fall off your shirt? And where did that brat come out of? And who is the lord you say lent you the cloak? Is he going to propose to you later?" Ella excitedly grabbed Susan and asked a series of questions.

Susan laughed at Ella's whimsical speculation. She went back to the attic to change her torn dress: "Probably ran too fast, and the button came loose long ago, so it fell off. As for the marriage proposal? Lending me a cloak is to propose to me? Then I guess that lord must have a lot of fiancées."

"But!" Ella argued, "That cloak is worth a lot of money, the fabric, the craft, and did you see the black jade clasp? I've never seen anything like that crystal jade, and I bet even Mrs. McCaffrey down the street has never seen it before."

Mrs. McCaffrey owned a grocery store at the end of the street, also famous for selling stolen goods in this area. Ella was very familiar with the place.

Mrs. McCaffrey was considered the best eye on Frame Street. She has seen countless valuable things. With one glare, she could tell the price of the goods and never made a mistake.