
How To be A Demon King

Red, a shut-in nerd obsessed with playing RPG games, spent a fortune creating demonic and non-human NPCs that were overpowered. One day, while immersed in the game, he suddenly finds himself transported into it as Lazarus, his character. To his shock, all the NPCs he created are now alive, no longer mere pixels. As he grapples with the challenge of ruling over them, a looming threat emerges in the game world, raising questions about his ability to maintain control and the survival of both himself and his creations

HermesRed · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Eldermere's Gamble

Following the creatures' trail, Magnas persisted for days until he reached the outskirts of Elderemere. Finally, he came upon a clearing that unveiled a scene both enchanting and unsettling - a towering castle surrounded by the peculiar blend of mystical mushrooms and thick fog.

Staring down at the mysterious castle from the cliff's edge, Magnas couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He muttered to himself, "This thick mana essence, it's like nothing I've encountered in Elderemere before. It's as if this place just appeared out of nowhere."

Scratching his head, he continued, "And those fog... they're not normal. I won't be foolish enough to waltz in without precautions. Those are at least 9th tier spells, the kind that can permanently change the nature of the surroundings. I might not be familiar with the mushrooms, but both of them spell trouble, and I've got to be careful." With a deep breath, he turned away from the cliff, making up his mind to head back to Elderemere and report his findings to the king.

Returning to Elderemere, Magnas wasted no time and discreetly made his way to King Eldermere the VII's private chambers. In the dimly lit expanse of the king's bedroom, Magnas detailed the peculiar tower castle on the border, emphasizing the thick mana essence and potent enchantments surrounding it. King Eldermere, recognizing the sensitivity of the information, made a decisive move.

"Magnas, this information is of the utmost importance and must remain strictly classified. We cannot afford rumors spreading through the kingdom. I trust you to handle this matter with the utmost discretion," said the king while looking at the old wizard.

"Your Majesty, based on what I witnessed, I believe it is a Dragon rank dungeon. Are you sure we shouldn't consider hiring an S-rank team?" said Magnas in a worried tone.

The king, appearing annoyed and stressed, sighed deeply. "Fine, do what you want. Just hire one S-rank adventurer; that should be enough. I want that artifact for the royal family. It will greatly increase our kingdom's power, so I hope you understand the importance of this task." The weight of the decision bore heavily on King Eldermere's shoulders as he emphasized the significance of obtaining the artifact.

Acknowledging the king's directive, Magnas bowed respectfully and silently left the room, a sense of responsibility heavy on his shoulders.

After that day, Magnas took it upon himself to assemble a team of adventurers he trusted implicitly, ones he believed would not fail.

The team of A-rank adventurers, named Spring Tail, Gnaom, Shadow, and Basilik Eye, along with the formidable S-rank warrior, Clifford, stood at the edge of the mystical fog surrounding the tower castle.

The team stood within the depths of the mysterious dungeon, Clifford, the S-rank warrior, taking command. "So, this is the dungeon Sir Magnas mentioned," Clifford observed, surveying their surroundings with a keen eye.

"I want you all to listen to what I command you to do," Clifford declared, his tone authoritative yet seasoned.

"Don't worry, sir. We all know how powerful you are, and having the chance to work with one of the S-rank adventurers is an honor. I'm sure the others feel the same," reassured one of the members from the Basilik Eye team.

With mutual respect and understanding, the team prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, their trust in Clifford's leadership solidifying their resolve.

As the mage of Gnaom cast the protective spells [Iron Will], [Anti-Illusion], and [Light], an aura of resilience and clarity enveloped the team, fortifying them against potential challenges within the dungeon.

"I will go first," declared Clifford, the S-rank warrior, his commanding presence resonating through the group. "All the healers will stay close and place yourselves on my back. Team tanks, focus on protecting the mage. Ensure you all stay in close proximity; if you get lost, it could cost you your life," Clifford sternly instructed.

The team nodded in understanding, acknowledging the importance of maintaining a tight formation within the mysterious dungeon.

Meanwhile, in the Throne Room of the Tower of Babel, Eve was engaged in a demanding task - teaching Lazarus to behave like a king. Known for her strict and uncompromising nature, Eve believed in molding Lazarus into a ruler who would command respect and authority.

"A king does not merely sit on a throne; he commands it. Your every move, every word, must exude strength and sovereignty. You are the embodiment of this kingdom's power. No room for weakness, no room for frivolity. A ruler leads, and you will lead with an iron will," she emphasized.

Lazarus, attempting to maintain the regal posture that Eve insisted upon, couldn't help but voice his discomfort, "Eve, this posture is hard, and it's uncomfortable. Do I really need to sit like this for two hours?"

"Hush, Father," Eve responded sternly, interrupting his complaint. "You need this; it's essential for your body to grow accustomed to it. Posture is a reflection of authority. And remember, add authority to your voice. Bow to no one, even if you make a mistake. Understood?"

As a crack formed in the air, forming a portal, a man emerged with silver hair - Adam. He addressed Lazarus, "Father, you were right. It's wise that we wait. And now it looks like there's a pest wanting to enter our castle." Adam's voice carried a note of annoyance.

"Pest?" questioned Lazarus, genuinely puzzled.

"Hmm, what pest? Is there a new type of pest in this world too? In my world, there are rats that destroy crops and things. Maybe something like that wants to enter the castle?" Lazarus spoke to his mind.

"Adam, do what you want with that pest," Lazarus gave his approval.

"May I be allowed to capture one, Father, to learn more about them?" Adam requested.

Lazarus smirked, "Sure."

In Lazarus's mind, as he observed Adam's interest in capturing the intruding creatures, he mused, "So, he still likes animals. Well, I did design him to have various chimeras as companions."

Adam's POV

In Adam's mind, as he efficiently dealt with the intruding creatures, a subtle smirk played on his lips. "As expected from Father," he thought. "He seems to be expecting them. The way he smirks, I think it's all part of his plan. Those damn pests entered with a sign of hostility."


As Adam arrived at the abandoned mansion within the dark forest, he found himself in a peculiar space. The first floor resembled an outdoor setting despite being inside the castle. Upon entering the living room, a sight both eerie and intriguing unfolded before him.

The long table dominated the room, its surface laden with rotten food, and flies buzzing around the decay. Despite the apparent decay, no one seemed to be partaking in the grim feast. At the far end of the table sat Erebus, the first pillar, a figure of undeniable authority.

Along the sides of the brown table were two individuals on each side, standing like sentinels. These were the Limbus Patrum, the generals of the first pillar. Their pure white skin gave them an almost corpse-like appearance, their attire resembling that of a regular businessperson. However, their heads were tightly wrapped in bandages, concealing their features. Engraved on the center of each bandage was a single eye, a symbol that added an unsettling aura to their mysterious presence.

Adam took his seat at the end of the long table, facing Erebus. As he settled into his chair, his gaze assessed the Limbus Patrum, and he looked at Erebus again.

"Father has given permission to eliminate those pests. However, spare the one holding the two spears. He seems to be the leader, and he may possess valuable information."

Erebus, the first pillar, voiced his desire with a sinister edge, "May I be allowed to feed on their fear first? I'd like to have a little fun." As he made this request, a chilling smile crept across Erebus's face, visible within the confines of his dark robe. His teeth, resembling those of a shark, revealed countless layers of sharp and menacing points.

Adam, acknowledging Erebus's request, responded with a commanding tone, "Do what you want, but make sure no one escapes. Kill them afterwards." His gaze shifted to the hologram placed in the middle of the table, revealing a clear view of all the adventurers making their way through the fog.

The hologram captured the unfolding events with precision, each step of the intruders visible to the enigmatic figures gathered around the table. As the adventurers navigated the fog, unaware of the imminent danger awaiting them.