
How To Be Omnipotent :re

aka why reincarnating a psychopath with overpowered cheat will be bad for the multiverse

NotShige · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

That was very weird.

[Omnipotent System Activating]

The ball in his hands dropped.

A blink. Then another one. And with shaking fingers, he pinched his cheek.

Pain. And the screen is still there.

The sound of a sheep getting slaughtered reverberated thorough the room.


Takeru was, to say the least, fucking ecstatic. He have a system. His own system. Apparently, the author of his life is one of those filthy degenerates that likes writing disgusting wish-fulfillment stories. And that is an amazing thing for him.

It's common knowledge that every wish-fulfillment stories in the entire internet are harem, with an overpowered main character, some fucking here and there, and of course, the mandatory gamer system. And for Takeru being inside of one, as the protagonist nonetheless, judging as he has a system, the question of him being an overpowered hedonistic bastard will now just be when.

"My balls are fucking throbbing right now"

Yet one question remains. What does this system do anyways?

"Uh, system? How do you work?" A very beta way of asking.

[Omnipotent System Activated]

[Omnipotent System is a system that will make the host omnipotent.]

"Helpful." The sarcasm here is thick.

[Host will be able to master skills instantly, no matter the difficulty. Host will also get a chance to roll a random skill every week. The chances are totally random and are not rigged. Definitely not.]

"I am quite doubtful of that. But I don't care. I'm too lazy to ask. Just how do you work?"

[You can get skills by being taught by others or by books and the likes. No matter how difficult it is, you will master the skill. No questions asked.]

[Also, due to being new to the system, host has 3 free skill rolls.]



It is safe to say that Takeru went wild.


The little piece of pineapple pizza is currently standing on the bed, blue lightning around him, circling his body like a vortex. While laughing like a madman, he willed the lightning to form a shape. And the lightning did. Not even a second later, a head of a Qilin made entirely of blue condensed lightning formed in front of him. Saying that the room is painfully bright is an understatement. It's very weird how no one is checking on him yet.

"Ouch! Mistake mistake mistake. Can't see anything!" Takeru grumbled, willing the lightning to go away.

The room went back to normal, annoying lightning now gone. With a sigh of satisfaction, he sat on his bed and willed his system to appear.

[Electricity Manipulation

The user can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), and electronics. One could eventually grow to manipulate the weather and create thunderstorms.]

"This is too broken." That was, in fact, a massive understatement.

First of all, he can use it to channel electricity to something or someone. He can also fry a person's nervous system with it. Not to mention his electric presence. If not for him tuning it down, he might as well electrify the entire city of Tokyo. But what really made him scared is that he can also manipulate electric fields. With that alone, he can disintegrate anything. He has total control on the force that holds atoms together.

"I might as well be god." Takeru muttered while using his Electroreception to sense his aunt downstairs washing the dishes. While also dancing to some music on her headphones, explaining while his cringe ass yell was ignored.

With a short giddy laugh, he took a look at his other skills he got from his rolls.

[Omni-Surface Movement

User can move effortlessly on any surface whether separated, horizontal, floating, diagonal, vertical, inverted, perpendicular, unlevel (high or low), moving, rotating, accelerating, etc. They can also move on surfaces that are moving even though the object itself is not moving, such as conveyor belts and the surface off fixed wheels.]

[Power Negation

The user can cancel out the powers of others and/or their effects, making them unable to utilize their powers as long as they are under the user's focus/area. This is useful in a supportive role as it can protects the user from harmful attacks, and even possible undo the simulating-passive alternation powers of an opponent, in turn making them powerless. This can be in a form a nullification zone, a wave, continuous or one-time effect.]

"I will personally lick the shoe of whoever gave me this system."

Putting a hand on his chin, he began to think of what he will do from now on.

'Electricity Manipulation alone makes me one overly broken piece of shit. Giving me Power Negation is just asking for the end of the world. Good thing is, I don't need anything to consume to activate them. No need for mana or other things. Not even energy.'

Licking his lips, his eyes went to one of his skills.

'Omni-Surface Movement. While not as flashy as the other two, it's still enough to make me look cool. Being able to effortlessly move on anything was a handy skill to have. Not to mention the skill also enhanced his balance.'

"Still though, I also need to improve my body so I can do those anime-ish maneuvers." He flopped on his bed.

"I can start now but..." He raised his little hands and looked at them.

'Nah, I'll start tomorrow.'


One week later...

'I forgot.'

Sighing and putting a palm on his face, Takeru slumped on the swing.

Currently, him, together with Toru and Suzune, are on the playground. With nothing else gaining his attention other than two kids throwing sand at each other, he went to sit on the swing on one side. Looking like he has PTSD, he just sat there, face blank.

'I guess I'll just wait 'till I get a skill that gives me enhanced physiology.'

Laziness at its finest.

[+3 Skill Rolls]


"Mommy, why does that kid look creepy?"

i forgot my password. again.

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