
How To Get Over A Man

Twenty-six Amelia Bronte is the owner of a successful fast growing millionaire jewellery company. However, the public image of pseudo confidence she displays is nothing but a facade: A traumatic event in her young adulthood has turned her off romance and anything that comes along with it. That includes men! Then again, one interview with the right man is all it takes to question her hard stance against romance, but will it be enough to make the tall walls built around her heart crumble?

_BerniceDion · Urban
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6 Chs

6: Beach Off Work

"Y ahora estoy aquí!" The lyrics of Gente De Zona's Demasiado burst out of the speakers causing the Cuban partiers and their friends to erupt in a whooping scream as they wiggled their waist salsa style, instantly pairing up with each other without being told to. Although all of them seemed to be having fun, a noticeable few of them were struggling to keep up with the vigorous sway of hips and fluid exchange of positive. It was obvious they didn't know how to dance salsa so they took on the position of being their hypeman instead, cheering them on. 

But there was someone who didn't give a hoot about salsaing. Two actually, one was having the best time of his life giving the Cuban partiers joy with his choice of music while the other was amping up the heat the girls couldn't tell whether it was the grills or the man behind the grills.

"Whoooo!" Tristan yelled with a hand on one ear of the headset, his other hand twisting knobs while his head bobbed along. He was having just as much fun deejaying. 

Kamari spared a glance at his friend and chuckled before returning to the grill, turning over the whole branzino fish.

"Hello," a girl purred. She stopped just in front of him on the other side of the grill table with her friends. One finger twirled her black wavy hair playfully as she practically eye-fucked Kamari. Her glossy eyes wouldn't stop following every new line of sweat that trailed down his neck or the sides of his arms. 

Kamari hid a smirk, grabbed a cherry red berry, and slipped it into his mouth while looking directly into her vibrant green eyes. "Hola, cariño, Qué quieres?" He asked her what she wanted and swallowed the crushed berry in his mouth. 

The girl's finger stopped twirling the strand of her hair midway as she watched his Adam's apple Bob like it was the trailer of the world's expected movie.

A warm feeling of pleasure bounced about proudly in his chest as he watched her eyelids expand subtly and her lips part open partly.

"Are you on the menu?" She asked back, her voice laced with a kind of drowsiness associated with someone reluctant to wake up.

Kamari tossed the pincers on his hand and took a look at her, allowing his eyes to assess her. She wore a green bikini set that blended perfectly with her tanned skin, her breasts filled the cups of her bra amply and her cleavage was defined. She didn't have the toned abs but that amount of belly flesh was fine enough for Kamari plus her cushion balanced everything out. 

Kamari grabbed a plate and dished the ready branzino along with tomato on the vine and grilled fennels. 

"Depends on who's asking?" He flickered one eyebrow up as he extended the plate to her. He added a fresh branzino to replace the one that just left and focused on the corns.

She collected the plate from him, deliberately brushing her fingers ever slightly over his as a smile tugged on her face. She turned to her friends and they tried to nod discreetly, signaling that she go ahead and strike the deal.

She turned to him and dropped her head to the side in that feminine manner that people swear is cute and stretched out one hand while balancing the plate on the other. "Chabela."

Her lips, a rosy shade of pink, spread into a smile and got several inches wider when Kamari accepted her hand in a firm warm grip, then turned it over and laid a kiss on the back of her palm. 

"Kamari." He let go of her hand. 

"Uhh…excuse me, can I get corns on a stick already?" Someone snapped impatiently behind Chabela and her friends.

"I guess we'll see tonight." She started to walk away.

"Don't guess. Be certain." He winked and turned to put corn on a stick as Chabela and her friend walked away, leaving to hover behind them their excited giggles.


"Ugh! We should have gone to a private beach." Amelia grumbled, pushing her coffee colour tinted shades up to rest on the top of her head.

"And miss all this?" Chantal pushed her own pair of mirror shades up her head and gestured to the scenery with a wave of her arm. 

"There's nothing relaxing about all this." Amelia mimicked her tone and arm wave mockingly. "Why did I allow you to talk me out of renting a space?"

"Because private beaches don't showcase hot guys!" Chantal perked her upper body a little off her lounge. "Look at that one, I bet he's a surfer. Maybe even state champion." She giggled. 

Amelia stared at the copper-brown-haired man in deep blue knee-length shorts that hung low on his slim waist sporting defined abs. He was of a lean build and his shirtless body showed off a round-beaded necklace. "He's probably seventeen or nineteen at most." She turned to Chantal. "He's too young for you."

"That's what they all said to Priyanka but look, they lasted longer than couples with the most suitable age." Chantal reached for the side of her lounge where a small round table sat in the middle of her and Amelia's chaise lounges and picked up her glass of sparkling citrus sangria.

Amelia picked hers from the same table with a shake of her head and sipped from it. She expended a deep sigh and relaxed on the chair, wanting to find peace in all the music, yelling and laughing. She closed her eyes and decided to find the whish and whoosh of the water as it pulled back and forth, hoping to amplify it in her mind and drown out the others.

I'm never doing this again, she promised herself.

"Oh my god!" Chantal exclaimed out of the blue causing Amelia to fling open her eyes in alarm. 

Amelia followed Chantal's gaze and watched as two girls were screaming at the water frantically. It seemed like someone was drowning and a small crowd was starting to pull towards the water. Someone dashed into the water and disappeared under. The crowd watched in anticipation and one of the girls that were screaming started to whimper. 

Then the guy that had dived into the water came back up, like some Atlantis king with an unmoving figure of a girl in his arms, bridal style. He pushed his legs out of the water and into land, dropping the girl so he could administer CPR. Soon enough, the girl woke with a lot of coughs and water from her mouth and the two girls rushed to attend to their once-drowning friend. The girls thanked their saviour while the small crowd watched in admiration as he started to walk away.

"No freaking way!" Chantal was the one to utter it first. Amelia was too dumbfounded as she watched her Personal Secretary run a hand through his wet hair that fell and clung to his shoulders, skin glistening like a golden statue under the soon-to-set sun.  With his red shirts that now gummed to his thighs and a pendant of milky white tusk that settled so perfectly in the middle of his well-padded pecs, he looked like someone out of Baywatch. 

"When did a Greek god land in New York?" Chantal's awe-filled voice continued to talk as her eyes—both pairs of eyes— watched Kamari walk away.

That's my Personal Secretary? Amelia couldn't believe it. Her mind brought up the image of the man who'd been making her coffee every day for the past work week and compared it to the one-time lifeguard approaching the party area. 

"Okay! That's it!" Chantal downed her glass, dropped it hard on the table and stood up. She untied the scarf around her waist, exposing deep blue panties, released her hair from a messy bun and struck a pose. "I'm gonna go drown so that I can get saved by a hot dude from Olympus."

"What the– Chantal!" Amelia yelled as Chantal ran towards the water. 

Chantal turned around. "Hey!" She yelled. "You were drooling!" And turned around, giggling evilly as she continued running towards the beach water, leaving Amelia to deal with the embarrassment as she wiped her lips with the back of her hand a million times to get rid of the drool.