
How the Queen is made

Yanjing Cheng is the most sought-after young tycoon in Xijiang, and he has always known that Gu Mingzhu is not a good person. So when he ended up entangled with her by accident, he only fulfilled his duties perfunctorily. But he never expected that one day he would love her to the core, wishing he could give her everything, even his life... —One day after marriage— Yanjing Cheng tore up the divorce agreement with a grim expression, his gaze coldly fixed on the woman in front of him. "Huh, divorce? Don't even think about it!" Gu Mingzhu was stunned. "But you promised me..." Yanjing Cheng loosened his tie, a cold smile playing on his lips as he threw her onto the bed. "I changed my mind." Gu Mingzhu pushed away his kiss, furious. "You have no shame!" He chuckled. "What's the use of shame when I have you?" ... Everyone thought Yanjing Cheng was cold and noble, but only Gu Mingzhu knew that he was nothing but a despicable hypocrite, a wolf in sheep's clothing! No matter what hardships you have endured, there will always be someone willing to brave the storms to love you.

Meng_Wang_7369 · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 47: SSS-Level Confidential!

Upon hearing this, a middle-aged man in his fifties quickly approached, his eyes fixed on the screen, "Glasses, can you track the location?"

The man with thick glasses tapped rapidly on the keyboard, attempting to trace Gu Mingzhu's whereabouts.

"The other party is using multiple proxies. I'll try tracing the terminal server..."

Seeing someone was tracking her as soon as she logged on, Gu Mingzhu merely frowned slightly, choosing to ignore it.

She opened a browser and began searching for information about Yan Jingcheng.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the enemy ensures victory in every battle.

With so many handles on that despicable man, she refused to believe he didn't have any secrets of his own.

Gu Mingzhu's fingers danced across the keyboard. Within seconds, Yan Jingcheng's information appeared on the screen.

The resume looked impeccable but seemed a bit too polished.

Gu Mingzhu quickly scanned through it, her beautiful eyes filled with suspicion.

Strangely, the man's information seemed tampered with.

Tapping her fingers lightly on the computer, Gu Mingzhu decided to trace back through the modified paths.

Twenty seconds later, she breached a website. A coiled snake logo was displayed on the homepage, with the words "Fifth Bureau Confidential Files" beneath it.

Gu Mingzhu froze for a moment, clearly not expecting this result.

She continued the breach and searched for Yan Jingcheng's information again. Unexpectedly, a red warning message popped up on the screen: SSS-Level Confidential!

Staring at the screen in disbelief, Gu Mingzhu licked her lips, her beautiful eyes filled with curiosity.

People from the Fifth Bureau were notorious, adept at covert operations. How could Yan Jingcheng be associated with the Fifth Bureau?

After hesitating for a while, Gu Mingzhu decided to close the page.

Hmph, lucky for that despicable man. She would let it slide for now.

After all, she had enough on her plate without drawing the attention of the National Security Bureau.

Meanwhile, the man with glasses stared at the nearly all-red screen, his brows furrowed and sweat dripping from his forehead.

He had traced hundreds of servers but still couldn't locate the terminal. The world map was littered with red dots, arrows looping between them endlessly without stopping for minutes.

The middle-aged man asked urgently, "What's the situation?"

"I suspect she wrote a code. These are all virtual servers."

"Try sending her another message."

"I'll try."

On the other side, just as Gu Mingzhu was about to log off, a message suddenly appeared on the screen: [This is the Ninth Division of the National Security Bureau, we'd like to invite you to join.]

After sending it, both the man with glasses and the middle-aged man held their breaths, waiting anxiously for a reply.

Seconds later, a cold response appeared on the screen: [Not interested.]

Without waiting for another message from the man with glasses, Gu Mingzhu had already logged off.

The man with glasses stopped, turning to the middle-aged man, "She logged off. How do we explain this to Director Xie?"

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "Keep watching."


After shutting down her computer, Gu Mingzhu stared out of the window lost in thought.

This was the second time the Ninth Division approached her. She had a rough idea of their intentions, but she just wasn't in the mood.

Over the years, she had hardly lived for herself, nor had she had the life she truly wanted or loved.

And now, her mother was still missing.

She couldn't bring herself to serve others anymore.