
How To Breakup With Your First Love

Adachi's ordinary life takes a wild turn when a magical portal whisks him into a mysterious world. Entangled with a sorceress, he embarks on an adventure of self-discovery and explores the enchanting realm beyond the portal's threshold.

TDLS_S · Fantasy
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23 Chs


The frost-laden air crackled, and in this frozen ballet, Zeid advanced towards the ice wolf, the potion's magic cloaking him in an ephemeral heat.

Sensing the surge of killing intent from the knight, Fenrir began conjuring icicles, three crystalline spears materializing around him. Raising its left hand, the wolf prepared to unleash one of the deadly shards at Zeid.

Anticipating the imminent strike, Zeid swiftly lobbed his shield at the beast. Simultaneously, he touched the enchantment on his sword, bellowing, "Sheltorn!" The ground beneath him quivered as shimmering aura shields materialized in front of him, forming a protective barrier.

The wolf, launched the icicle at the knight. The Sheltron, however, shattered upon impact with the icy projectile. In response, Fenrir frustrated by the deflection unleashed a torrent of chaotic movement, running in circles around the cave. The snow danced wildly, an ephemeral storm conjured by the wolf's erratic sprint.

Midst of her spellcasting, Shantotto bellowed over the cacophony, "Thousand Years Storm!" The incantation, alluded to the primal Fenrir's ability to summon a snowstorm that froze everything in its frigid embrace over time.

Unable to match the wolf's speed, Zeid chose to station himself, collecting his shield after the deflection.

meanwhile Shantotto was busy casting

"A pyre-born symphony in the fiery glow,

Above my palm, a sphere takes form,

A ball of magma, a tempest to storm.

Il Gen Megid Shiza Reso"

Fenrir lunged, teeth bared to chew down the knight, but Zeid, swift and nimble, danced around the wolf's assault. With a deft maneuver, the knight eluded Fenrir's grasp, leaving the chilling breath of the ice wolf.

Shantoto spreads her arms open, one of them holding her grimoire, and the other channeling aether on her staff

"A flame with hues, from ember to bright,

A cosmic dance in the velvet of night.

Il Gen Broil Foie Doran"

Fenrir, disengaging from the knight, shifted its gaze towards the sorceress mid-air. A resonant cry echoed through the cavern, shaking the mine walls in response. With a primal intensity, Fenrir readied itself to leap towards the hovering sorceress.

Shantotto, engrossed in her spellcasting, felt the vibrations but remained steadfast. Trusting the knight to keep the wolf at bay, she maintained her position.

"A celestial orb in the heavens' domain,

A celestial dance in my wicked refrain.

 Il Gen Aspected Grants Dia"

Midst the lunar storm that Fenrir conjured, the wolf leaped, claws outstretched, attempting to reach the hovering sorceress.

Sensing the danger, Zeid, with a resolute word, threw his sword, and leaped behind it, the blade gleaming in the icy ambiance. He plunged the weapon into the wolf's back, a strike that cut through the tumultuous air.

Without batting an eye, Shantotto casted

"With words of my tongue, an orb float,

An inferno descends, a radiant light.

Burning in fury, a celestial flare,

Sa Il Gen Gra Broil Flare"

Shantotto, with a decisive flick of her hand, ripped another page from her grimoire. A resonant shout echoed through the cave as she exclaimed, "Ruin!" The magical energy pulsed through the air, tangible and potent.

Amidst the frozen dance, Zeid, the knight, withdrew his sword as Fenrir turned its gaze towards him, claws at the ready, preparing for another onslaught after the initial stab.

Shantotto's voice cut through the chaos once more, loud enough for the knight to hear. "Move away!" she commanded, urgency in her tone. With a swift incantation, she unleashed the spell "Ruin" through the torn paper, each syllable imbued with the raw force of her magic. this time activating the spell at the tip of her tongue.

As Shantotto uttered the word "Ruin," mystical circles materialized around her, a pulsating conduit channeling the potent energies in the frosty air. Yet, in a flourish of command, she added, "Reso!" A surge of power rippled through the arcane patterns, birthing ten additional circles alongside the initial two.

The amalgamation of circles, now twelve in total, shimmered with unleashed energy. Without delay, they shot forth towards Fenrir, an ethereal onslaught weaving through the air.

Released from the throes of spellcasting, Shantotto, with an air of serenity, directed her magic to converse directly with Zeid's mind, akin to the communication she once had with Adachi.

her voice echoed, "We can finally set her free."

Without granting Zeid a moment to respond, Shantotto, with a swift and decisive incantation, cast 

"My spell weaves through the air.