
How To Be A Hero!

Alice Strong is summoned. . .for the 6th time in her 15 years of life. Yet, for the first time, someone suffered the bad luck of being roped into the summoning as well, and that someone was her best friend. Vowing to keep her friend's hands from being dirtied, or at least keep her burdens small, she retreats backwards. Becoming a hidden shadow as she slowly builds an organization to oppose the world's order. This is the story of White Rose and two girls. The story of the idealized version of a hero and what it takes to truly be one. The story of a hero and a needed darkness that supports them. Two sides of the same coin. ---- *Also available on Wattpad. *This story uses multiple povs as well as first and third person narration. Though the majority is in first person. *Any media within this book is not of my own.

LotsChrono · Fantasy
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16 Chs

[13] I Need Money

1 (Fram)

I currently have a problem.

You see, I am broke. Very broke.

My family is noble in name only. My father is a knight who graduated from Albion's Knight Academy and successfully found service under the kingdom. He lived properly and with rigor but had never been strong enough to do any meritorious activity that would award him land or a higher title. As such, we were nobles without any large estate or property.

Basically, we are super duper poor for nobles and nobility without money simply doesn't put you at the same status as others. Especially if you are merely a knight, which many see as simply an honorary rank. After all, it's the easiest status to achieve.

The tuition for this school alone runs my family's funds dry.

In the end. . .

"I'm starving. . ."

My stomach grumbled as I muttered, lying my head on the table of my dorm room.

The friend by my side, Jack, perked up his gaze at my words. He was even in worse shape than me, seeing as he was a peasant, but there he was with that suspicious non-hunger of his. How does he always do it? Is he a master at saving money or does he simply have a hidden stash of funds? I wouldn't trust either, seeing as he had joined me in the entrance ceremony.

". . .why don't you just let that girl give you lunch again? She seems nice enough that she'd be willing to waste the kingdom's funds on you." He asked.


My friend sure says some odd things. Why would I do that. Does he want to embarrass me?. . .I'll just let that sly dig at me go.

"No way," I rejected that idea with a strong conviction, "Where would my pride be as a man then?"

He raised a brow at my words and looked at me as if I were an idiot. That was just the type of face he had, even when relaxed, he looked at the world as if everyone was delusional.

I shook my head with two tsks.

"Look, I have a plan," I wagged my finger and grinned.

2 (Alice)

The day's training consisted of a lap around the school grounds, which tired most people on its own and the dreaded after. What came was Mr. Vess's yells and a bout of rotating sparring. It was simple, really, we all had a minute to spar with someone, then he yelled at the top of his lungs, and we moved and switched partners.

There was no breaks.

Sweat riddled our bodies as students moaned in anguish of their numbing figures.

Still, everyone forced themselves to swing their weapons because the alternative was punishment disguised as training.

Before long, we were intermingling push-ups and crunches between each spar, forcing many to begin to use their mana wherever they could.

"Now that's what I like to see," Brillian laughed, gloating as he watched us drown in sweat, "Reminds me of the good ol days when I first became a mercenary."

Supposedly, soon enough, he would be introducing actual sword techniques the knights of the kingdom used, mixed with that which were developed by the academy itself. Extending on that, there was talks that tomorrow's second section of the day would consist of learning what Battle Arts were.

Of course, I was still enjoying myself either way. Though, the poor lad, Fram, suffered the punishment of a spar with Brillian when he was caught slacking off.

"Boy, put your back into it,"The instructor swung down with a grin, his hand flashing in a speed I doubted anyone but I could follow.

"Y-yes sir!" Fram tried desperately to block his assault, raising his weapon and becoming nothing more than a punching bag.

Lunch time came and Shana was running late, just as previously. I sat with the two boys, one of which was enjoying his meal while the other stared intently at my face.

"Hey," Fram called my attention.

"Hmm?" I raised a brow.

"Want to come with us, after this, to a Monster Arena?"

. . .what is this boy saying?

"A what now?"

"A monster arena," His eyes still looked intently at mine, fiery even, as he spoke, "A place where you can fight monsters for the entertainment of others in return for money, or place bets."

Hmm. That didn't sound half bad.

"So. . .is this your idea of a date between us?" I tilted my head, a smile on my lips as I teased him.

At that comment, he visibly blushed. That was quite cute, if I do say so myself.

"No no, I just want money," He explained while shaking his head, as crudely honest with his thoughts as always, "Nothing but money."

"What makes you think I would be interested though?"

He blinked his eyes in confusion, "Huh? Who doesn't want more money? Don't tell me you're secretly rich?"

"Hmmm. . ."

Well. . .he was correct.

I needed some funds as well. Not immediately, but it would come in handy in the future when I found things in this world worth purchasing. In addition, it could act as a safety net if the kingdom ever decided to go back on its words. It wouldn't be the first time I've dealt with uncertainties.

So, I agreed.

"That sounds fine, then. I'm supposing he's coming along as well?" I glanced at Jack.

"Unfortunately," He shrugged, "Someone has to watch him and make sure he doesn't pass out a third time."

"You have a harsh tongue, you know that?" Fram tsked.

"It's just tough love," Jack merely waved his hands.

Those two got along quite well, I thought, watching their antics with mild interest.

We continued our lunch, Shana never having showed her face through the ordeal.

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