
How to Create a God in a World of Unbelieving People?

Gaius Juin is the land Ace wanted to go. They said, it's the only place in the Sphere that the Sun can be seen. He never saw the sun, in fact, nobody in their land saw the sun. The giant walls surrounding their land prevented Ace to look at it. In fact, it prevented them to go beyond other lands because they said, it would cost them their life. But by a twist of fate, Ace was sacrificed to the walls and delivered to the other land as an offering.

Lawliet_Kissarnie · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: THE SPHERE

Thousands of years ago, a strange bird of red and blue color was found flying on top of the Aqua tree in the Land of Janus. The creature has a very unique beauty, far too unique that the residents of the Janus wondered where the bird came from. Everyone knew that the Janus was never a place for a thing of beauty to exist.

Janus is a harsh land of the Sphere where the only giant tree, the Aqua provides the needs of the people living in the land. The soil is barren, filled with sand, incapable of cultivating any type of crop. Everything is provided by the Aqua Tree. The people manage to survive for a thousand of years because of it's presence.

the presence of the bird is a miracle and this opened to a new revelation of possibility among the people. Somewhere in the sphere, somebody, aside from them existed. Their soil must be rich and capable of providing crops for food. Compared to their land, something must be greater out there. Right then, the Janus Polars, residents of the Janus had then wanted to look for it. They started looking for ways on how they can travel across.

However, it was impossible to leave the land. Giant walls surrounded the whole place and nobody could ever climb over the wall. There was no way of getting through the land to the other side.

Their land was cruel. Everywhere you look is sand and heat from the unseen sun. Yet, it has always been filled with mysteries.

One mystery that continues to affect their lives is the Annual Celebration of Sacrifice.

Once in every year, the lands of the Sphere rotates. Each rotation, the land faces a new set of stars in the evening and a new angle of the light in the morning. As the rotation occurred for several years, the walls grew higher. The Polars, were worried but this was the work of the God and they can't do anything about it.

One day, as a young lad was trying to look for food near the dry lands just beside the wall, he noticed an oddly different formation of the stones on the wall. He didn't dare to touch it because he knew what the wall means to them. He called for the leader to look into it and he was confuse as well. He has never seen that part of the wall for many years. They tried pushing but it didn't budge.

Several years have passed, the new rotation occurred but the rotation is also accompanied with a loud creaking sound. So loud that it can be heard in the land of the Janus. Everyone were astonished to see that the wall with different shape and color, was a giant door to the other land area of the sphere.

This was the sign from the God, they had all assume. Vast numbers of the people went through the door and as soon as they did, the door shut again, and was never opened for the rest of the year.

No one knew what happened to the people that went in, and no one has ever came back from door.

Every year, when the land rotates, the door would also open inviting new adventure from the people of the Janus. However, no one knew what awaits them on the other side and nobody is willing to risk their life for the unknown.

But of course, if you wish to reach your dreams, willingness to risk is just a ticket to your future. It's up to you whether to walk through the door or not.

Besides, it's the sphere of dreams, not sphere of nightmares...

...or so they thought.