
How the Queen is made

Yanjing Cheng is the most sought-after young tycoon in Xijiang, and he has always known that Gu Mingzhu is not a good person. So when he ended up entangled with her by accident, he only fulfilled his duties perfunctorily. But he never expected that one day he would love her to the core, wishing he could give her everything, even his life... —One day after marriage— Yanjing Cheng tore up the divorce agreement with a grim expression, his gaze coldly fixed on the woman in front of him. "Huh, divorce? Don't even think about it!" Gu Mingzhu was stunned. "But you promised me..." Yanjing Cheng loosened his tie, a cold smile playing on his lips as he threw her onto the bed. "I changed my mind." Gu Mingzhu pushed away his kiss, furious. "You have no shame!" He chuckled. "What's the use of shame when I have you?" ... Everyone thought Yanjing Cheng was cold and noble, but only Gu Mingzhu knew that he was nothing but a despicable hypocrite, a wolf in sheep's clothing! No matter what hardships you have endured, there will always be someone willing to brave the storms to love you.

Meng_Wang_7369 · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 61: Discussion about Eating Tang Seng

Gu Mingzhu looked at the message and furrowed her attractive brows, pondered for a moment, and then sent a text back.

Yan Jingcheng was currently lounging in the suite's living room, playing with his phone. He opened the message as soon as he received it.

[I'm going to the back mountain to discuss eating Tang Seng with the Black Mountain Demon. We'll talk later if there's anything.]

Reading her reply, Yan Jingcheng was stunned for a few seconds, then chuckled and replied.

[Is it tasty?]

Even through the screen, Gu Mingzhu could feel his casual tone.

Gu Mingzhu lightly pursed her lips, seeing that he didn't seem very angry, she breathed a sigh of relief and didn't reply to the message anymore.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Gu was being flattered by everyone around, "Your granddaughter, Zhaoxia, is so capable. Whoever marries her will be blessed."

"Indeed, she's gentle, virtuous, intelligent, and capable of managing the household. Where else can you find such a good girl?"

"Speaking of which, has your granddaughter, Zhaoxia, been betrothed yet..."

For a while, the conversation mostly revolved around praising Gu Zhaoxia.

Yang Huiru was particularly versatile, trying to get along well with the ladies of various families, intending to use this opportunity to find a suitable husband for Gu Zhaoxia.

Gu Zhaoxia stood beside Mrs. Gu, blushing under the teasing of everyone.

But listening to their words, she couldn't help but involuntarily think of the man she had just been with, Gu Mingzhu's man.

Unfortunately... his status was just too low.

He turned out to be a duck.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhaoxia couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

In the midst of the conversation, some people around gradually began to whisper and occasionally glanced in the direction of Mrs. Gu and Gu Zhaoxia, seeming hesitant but unable to resist discussing in low voices.

"Have you heard? Zhang Zhihong has been arrested, along with a large batch of goods seized by the customs."

"When did this happen? The Zhang family has been doing well in recent years, always networking. This shouldn't happen."

"The news is already out. Look, isn't this Zhang Zhihong?"

Several men gathered around one person's phone, staring at the screen intently, then glanced at each other and said, "The goods from the Gu family should be related to Zhang Zhihong, right?"

"It's hard to say. I just inquired about it. They said this time Zhang Zhihong was caught with a considerable amount of goods, and the Gu family just signed a contract for a hundred thousand tons of redwood."

"Zhang Zhihong might have offended someone. He was beaten not long ago, and now he's in trouble again. He's finished."

"Not necessarily. I heard earlier that Zhang Zhihong has been under surveillance by the authorities for a long time. It's just that despite all this time, no concrete evidence was found against him. So, I thought the storm had passed, but I didn't expect..."

Listening to the discussions, Gu Mingzhu's beautiful fingers lightly swirled the highball glass in her hand, her lips curved up, her gaze distant and cold.

In fact, the last person was right. When she was investigating the well-known redwood merchant in Xi River, she noticed that Zhang Zhihong had been under surveillance by the authorities for a long time.

However, because he hadn't been caught for nearly half a year, Gu Mingzhu checked Zhang Zhihong's transaction records again.

She found that over the past six months, Zhang Zhihong had become much more cautious. His sources of goods and routes were more diversified than before. So she speculated that because no substantial evidence of large-scale wrongdoing had been found, the authorities had not moved against him.

Now, six months had passed, and Zhang Zhihong's courage had grown, accepting another contract for a hundred thousand tons of redwood from the Gu family.

The authorities wouldn't miss such a good opportunity to act against him!

In addition, Gu Mingzhu also discovered something more interesting.