
How to become a god 101

WARNING my stories generally lack spirit i write for fun and to free my head from this particular plot. Expect inconsistency bullshit power ups and messed up logic and also don't expect good grammar.

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Background is Set and Children Adopted


Unlike the popular belief, having Merlin actually helped a lot, it's so ridiculous that it's worth it.

For the past year he was here, he solved the issues that i didn't even knew existed.

He talked with the peaceful races that's on the reverse side which i opened a pathway to release them in the "New World".

They have their own missions of terra forming the planets there for their own living. Why mix them with humans, i have a divinity on them i know what's going to happen to them if i mix them.

There are some volcanic planets housing dwarves and fire attributed races. There are oceanic planets that has water type creatures. Ect.

Each race got themselves a planet and became that planets dominant race. Not like there are life yet, it can support it but there is yet to be but if you plant a tree it will grow.

Those races that got along have portals that allows travel between them.

On the other hand Homunculus are building my version of Valhalla in a separate world that actually sits in the middle dantian and i will have the Throne of Heroes and the other systems and such in the upper dantian where the research chibis can manage them, i have to name these places but that could wait for later.

Also instead of having two entities like Gaia and Alaya i will have one entity responsible of the whole galaxy, like a secretary she will pass my orders to the soon to be gods and take notes from them.

To be honest i am just trying to find ways to laze around.


While Merlin is being overworked to near death i was working on the car... *Sigh*, i am building an entire multi racial cosmos and a way to transport people to it but i can't build a car... To be fair the one that's doing the cosmos it my astral self but still...

This car was working on paper but now there are many problems coming up so i am solving them while Irisviel cheers me on the side.

*Capacitor Explodes on my Face*

Irisviel: You can do it Dear!

She already met with Tsunade when i took Irisviel to see the Elemental Nations, they got along pretty well.

Actually, i never even imagined they would fight since both of them are really humble people and after their meeting Irisviel finally understood why did i mention gambling.

By the way Irisviel kicks ass at gambling, if i keep winning against Tsunade, i keep losing at Irisviel, so it makes a good pair with Tsunade.


During my fifth year here the car has finally finished and i started to teach driving to Irisviel and Tsunade who decided to come along, how to drive.

Akihiko: Tsunade i thought you weren't going come here on this world.

Tsunade: I got bored...

Irisviel: Don't bully my sister, Haru-chan.

Akihiko: Please not that name!

Tsunade/Irisviel: Haru-chan! So cute!

Akihiko: Nooooo!

After a round of driving, knocking some trees they started to learn. Not like car will get damaged this thing is sturdier than a tank.

As a thank you, that night i was ambushed by two beauties for extra "Lessons".


Merlin: Do you really think it was a wise to give those two lovely flowers such a monster without supervision.

Merlin approached me while i was working on a motorcycle for Saber. It appears he has some doubts about their driving skills

Akihiko: I taught them how to drive and they are responsible adults how bad it could get i mean Iris is a reckless driver but Tsunade can stop her...

*Loud explosion noises alongside injured animal cries*

Merlin raised an amused eyebrow.

Akihiko: ...Ehh Tsunade is an expert healer that could heal anything as long as you're still breathing.

Irisviel: Nooo! Fluffy the bear is dead!

Merlin just gave me a smile. I hate that smile

Akihiko: Fine, it was a mistake to give them the car, are you happy ?

Merlin: Actually i am hohoho.


Years went by as we generally horsed around, finished moving Einzberns into my heavenly realm and after 8 years Acth finally made his breakthrough on Einzbern Homunculus.

The newest model Homunculus comes with fully equipped to function like a human(Giving birth, higher emotional capacity ect.) and still able to retain their Homunculus benefits.

Every maid that worked at the castle has already had their souls awakened at this point now i just have to get them into their new bodies.

They even get to select how they are going to look and once their transfer has been finished. Time has come for Irisviel.

Irisviel: So you're saying this new body will look like mine and capable of using Chakra like Tsunade.

Akihiko: Yes and the one you're using now is going to turn into the grail, it's not like we need the grail anyway it's just a milestone at this point.

Irisviel: Will this help in the bed i wonder ?

Akihiko: *Loud Coughing*

Irisviel: By the way where is Tsunade ?

Akihiko: She went to Japan with my wood clone, we are going to adopt a girl to save her from a horrible fate.

She gave me a blaming look.

Irisviel: Another Hikaru Genji plan ?

Akihiko: No! of course not.

I just told her to not to bother, i will have the two play Fate VN with all three routes after the war.

By the way did you know Emiya Shirou well currently his name is Yukihira Souma... Yes THE EMIYA SHIROU is this worlds version of HIM.

They even have a shop in Fuyuki, his dad cooks food like a GOD! *cough* Where was i ?

After another perfect soul replacement, we were looking at the new and improved Irisviel, of course nothing from the outside looks different. She will have to train her chakra but it can be handled since her body won't age and won't die as long as she has Chakra.

I also made training guides for Tsunade to keep her youth and stuff, she follows that regimen like a religion.

Finally everything has been set on this side and there's still 2 years before the war, i am free on this side until we summon Artoria, now the only thing that's left is Sakura.


Chris: Hello there, this is Wood Clone number... Right! number 4. Today i am with Tsunade in our Sixth Magician Christopher Evans persona, driving through Fuyuki and we're going for shopping to buy a little five year old...

Tsunade: Can you please not do a monologue, it's weird.

Chris: Aww men, you'd be more kind to me if i was the original.

Tsunade: I would have punched you out if you were the original.

Chris: ...

Anyway we're here to adopt Sakura 2 years before the war since it has to be at least half a year or a year before Sakura falls in the hands of Zouken, we decided to act early.

Driving through the city we stopped in front of a small sized Japanese Restaurant.

Tsunade: You said we're going to meet the girls parents, why did we stop here.

Chris: I had a craving, come on you won't be disappointed.

Getting out of the car we entered the Restaurant, it looks cozy and welcoming there's a man with red hair in his late 20's at the counter cooking rice and there's a little 5 year old boy running around helping his dad around.

Seeing the boy i smiled, no wonder he's good at cooking.

Sitting down we ordered Chicken Tempura and waited for our meals while casually teasing "Little Emiya Shirou".

The meal that came can only be described as heavenly. Not digging in before Tsunade i waited until she ate and burst her clothes.

I recorded that, that stuff is going to archives.

Tsunade: What was that, it tastes so good*lost herself in food*

Chuckling at her reaction i ate my food... Damn so good!.


After our stop at Yukihira's i drove to the Tohsaka manor they're already aware of my visit.

I don't have to let them know not like they can offend me, actually this is my first leave from the Tower ever since my little show with ORT i only talked with Zelretch it appears rumors about me have come a long way.

Parking the car(This one is a normal car, not the one i built) in front of Tohsaka manor, i left the car and opened the door for Tsunade.

Tokiomi and his Wife already waiting for me in front, they seemed shocked to see a women wearing a ring alongside me.

Moving close i put my hand forward.

Chris: Hello, Mr. Tohsaka thank you for accepting my request to meet.

And this is how you threw people off balance, he looked so lost for a second, it seems rumors about me wasn't that good.

Tokiomi: Ye-s, no *Cough* sorry it's my pleasure to meet with Sixth Magician, i just didn't expected you to be...

Aoi: We were just surprised to see you being such a approachable person.

Tokiomi: Yes, sorry for my blunder earlier, also this is my wife Aoi.

Chris: Hello, this lovely lady over here's my wife Tsunade.

Tokiomi: We didn't know you were married, congratulations.

Chris: Thank you.

Aoi: Now if you please follow me inside.

After the the initial meeting we moved into the living room of the house where we talked about Jewel magecraft for a while before Tokiomi finally asked why am i here.

Putting my cup down, i looked right through his eyes as i started speaking.

Chris: I would like to adopt and pass on the Sixth Magic to your younger daughter.

*Jazz music stops*

It took a while to Tokiomi to get a hold of himself. While Aoi held her breath.

Tokiomi: May i ask why Sakura and not Rin ?

Chris: Don't get me wrong both of your daughters have talent beyond what could be described as natural but you are not going to teach your youngest right ? with that kind of talent and without a backer or training she will only get herself killed.

Sadly i know what he's thinking, he's thinking for a way to get Rin trained as well to get the Sixth Magic for the family instead of what i proposed, *sigh* standard magus, this is one of the reasons that i will not save him.

Chris: My time is precious Tokiomi, I need a successor and Sakura is a perfect candidate not Rin. So if you're thinking of something else i can wait a couple centuries for another successor.

My reminder of his place got him out of his thinking. I can manipulate reality and here i am asking nicely, most people would just kidnap his daughter if they were in my place.

Tokiomi: Yes of course, sorry.

I can see that Aoi is unwilling to say goodbye to her daughter lucky for her i wasn't planning on separating them. Thus turning to her i addressed her concerns.

Chris: Mrs. Tohsaka i have bought a Japanese house at the North end of Miyama town you're daughter won't be far away and i don't want to separate her from her sister until they both get old enough to understand what's going on.

My comment put Aoi at ease while Tokiomi was scared of living with a magician in town but they never had a chance in the first place, if i wanted i could have just used genjutsu to erase Sakura out of their head.

After the Geis was signed, i exchanged ID Jewels with Tokiomi then gave him my home address.

They are going to talk and bring Sakura later this week to start her training they did say both of them knows how to read despite their young age, meanwhile i am going to patch up the "Emiya Residence"(Now it's going to be called Senju Residence because why the fuck not)


While we were driving to our house Tsunade addressed to me.

Tsunade: That man is worse than Orochimaru at least he didn't hide his creepiness and intentions.

You know you're bad if Tsunade compares to you Orochimaru and Tokiomi is not even the worst of them.

Orochimaru even made a Jutsu that would let him reincarnate while keeping his chakra levels.

It's disturbing but he didn't do anything bad, not like i never did shit like that.(Orochimaru never deflected never did inhumane experiments as we know of here, that's why Tsunade is comparing them)

He was actually rather joyous at the idea of having parents again. Good for him i guess.


Getting to the house that would have been the home of Emiya Shirou in another world, i can see that it's pretty run down and there are woods that are broken.

I just used Restoration to whole house and brought it back to day it was built then i replaced the wood with wood release, once i was finished, i put out some bounded fields that made this place look like a fortress.

Tsunade: Is all of that necessary ? I thought this world was "Civilised".

Chris: Most normal humans are but Magi are just savages acting like they're civilised. Hence the protections.


On Saturday morning of the same week our doorbell was rang, opening the door i can see Aoi alongside Rin and Sakura, Aoi is clearly surprised to see me open the door.

I guess she was confused why there was a different name at the door.

Chris: Well, what are you three waiting for come on in.

Not bothering with their reactions i moved to the living room and gestured them to sit while Tsunade brought tea for Aoi and some juice for the kids.

Chris: So how did it go between the little ones.

Aoi: Ah yes, sorry, me and my husband are okay with the situation but i would like to know why didn't you take Sakura with you ?

Shaking my head i answered.

Chris: What's the point of separation. They are sisters for God's sake they need each other while growing up.

Aoi: Forgive me please just i wanted to be sure as a mother, i hope i didn't offend...

As she was talking Tsunade put a hand on her shoulder comforting her.

While Tsunade take care of Aoi, i moved towards the siblings

Chris: Alrighty then, hello there girls nice to meet you. My name is Christopher Evans The Sixth Magician, you can just call me old man.

Sakura seems like she's out of it, it must be her origin of hollow affecting her but as i introduced myself Rin's eyes got brighter like a lamp and just broke at the end.

I never seen a visual representation of someone's hopes getting up and just breaking like this.

Rin: *sigh* Then old man it is, why do you want Sakura ?

Chris: She's suited to be my successor that's all.

The thing is that Rin has always been a good judge of character, she even hated Kirei upon meeting.

So hearing me answer truthfully she just nodded and whispered into Sakura's ear, this caused the little girl to visibly relax and smile.

Aoi: Mr. Evans sir your wife told me that you know the reason Sakura is always out of focus ?

Chris: It's her Origin "Hollow" manifesting itself, that's one of the reasons i didn't want her separated from her family.

Aoi may not be a Magus herself but she came from a family of magi, she knew what i was talking about, she can only lament her daughter's misfortune of manifesting her origin at such young age.

It doesn't matter i have already sent some chakra in her it should both protect her from the affect of her Origin and start forming her pathways.

I will make a badass magus out of her. I wanted to make the same with Rin but i know Tokiomi is going to transplant the family crest to her in the next two years, i will have to wait for that to finish.
