
How to be the Vampire queen

This story is about blah blah blah, we all heard it by now. The protagonist got killed and then woke up in a fantasy world with magic. After that, the protagonist became a hero, killed the bad guys while still being naive as fuck and then ended up with a harem for whatever reason. do I need to mention how shitty the female character is?! and why is the protagonist always a male and is stupid! i wanna see blood, not how he decided to be a good person after killing a village of orcs! how about a story where the protagonist is a villain? where they create a kingdom by themselves from nothing, is ruthless, and is a female? fuck those protagonist that is kind and help others I wanna see blood! fuck them humans! ok, ahem, I may have gotten ahead of myself. Welcome to my story or the start of it, as I am currently stuck in a dungeon after reading a shitty ass novel i found on a website.

WELL · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

I killed 3 more rats before I found this.... boar? I have no idea how to explain this thing in front of me, it look like what would happen if a dog had sex with a boar. this thing could hurt me if I wasn't careful. it is as big as a medium-sized dog.

I am not one to risk my life trying to kill something, i don't know if I can handle but while I was killing a family of rats, I found an old spear which boost my confidence. the thing that worries me is that boar usually has very thick hides.

I feel a lot better after eating a total of 5 rat the whole time I was alive in this body. Now let talk about the spear. The rod of the spear is beyond fucked, rust form everywhere to the point I don't even want to hold the spear itself but I ain't going to back out. The tip of the spear was a whole different story, it look like it had just been made yesterday.

Ah, right, I forgot to mention I am completely nude if that helps with my situation. I also cut my hair with the spear because it was too long and would be a big problem if my enemies grabbed it. My hair is now resting a little past my shoulder.

Now my plan is using my speed, I would rush into and stab the boar right on it side, to pierce it heart. now I am not stupid, I did test the blade of the spear to make sure it wouldn't break, and it definitely was strong enough. I even threw it with all my strength against the wall, and it made a hole in wall where i spent 20 minutes trying to pull it out.

I crouched down before focusing on the boar. I am still in the maze hallway, and it is quite narrow. the reason the boar didn't see me is because I am poking my head out of the corner. then the boar turned its backs against me, how perfect.

The sound of wind rushing as I ambush the boar can be heard. my footsteps were silent, another trick of being a vampire. I stab the boar right on its side, combining my speed with my strength. I think I heard a rib crack as the boar let out a screen that sounded like a pig trying to howl. it crashes on the wall as i push my spear deep inside, keeping it from moving with my barely non-existent body weight as it thrash around, glaring at me with that ugly face.

It didn't move around any longer as I definitely hit an important organ, i did aim for it heart but that doesn't mean I am an expert at boar fuck face over here. I let out a sigh of relief as I pulled out the spear, letting the blood from the spear flow in my mouth first before I started to enjoy the main body.

You be surprised at how such a small body could eat a whole boar. Now, before anyone starts asking me questions, yes, I do eat the fur, too. Yes, it doesn't taste that good compared to the other part of the body, but it is no problem once I pair it with the blood.

The boar blood seems to be thicker than the rat blood, but it is definitely a welcome. "Mmmm, so tasty, who knew raw meat would taste this good?" I couldn't eat the bone of the boar. It was hard to chew compared to the rats, but I made sure to pull out every last piece of flesh on the bone.

now I did finish most of the boar completely after around an hour of eating and taking my time. while I was doing that, I could finally try the blood magic due to having a lot of boar blood.

Now let me explain how I can feel Mana, you know how when you drink water or eat full you feel full right? now it is the same concept, but it is a whole different kind of sense completely. I could feel that I had some mana, my body.

Using mana is a completely different task. I failed at blood magic at least 30 times before I actually got it. Even with Kaurna memories, it is still hard. I managed to create an arrow, no bigger than a pencil, and shoot it at the wall. It did not disappoint as I saw a a hole 7times the arrow size appeared, but I had already finished my Mana at just practicing, so I decided to rest for the day.

of course, I wasn't going to sleep in the open. That's why I threw my spear on the wall and got up to sleep on it. uncomfortable, but high enough to be saved. My strength definitely came back after the boar hunt. Even my Mana is regenerating at a rapid rate. Also, thank god my fat and muscle started to come back, too! I can't live without my tits you know!


You know how, in a novel, the protagonist never uses the bathroom? well, I just did. No, seriously. No one ever talks about the consequences of eating and drinking raw animal blood and flesh. The shit is horrendous. Thank God, I kept some boar hide to wipe myself.

Those fantasy novels made it seem like the protagonist is always clean even though he has been trapped in a dungeon for years or in those life or death tutorials. To be far, it would have been 10 times easier to be trapped in a tutorial.

At the moment, I have been walking through this god forsaken maze, for who knows how long. I try my best using my senses, but everywhere is literally just a long hallway with rat and bullshit. I didn't come across any more boar, which is disappointing.

My whole time was just me walking, eating rats, and waiting for my Mana to fill up fully because I really wanted to test my Monarch skill.

I let out a yawn. This is boring, but I prefer this, then fighting to my death. my ears suddenly pick up a new sound. I can hear water! I start running towards it, finally a bath!

My track then stopped when I realized that I was in an underground cave with a river running through it. Ok, this is not how I imagined the entrance to be like. There is what seems like crystal hanging from the roof of the cave. The wall of the cave seems to be grimmer with red as I feel Mana all around me.

" Where the fuck am i?"