
How the Queen is made

Yanjing Cheng is the most sought-after young tycoon in Xijiang, and he has always known that Gu Mingzhu is not a good person. So when he ended up entangled with her by accident, he only fulfilled his duties perfunctorily. But he never expected that one day he would love her to the core, wishing he could give her everything, even his life... —One day after marriage— Yanjing Cheng tore up the divorce agreement with a grim expression, his gaze coldly fixed on the woman in front of him. "Huh, divorce? Don't even think about it!" Gu Mingzhu was stunned. "But you promised me..." Yanjing Cheng loosened his tie, a cold smile playing on his lips as he threw her onto the bed. "I changed my mind." Gu Mingzhu pushed away his kiss, furious. "You have no shame!" He chuckled. "What's the use of shame when I have you?" ... Everyone thought Yanjing Cheng was cold and noble, but only Gu Mingzhu knew that he was nothing but a despicable hypocrite, a wolf in sheep's clothing! No matter what hardships you have endured, there will always be someone willing to brave the storms to love you.

Meng_Wang_7369 · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 56: A Duck

Gu Mingzhu leaned against the door panel, her gaze cool and calm, showing no trace of her previous arrogance and grievance.

Yan Jingcheng was right about her. She was exactly this kind of woman.

Even though he said he was just watching the show, she didn't believe him.

She didn't want to leave any possibility for him to ruin her plan, so from the moment he appeared, she picked up her wine glass, ready to lead him to the guest room.

As for whether he would come back to settle scores with her later, that remained to be seen.

Gu Mingzhu regained her thoughts, turned off the phone of Yan Jingcheng that she had just taken away, and threw it onto the coffee table in the living room before leaving the suite without looking back.

As the door outside closed again, Yan Jingcheng's gaze became deep, obviously not surprised by this outcome.

This woman's mind was indeed as complex as a hornet's nest, but it couldn't be denied that she could indeed arouse a man's desire to conquer, making one wish to possess her and ravage her fiercely.

Yan Jingcheng sat on the sofa with his sturdy upper body bare, inexplicably thinking of Gu Mingzhu's cold and seductive eyes, feeling dry-mouthed and tongue-tied.

After a while, he chuckled, lowered his eyes to slowly cover the dark red bloodshot eyes beneath.

After Gu Mingzhu left the guest room with her cold gaze, she went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

Not long after, she received a call from Xu Xinghe: "Zhang Zhihong's goods have been seized, and he's still being pursued."

"Understood." With that, Gu Mingzhu curved her lips and turned to walk towards the banquet hall.

With Zhang Zhihong's goods seized and him being pursued, it meant that the Gu family's shipment was finished.

120 billion yuan went down the drain, and she wondered if the old lady could withstand such a big blow.

Gu Mingzhu was in a good mood, feeling that her long struggle with that despicable man Yan Jingcheng wasn't in vain.

When she arrived at the banquet hall, Mrs. Gu's birthday banquet had already begun.

Mrs. Gu was wearing a crimson phoenix-patterned cheongsam, adorned with a set of jade jewelry, smiling surrounded by everyone's compliments.

Yang Huiru was accompanying her attentively, portraying a scene of harmony between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, full of joy.

Gu Chaoxia had been staring at Gu Mingzhu all along. When she saw her return, she hurriedly approached and asked, "Who was that man just now?"

She had just seen Gu Mingzhu chasing after a man. She had never seen such a man in all her years—handsome and noble, yet exuding a hint of fierceness from the inside out, making people blush and heartbeat quicken with just one glance.

Seeing Gu Chaoxia's reaction, Gu Mingzhu replied indifferently, "A duck."

Gu Chaoxia was stunned for a few seconds, "D-Duck?"

Gu Mingzhu nodded casually, curling her lips, "Yes, but a rather expensive one."

"You... you're so shameless at such a young age, indulging in debauchery!" Gu Chaoxia stuttered intermittently, seemingly unable to recover from the fact that Yan Jingcheng was a duck.

Gu Mingzhu said lightly, "What's the point of being ashamed? Use it to get beaten?"

Gu Chaoxia was left speechless by her indifferent demeanor, unable to utter a word. She even disregarded the sarcasm in her words, but instead, a foolish idea rose in her heart.

A duck?

If Gu Mingzhu could, then couldn't she...

At the thought of this, Gu Chaoxia's heartbeat quickened a bit.

Before either of them could speak again, Yang Huiru had already escorted Mrs. Gu onto the stage, saying softly, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for taking the time to attend Mrs. Gu's birthday banquet. Today is my mother's seventieth birthday. Shall we invite her to say a few words first?"