
How To Breakup With Your First Love

Adachi's ordinary life takes a wild turn when a magical portal whisks him into a mysterious world. Entangled with a sorceress, he embarks on an adventure of self-discovery and explores the enchanting realm beyond the portal's threshold.

TDLS_S · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Break Down

The faint glimmer of hope that had emerged with the sight of light, came to an abrupt halt. "Hey! Arrr!" The shout, cutting sharply through the silence, was as unexpected as it was commanding. It rooted Adachi and Leon in place, their hearts pounding like thunder trapped within their chests.

With their hearts pounding like thunder, Adachi and Leon froze in place as the shout echoed through the passage, shattering the fragile silence. The abruptness of the shout, raw and commanding, sent a jolt of fear through them, causing both to lose their footing on the slick, damp floor. They landed with a soft thud, the impact jarring but not painful, their bums cushioning the fall.

The source of the shout soon became visible: a towering figure, looming over them with an imposing presence. The man was dressed in what once might have been a white shirt, now soiled to a shade of grey by the cave's muck and the toil of hard labor. His long, ginger beard and hair framed a face that seemed carved from stone, rugged and severe under the flickering light of the torch he held. The torchlight danced across his features, casting deep shadows that made his grayish eyes appear all the more piercing.

Adachi, in a moment of pure instinct, scrambled to get up, his only thought to grab Leon and flee from this menacing stranger. However, the wet floor betrayed him; his feet slipped, and he crashed down face-first with a muffled thud. Leon, beside him, could only clutch at his arm, her voice lost to fear.

The giant of a man uncoiled a thick leather whip from his belt and lashed it against the floor with a crack that split the air, a clear and intimidating warning. Adachi's heart skipped a beat, the message unmistakable: any attempt to escape would be futile.

With a gruff voice that seemed to reverberate off the stone walls, the man bellowed over his shoulder, "I found a boy and a girl here too! Rrr, bring them back to the cells!" His call was directed to unseen accomplices, presumably waiting in the shadows.

Panic surged through Adachi as he processed their grim situation. Despite the fear, his mind raced for a solution, a way to protect Leon and himself from this unforeseen threat. He realized they were not just lost; they were now captives.

Before they could react further, the sound of approaching footsteps signaled the arrival of the man's underlings. Adachi knew he had to act quickly, but with the large man's intimidating presence and the clear threat of the whip, their options were limited.

"Leon," he whispered, his voice barely a breath, "stay calm. I'm here with you." Despite the tremor in his voice, he squeezed her hand tightly.

As the underlings approached, their heavy boots thudding on the wet floor, Adachi forced himself to his feet, standing protectively in front of Leon. He met the gaze of the large man. Though his body was tense, ready for whatever might come next, his mind was clear: he would use this moment to observe, to plan, to find any weakness or opportunity to escape their captors' grasp.

The underlings, two men of similar rough appearance but smaller stature than their leader, arrived and eyed the young captives. "Get up," one of them grunted, gesturing with a nod of his head toward the direction from which they had come.

Adachi knew resistance was futile with the immediate threat of the whip and the superior strength of their captors. He helped Leon to her feet, as they were led back through the winding passages, away from the hope had been so eager to reach.

As they were led away, Adachi's mind was a whirlwind of thought and fear, but beneath it all, he was a weakling fighter. The torch carried by the huge man trailing behind them cast erratic shadows on the cave walls, providing just enough light for Adachi to scan their surroundings. He tried to memorize the twists and turns, the rises and falls of the cave floor, anything that might serve as a landmark or a weapon in their quest for freedom.

Adachi's thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the large man grabbed him by the shoulder, his grip iron-tight. "Scum, when did you get your hands on this? ARrr" The man's voice was a low growl, filled with suspicion and threat. With a rough jerk, he tore away Adachi's quiver, along with the bow and Adachi's bag, leaving him feeling suddenly exposed and vulnerable, not that he remembered to use them when he needed to. The force of the action pushed Adachi hard to the ground, his hands scraping against the rough cave floor as he tried to break his fall.

Leon gasped, stepping forward instinctively, but Adachi's hand shot out to stop her, silently urging caution. The loss of his belongings was a blow, not just for the weapon he held but for his phone and the other items he had from the other world. More than that, it was a stark reminder of how stupid he was for not using the items he had.

Lying on the ground, Adachi turned his head to meet the gaze of the man standing over him. In the flickering torchlight, the man's face was a mask of authority, a clear message that he considered them less than nothing. But in Adachi's eyes, there was a glimmer of something else—resilience. Despite the pain, the fear, and the loss, he was not broken. He pushed himself up, wincing slightly at the sting of his abraded palms, and locked eyes with Leon. He had the eyes of the defeated...

"Move," the captor ordered Adachi, signaling for them to follow his underlings deeper with each step echoing ominously around them. The sound of distant whispers and the clanking of chains grew louder as they moved forward, an ominous prelude awaited.

Through the dimly lit caverns, Adachi and Leon were led into a vast, cavernous hall that served as the stronghold of their captors. The hall, illuminated by sporadic torches, revealed a grim sight: cells carved directly into its stone walls, each holding prisoners of various races, a disproportionate number of whom were girls. The air was thick with despair, the silent stares of the captives were piercing.

The leader of the band, that imposing figure with the ginger beard and steely gaze, barked orders at his underlings. "Separate them," he commanded, pointing first at Adachi, then at Leon. 'Throw the boy into the chattels cell, and take the girl to be with the others." The words hit Adachi like a physical blow, the very idea of being separated from Leon igniting a frantic desperation within him.

"Please," Adachi pleaded, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotion, "she's too young. Let her stay with me. Please, I'm begging you." His appeal, however, only earned him a cruel response. The man, with a swift and merciless motion, brought his whip down on Adachi's left hand. The pain was immediate and excruciating, the impact turning his hand a deep shade of purple, rendering it immobile from the agony. Adachi collapsed to his knees, the pain overwhelming, his plea cut short by the brutal rebuke.

"I won't repeat myself again Rrr," the man growled, his voice leaving no room for further begging or bargaining. The finality in his tone, coupled with the physical pain throbbing through Adachi's hand, left him feeling helpless, a sensation that was foreign and terrifying.

Leon's eyes, wide with shock and fear at the violence inflicted upon Adachi, filled with tears. Yet, she was silently pulled away before she could speak or act, her small form disappearing among the other captives. The severing of their proximity felt to Adachi like a vital lifeline being cut, he did not know many people in this world, and Leon is the last one with him.

Pushed into a cramped cell, Adachi was not alone as he had feared but thrust among a group of young boys. He made his way to a wall, the cold stone a bleak comfort, and there, he began to cry. Attempting to conceal his breakdown, Adachi curled into a fetal position, his face buried in his knees in a desperate attempt to hide his vulnerability. Yet, despite his efforts, his sobs were too loud, the sound echoing off the stone walls.

Surrounded by strangers yet isolated in his despair.