
Being Blessed With The Light

''Yeah, I'm a healer. I'm blessed with the light so it'd be a waste not to improve myself in this class,'' I said. I actually specialized in two different classes, but there was no need to mention that now.

Casey didn't seem to be impressed. ''Come in,'' She said as she entered one of the doors in the hall. ''Let's decide on the details.''

I followed her to the simply designed room, a few chairs and a desk. She sat without offering me a sit, so I got one of the chairs without needing an offer. I guessed she was reading the quest instructions when she started looking into the void.

Finally, she has done with reading and turned me, ''Honey, pollen and herbs. Do you have the equipment we need to keep herbs fresh and transport them? Or we can borrow the equipment from the guild. For a small fee, of course.''

''No, I don't have. Still, I don't need them to be fresh. Normal equipment would do,'' I said and thought for a moment, ''As long as it's not metal. It'd do. You know, to avoid oxidation.''

Casey leaned her chair and crossed her arms, ''Don't usually chemists have space and time bending bags to keep things fresh or grow herbs fast that are as expensive as hell? Where is yours?''

''I lost it,'' I said casually.

Casey raised her eyebrows, ''So why don't you buy another one?''

''Because,'' I said as if the reason was obvious, ''My money was in it.'' Casey kept me looking with an unpleasant face. ''It seems like you don't trust me, Casey. You're breaking my heart,'' I said.

''Don't take it personal, I don't like to entrust to watch my team's back to someone I just met,'' She said.

''I see and appreciate. But as you said, what kind of bad intention can I have towards you, I just met or a team, I haven't met yet?'' I said. ''Believe me, I wouldn't make myself an enemy to a guild for some honey and herb.''

Casey thought for a few seconds without broking eye contact with me before nodding slowly. ''You are right, as I said, don't take it personal. This is just the way I am. It's still noon, I can get the newbies ready in an hour. I think we can set out today and find somewhere to camp.''

I nodded, I was glad I could get Casey to believe in myself. How would I be a good liar if no one believed it even when I told the truth? Well, something near the truth. ''It's okay for me. So I'll be back in an hour,'' I said and left the room.

An inner voice was telling me that Casey had no interest in greetings and goodbyes. Many people would try to learn the rules of courtesy when they had a certain success in life, no matter what circumstances they were born.

However adventurers spend their lives with beasts rather than humans, and most of them, no matter how much they climb the social ladder, spend their free time with loved ones rather than learning how to use a fork and who should bow their head.

Since I am currently not a noble, I had no right to complain about people's mannerisms and ask them to behave properly. Even back then, when I was a noble, I wouldn't ask. To be honest, I had more fun sharing a slice of bread with my team in the dungeons than when I had dinner with the kings.

The fox has interrupted my homesickness, ''Are you really a healer?''

I asked as I was heading to one of the most notorious places in the city, ''Didn't you dig into my memories?''

''I am a heritage of lust demons' breed. I only have access to your lust-related memories. I must say I'm disappointed,'' It sighed in my mind. ''Healer, huh?''

''Not exactly, but yes, I can heal thanks to light element. Since the light still with me, I'm sure that with a little bit of practice I can learn the skill I use to heal,'' I said to the fox.

I was currently looking around, and it didn't take long to find what was I looking for. A man and woman in light armor were examining everyone who entered a street, looking for their prey. I headed that street and made sure I'm looking innocent.

''Are you sure? People generally have struggled for years to learn a skill,'' The fox chuckled in disbelief. ''Also what are you doing here?''

''I'm sure. I'm a genius when it comes to light skills. I'm looking for a few practice partners,'' I said. I looked behind me and seeing the two following me, following the map of the town on the web, I headed for the closest and desolate blind alley.

When I reached the dead end, I turned to face two malicious grins. ''My practice partners here. Why don't you show up and say hello?'' I said to the fox.

''...no, thanks,'' It said.

''Spill all the money and clothes. If you behave well, maybe I won't hurt you,'' The male one said. I broke the dam I learned from the guide so that the skill does not overload my brain again and looked at them.

The man desired just what he said, but the woman was not happy with the situation. She had no problem robbing people and sometimes kidnapping and selling them, but she didn't like the man not being content with herself and r*ping their victims.

''Ooh, lovebirds. How cute,'' The fox said. I thought as I looked at the two approaching step by step. With light element, my skill, and more importantly, with years of fighting experience, one on one wouldn't be a problem.

However, such people always had gangs not far away. If the woman ran away while I was dealing with the man, she would return with ten more gang members. I had to find a way to keep two of them here.

''Com'on, don't keep me waiting. The longer it takes you to undress, the angrier I will be,'' He said.

''Come and do it yourself if you are able to,'' I said and decided to capture the girl's mind since it's easier, and then I'd get the man with the way I know.

''As you please milady,'' He said and approached me. I called the light and asked for an illusion made of the scenes I found in the woman's mind. The man loved his girlfriend to watch as he fucked other women. I was going to show the woman what she expected to see.

Just as I expected, the woman fell in an instant without resisting. Although my level was too low to make a good illusion, it was enough to cheat a street bum. But the biggest reason the woman was so easily defeated was that I knew exactly what was going through her heart.

The man already came to me as I cheered on the possibilities of the combination of light and the desires of heart skill. I measured the man by looking at his stance, gait, and equipment.

It wasn't a fair match at all. He probably had no fighting experience other than beating weak and attacking a person with a gang. So I didn't bother myself to be serious. A kick to the balls and it was done. When he crouched in pain, I grabbed his hair and banged his head against the wall.

I put the heel of my boot into his mouth to drown his scream when the man fell to the ground, then spent a second to check the woman's state. She was still in the illusion. She was just standing on the street looking at us with blind eyes.

''Now what?'' The fox asked.

''Now...'' I said it aloud for the man to hear, ''...I need to practice a heal skill so I'll make this man's poor hurt balls feel so good.'' Thinking about how I can stop the man from both screaming and moving, I hesitated for a few seconds. Then I sat on his face and nailed his arms to the ground with my legs.

Since the man's legs are free, if it wasn't for the shock and pain, he might have a chance to escape. But after I grabbed the blade from the man's waist and cut off critical tendons, there was no chance to escape anymore.

''Does this have a purpose or is it just that you like it?'' The fox asked.

''Nah, I'm not a sadist,'' I said. ''All my tortures have a purpose.''

''Hmm... Yeah. I don't feel you're aroused from this. So why did you come to this place to sit a man's face?''

''Well...'' I ran my hands on the man until I reached his balls. A few seconds later my hands started to bright with a yellowish light and he shook under me. ''When I first started studying the light I realized something, the world must have a balance.''

Under my long skirt and between my leather boots the man was trying to breathe. I moved my hips a little to give him enough space to breathe but not scream. ''We should give back as much as we gain, so we can live without karma behind us. So...''

When I feel he's healed except for the wounds preventing him from running, I stopped healing and reached his blade. ''...so I had to heal someone for every wound I made and make a wound for every wound I healed. Because the light has to be fair. Just as the sun shines above everyone.''

''Oh... I never think like this. I always thought healers were kind-hearted.''

''Well, not all of us. Now if you excuse me, I'm a little busy as you can see,'' I said.

When I finally stand up, half an hour had already passed and the man had passed out for a while. I looked at the woman who still hadn't gotten out of the illusion. She was on the ground, playing with herself on all fours. The first thing anyone entering the street would see was her pussy.

Since the illusion was depended on what was on the woman's mind, I didn't know what she was seeing now, but I could taste her lust in the air. ''Probably first she watched his lover r*pe you, then you all had a threesome.''

''Eww... fuck. Why did you say that? I imagined it now I'm going to throw up,'' I said disgustingly.

The fox sighed, ''I wonder if you can still say that when you're at level 50. Succubus' path is not covered with flowers. Whatever, will you eat this lust?''

I thought for a second, ''Well, why not.'' I inhaled and drank the lust in the air as if qi. Every time I did this, I was feeling my tattoo was burning. It wasn't a bad feeling, but it was... weird. I looked at the woman, ''You, stop. Strip off and give me your armor,'' I said.

She obeyed. I don't know when she would come out of the illusion, but probably someone would have noticed the two's absence and came here soon. When I got out of the alley, I was ready to return to the forest with the man's short blade and the woman's light armor.

''Won't you kill them?'' The fox asked.

''Why would I do? They cannot describe me. I made sure of that. This short blade can be a bit of a problem though.'' The blade was well made and had gems on it. It was probably stolen.

''Did you get the skill?'' The fox asked. I smiled.

{Name: Sora Al'naar

Breed: Demonic, Succubus; Level 1

Skills: Desires of Heart, Justice of the Light}

Next Chapter: Camp at the Forest

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