
How to become a god 101

WARNING my stories generally lack spirit i write for fun and to free my head from this particular plot. Expect inconsistency bullshit power ups and messed up logic and also don't expect good grammar.

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Hikaru Genji is that you ?


After about ten minutes, another Einzbern Homunculus came to take me to Einzbern Castle.

They look like carbon copies of each other with their silky white hair, pale skin and red empty eyes.

The only difference i can spot is the shapes of their head but that doesn't always work due to their clothes covering their heads and hairs.

She didn't even introduce herself before she gestured me to follow her lead.


Well, here's the problem i ran into upon leaving the cottage. Magi Hate Modern Technology.

Including motored vehicles.

In this case there wasn't even a horse or something that will take me up the mountain, not that it matters to me but it's sad to see the lack of transportation.

I should have invented cars working with Prana, i can only lament my lack of foresight.

I better build one for Irisviel, since we definitely need a mad driver like her.

I always carry my spatial necklace, it kinda became a regular thing.

I have bunch of stuff in the necklace, tons of metals, forging tools, books for Irisviel and a one heck of a Magi Tablet containing the best movies that came out so far, i also put some movies yet to come out like MCU movies.

Maid2: If you would follow me, as long as you can keep up we sould be able to reach the castle in 2 hours.

Akihiko: Sure.

Although there's no modern civilization i have to give them credit.

They at least paved the way, it wasn't hard to climb.

I dealt with worse environments in Naruto World.


As we climbed we ran into a forest that's actually the start of the bounded field that surrounds the Einzbern Castle.

Going in, i can feel many eyes on me, scanning me for weapons and focusing on my necklace, it's not much of a secret since i sold quite a bit of the spatial necklaces in my Sixth Magician persona, i generally just say i looted off some magus i killed and pass away.

Not being bothered by the eyes watching me, i followed the silent maid through the path and ignored the occasional wolves lurking in the forest.

Finally coming to the outer entrance of the castle one can see that it is a huge ancient castle and well maintained.

At the entrance of the castle there were more maids both welcoming and alert in case i try something "Funny" these guys have trust issues alright.


Finally passing relative the horde of maids with empty eyes.

I was taken to a part of the castle that's looks like a chapel here, i met the current acting head of the Einzbern family.

Also known as Old Man Acth, don't misunderstand though, he's no human.

After losing the third magic and Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern's subsequent death for the creation of the grail, he was made as a golem to achieve the Einzbern's dream.

He has the complete knowledge of the Einzbern's craft and he was tasked with the retrieval of the third magic.

He followed his orders, even after the original Einzberns that created him either left or just straight committed suicide.

Now this golem is standing in front of a cross with a thinking expression on his face as if he's trying to solve a great mystery.

Acth: Mr. Katsuo, do you believe in "god" ?

Now you're asking that to the wrong person.

Akihiko: Depends on what kind, but i didn't think you're the believer type ?

The golem in question just shook his head in dismissal.

Acth: Interesting anwser, as for your question, Einzberns where a Christian family before, not that it is now, just wanted an opinion on it. Now please follow along.

Seriously what's up with all the dramatic effect. Not showing my rising boredom, i started to follow Acth.

Acth: I am assuming, you already know what the war is about, what your contract entails is that, you win the war and bring us the third magic meanwhile you keep the wish that comes with the grail, is that understood ?

Akihiko: Yes.

As we talked, i noticed that we started to go underground where i started to see glass tubes with Homunculus growing inside them.

Acth: You see the last war was rather tragic since the lesser grail got stolen from us, and no one knew who it was, we suspected the church's involvement but it came out empty, afterwards they also joined the investigation due to unexplained reason and we have come to a conclusion.

At this point Acth came to stop at a door and turned towards me as if to make more emphasis on what's he is going to say next.

Acth: The lesser grail was stolen by one of the masters, master of lancer to be precise and he used it without us even realizing it. *Sigh* Alas no one was able to learn his identity idiot didn't even reached the root just used it's wish and vanished, the only thing that was known is that he used modern weaponry.

At this mention i realized that, maybe using guns in the third war was a bit of a mistake.

Akihiko: Well do i look like a over 60 years old.

Acth: Pardon me, i wasn't suspecting you, we have already checked you out before sending an invitation. What i was saying is that we needed someone like you who has "unconventional means" to win.

Akihiko: What about the grail, do you expect me to protect it while fighting as well ?

I already know the answer but playing along i had to ask it.

Mentioning this the door behind him slowly opened on it's own and he turned around and entered while saying.

Acth: That will not be necessary.

Knowing what's coming, i moved inside to have my first meeting with Irisviel von Einzbern.


Getting inside the room, one can see a glass tube tied to some machinery.

Inside the tube is a beautiful looking women, silky white hair that split from the middle while making two bangs in front, a delicate face, a perfect figure, floating in a gel like liquid and completely naked.

Acth: Seeing that the lesser grail either keeps getting destroyed or in the last war's case has a chance of getting stolen, i have decided to make the grail into an Homunculus that could defend itself until the war ends.

If i didn't knew he has no emotions, i would say he had a bit of pride in his tone.

Akihiko: So she's going to come equiped for self defense ? I can work with that but i will have to teach her the modern world if she's going to be following me around.

Acth: I think it doesn't need anything, It just needs to defend itself while you win the war.

We're going to argue already also he keeps calling her "It" *sigh* let's see how this goes.

"Yin Release: Kotoamatsukami"

Akihiko: I am the one that's fighting, she's going to learn everything i will teach, got it.

I must say, i was a bit worried since i never used genjutsu on artificial beings but my fears remained unfounded.

Acth looked like he had trouble making a decision, his eyes clouded as he kept silent, seemingly out of focus for 10 minutes before answering.

Acth: Of course i suppose that makes sense. It will be taken out of the growth chamber in a month then you can teach her whatever you deem needed for the war.

Well it seems he wasn't affected as much as i hoped, golems are less human than Homunculus and he's set to take the most efficient way while following the general Magi rules, also his brain doesn't macth to human brain, i guess genjutsu taking a while is to be expected.

Sure i can just wreak havoc in his brain but i want to use Einzberns for something else after the war, so he gets to live while i worm my way into his head and take over him.

After all he has all the Einzbern's craft in there, all the juicy secrets for their Homunculus.

I don't think i need what he has in there but why not get it while i can.

If i remember they also have the Das Rheingold, practically infinite gold.

It would be a good gift for Tsunade.


During the one month i have spent here while waiting for Irisviel to emerge from her pod, i inspected other Homunculus with "Elemental Sight" to see the condition of their souls and analyze their bodies, since i have to make another body for Irisviel after going to Fuyuki.

My research showed that every Einzbern Homunculus posses something similar to a soul but not really one, it's enough to keep a body functioning but it's not something that would go to afterlife upon death...

Yeah, what they have is like a seed that contains magic circuits, a seed that could bloom into full souls if the right stimuli has been administered.

I was able to perceive the process while analyzing the Homunculus that's been deemed "Malfunctioning" and thrown inside a batch of liquid where they slowly dissolve and wait for their deaths.

I of course gave them a swift death and send their souls to Naruto World to reincarnate, they would have better lives there.

After my observations and theories on Homunculus personalities i have come to the conclusion that they have personality upon birth but it's locked away due to their state.

One of the fears i had was that Irisviel not being the same women that i have watched and came to know through Fate/Zero and *Cough* Prisma Illya *Cough*.

With my research completed i can say that her personality comes from her not how she was raised, so using my final results i have come up with the "Hikaru Genji Plan: Homunculus edition"

I am just going to teach her about the world, history ect. without giving my opinion on it unless she asks and feed her mainstream media.

That should allow her to bloom without getting affected by my personality while still imprinting on me.

To be honest i feel rather sick about the whole "Grooming" women deal but she would remain without a personality if i don't go through with this.

It's funny because i have done many despicable stuff and this is the thing i feel guilty about.


I am currently doing a target practice in the forest since i am rather bored, you can only play solitaire on your tablet for so long.

While i was shooting up targets thrown to air by maids, i heard another maid's footsteps approaching.

I honestly asked for the names of the maids during this month but they just kept a blank look as if they do not understand the concept of having a name, i guess they don't have names they must be being called something but i have yet to figure out.

Maid: Mr. Katsuo, Master Acth asked for your presence, if you please follow me.

During this month i have talked to Acth sometimes, he has been trying to give me magus education since my fake background isn't one of the brightest ones.

I of course used that opportunity to spam Kotoamatsukami, slowly worming in his head.

While walking the ever empty corridors i realize that we're going to a different part of the castle.

Is it finally the time ?


Getting in to the one of the rooms maid informed Acth about my arrival and let me enter.

Getting in i can see that it is indeed the awaited day.

Sitting in front of me is Irisviel in her signature white dress alongside gold motifs and lifeless eyes... Well, i will fix that in upcoming years.

Taking my eyes off her i turn to Acth.

Acth: It has finally finished it's growth, it has spells necessary engraved in it. It's name is Irisviel von Einzbern, you may teach it whatever you necessary to win the war.

Akihiko: Thanks, i finally something to do.

Not hearing or ignoring my comment Acth left the room.

Following his leave i sat across Irisviel and drew her attention by holding my hand towards her.

Akihiko: Hello my name is Katsuo Akihiro, let's get along.

She looks at my hand seemingly confused, of course she would she only knows magecraft but doesn't even know when or how to use it.

She was given everything to defend herself but doesn't even have common sense to figure out what's danger.

*Sigh* Be positive.

I took her hand and squeezed it, then made my introduction once again.

This time she shook my hand.

Irisviel: Irisviel von Einzbern, 4th Lesser Grail, late-Justeaze type Homunculus.

Well... It's progress ?


I made it like this because Irisviel mentioned that the Car was one of the gifts Kiritsugu brought and i really like Irisviel driving so i am going to give her a car as well

TurkishJesuscreators' thoughts