
How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

How is it you go about defining good and evil? A question that has plagued the mind of our protagonist ever since he was born. ............... Floid, a young man born on earth suddenly finds himself transported into a world of magic and demons after playing the mysterious game 'Rivalle'. But in this world, he is reincarnated as a demon instead of the regular hero he played as. Join Floid as he paves his own path in this new world as a demons while facing suspicion for looking just like the greatest enemy of the demons, the hero. ....... I'd like to put this here for all those who will be interested in reading. This book is not the sort of novel where the main character goes around taking all the abilities in the world for himself. Nor would it be a book where only the main character has screen time and we only focus on what he's doing as he goes around saving damsels in distress. I want to write a novel where all the characters have their personalities and trials. The readers do not have to love only the MC since all the characters have something worth relating to, they can like any of the characters. There will be powers that the MC cannot have (Ever) and people the MC cannot fight (For now). Things will happen outside of the MC's control and he might never even know about it. If things like these aren't to your liking, or if you want a book where you just watch the MC run around and spawn crazy skills mindlessly, then this book might not be for you. But if you can stay with me on this journey, I promise to write something you'll love. -D_RegalInsomniac ........... This book will be a mix of magic, kingdom building and an absurdly interesting cast of characters. Everything that they do will be perfectly explained and all questions are welcome. Just like always, I will make a discord for us all to meet and see our favorite characters soon! ........ I'm currently working hard to correct some spelling errors in some chapters, so if you see any unfixed errors, please bear with me. ........ Please note, the harem will not be beyond five members and they will all be demon girls. The main character has a distaste for human nature and so he will not have any special relationship with any of them other than occasional sex. Thank you and see you inside! ...... P.P.S. Our discord is live!! Wanna see what your favourite characters look like, or you just wanna chat with other readers? Then use the link below!: https://discord.gg/FGrRuwE2TH

D_RegalInsomniac · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Sometimes, A Reckless Charge Works. But When It Doesn't...

Hampshire was an adventurer town, but recently, the number of soldiers in the town has increased because of some rumors that the demon king's army was going to try and attack this village. How can the demon lord's army take a human settlement from us!? We will stop them and finally erase the last of those demons from this world!

Among the soldiers summoned were some very strong A-class knights. The A-class knights walked with their heads held high and their swords gleamed at their side as the people around whispered praises at them! Yes! It was a thing of great pride to be an A-class! Being an A-class makes you an important asset to the kingdom and no one will ever be able to touch you! Anything you do will be forgiven by the king. A-class knights are like high-value assets to the kingdom and so they are permitted to do whatever they want most of the time. This has led the knights to be involved in some shady cases. Like one time when a knight was accused of killing a woman because she didn't want to sleep with him.

Even though the evidence was pointing to the truth of the matter, nobody will really persecute the knight! Other than a slight slap on the wrist, and maybe a fine, the knight will be allowed to go free. When you are comparing the life of a civilian to the life of a knight, it is obvious which one is more important. Will you be the one to protect the kingdom when the demons attack? No? Then don't antagonize the knights! They are assets to the kingdom so none of them can be antagonized!

But even though the knights were obviously corrupt, the people in the kingdom still loved and praised them. Mainly because every one of them has been saved once or twice by a knight before. Human beings were simple-minded creatures. The simple fact that the knights saved their lives erased all past misdeeds at once! You can't possibly hate your savior no matter how you try! That was human reasoning!

Along with the A-class knights, a lot of B-class and C-class knights were also summoned to the village. It was a shock to most of the villagers to see this many knights here just for a simple attack from the demon lord's army. But when they took into account that this is the last of the demon lord's army they understood! If the kingdom can get rid of this army then they will be able to finally say that they have defeated the demon lord!

Nobody was allowed to make a mistake here today! Every demon must die! This was also the thought of the A-class leader of the knights! He is the one that stands at the pinnacle of all the knights here and he is even close to gaining an SS class skill if he really tried hard! He was standing in front of his army as they watched the horizon. The adventurers from the town were stationed inside to make sure none of the demons go in. He would make sure that he gets the kingdom's recognition here today! He cannot fail this mission.

"There they come, sir!"

"Look at the army! They're huge! Are those giants!?"

"Okay men, stay your ground. Only attack on my signal!"

The last person to shout was the leader himself. He brought out his sword and faced the large army that was coming their way. The army might look terrifying because of their size, but even those giants were not a match for an A-class knight! I can cut down a giant on my own if I try and I'm sure that the other A-class knights here will be able to take care of the other giants! There are only five giants so we should be fine if we play this right!

The succubus, Lilith was moving forward with a large army of almost a thousand behind her. She was a beautiful woman with purple hair and eyes. She wore a long gown that had a long slit down the side to show off her long legs and also a choker that gleamed with a purple crystal.


Lily shouted this out to the army and they stopped, but it was obvious that some of them did not enjoy taking orders from her. The goblins behind her were even grumbling. She was not stupid and she knew that the army here didn't come with her because they respected her. The only reason this army gathered was that she was once the demon queen's right hand. They were only trying one last time because of the demon Queen!

But Lilith didn't care! As long as they can get this town back from the kingdom then they will be able to start their revolution. This is a war that they have not yet lost! The hero was the only reason why the human kingdom could win the war the way they did and Lilith hasn't heard a word about him in almost a hundred years! She was sure the hero was either dead or he has moved on to some other place! At least she can use this time to get the kingdom to release some of the towns and villages!

"Form a pincer attack. Giants, take up your weapon! Undead prepare your magic attacks!"

Lilith shouted this out to the army and she was glad when they all followed her instructions. The giants in the army were her main attack force right now! The giants could throw rocks at almost five hundred km/hr and destroy the army in the distance. There wasn't even a wall protecting the town, so if they can just get past the army then they will be able to get into the town.

The pincer attackers will double back from behind and release chaos on the army from the other side. Lilith learned all these attacks when she was fighting the hero. He would usually use things like this to decimate her army and she was going to enjoy the looks on the faces of the humans when she uses their own attacks against them!

The giants took up large rocks that were pulled forward on a wagon by some minotaurs and they aimed for the army in the surroundings as they pulled back and blasted the rocks forward!

The rocks flew and slammed into the army and the sounds of humans screaming echoed through the clearing as the rocks killed a lot of them! Once Lily heard this she shouted the command for everyone to attack and the army split up quickly as they moved!

A third of the army went to perform the pincer attack while the remaining demons moved straight for the army and the giants kept on throwing rocks! As Lily got closer to the army, she saw as many of them were already dead! Their bodies were crushed by the rocks that the giants threw and even the commanders looked completely confused! Lilith didn't want to float at the sight, but she couldn't help but feel happy that her plan was working! She was too naive. She didn't even wonder how things could be this easy! She underestimated humans far too much!

"Magic shields at the ready! Mages, activate attack magic!"

What? Lilith quickly looked up again as she heard a voice shouting in front of her. There was no one shouting from there, so where is that voice coming from!? But then the image in front of her shimmered like glass before it broke and fell to reveal the real human army! This is High-level illusion magic! Lilith's eyes widened in shock! None of the rocks thrown before even hurt any human because they used magic shields to protect themselves! It's a trap!

O use this level of illusion magic you have to have a blessed artifact! It is impossible! Does the kingdom still have that sort of artifact!? The commander of the army had his sword up as he shouted to a lot of mages that were lined up behind the army! Lilith now knew that she and her demon army had fallen into a trap! The humans pretended to be weak so that the demons would come closer and now they can use their attack magic at a closer range! She has to get her army to regroup! They have to change their tactics or they'll lose!


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mages chanted their magic and threw out high-level spells that were not less than B-class. The attack decimated the army behind Lilith! The giants that have been throwing the rocks were hit with the magic and they roared in pain as they stumbled back! Their resistance to magic was very high but that doesn't mean they cannot be hurt by A and B-class magic!

The human commander saw many of the demons dying and he smiled as he brought out his sword and shouted for the army to charge! They began moving forward as they ran to meet the demons! This is the end of the demons! No matter what, this is where the demon lord's army finally ends!


But everyone stopped in their tracks as a large lance of ice flew through the sky and planted itself in between the two armies like a sword! The commander stumbled backward as he looked at the tall lance! What the hell!? This thing is almost a hundred meters high!? This is S-Class magic!!

See youguys tomorrow! Try to leave a comment if you like the book.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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