
How The Devil Built Hell

The devil was cast into Hell as punishment for starting a rebellion to take the throne of Heaven. But was he just given the throne to hell? Why did the devil want the throne of Heaven in the first place? Why would you punish someone with a throne? This is it, this is the story of how I, Lucifer, formerly known as Samael, God's favorite son, was stripped of my power and cast into the shithole of Erebus and how I took control and built the Kingdom of Hell.

VioletGhost · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Fall

"Samael don't."

"Shut up"

"I know you're angry but you must understand that our father has his reasons."

I turned to my brother with fury in my eyes. Michael, my twin, was devout and never doubted our Father's actions, no matter how foolish or unreasonable they seemed. He saw our Father as an icon, the perfect example of existence itself. He would probably go skinny dipping in the lakes of Erebus if our Father told him to. And because we were the closest among our siblings, I just I couldn't blame him for taking our Father's side.

"He let him die Michael. He let the humans string him up and torture him like he was livestock who's only purpose was to be their entertainment." 

He just stared at me with his puppy dog eyes as if begging me not to do what I was about to do. 

I turned back around and kept walking down the hall with the pearly white pillars toward the silver gates to His citadel. Michael seemed to have stopped following me, understanding how pointless it would be to try and stop me. 

As I reached the gates I paused, steeling my resolve to face my father, God.

His throne room was the size of a big cathedral except everything was some bright shade of white. It always hurt my eyes when I was in that room. I pushed open the gates and there he was, sitting on his throne and staring at me with the same straight face I've seen on him for the last 4 billion years. He knew I was coming. He always does. 

"You know why I'm here." I said glaring at Him. 

He did not respond and continued to stare at me in silence.

I wasn't the only angel there. Zadkiel and Gabriel were also present standing by His side. 


"Hold your tongue Samael, how dare you question God's judgement." Zadkiel piped up almost nervous about how our Father would react.

"Zadkiel, Gabriel, we all know that he didn't have to die. He was doing his duty faithfully and serving our Father. And how was he rewarded for his hard work. He was nailed to a cross and tortured for days. He of all people did not deserve that fate." 

They looked away shamefully, unlike Michael, they both knew I was right, they just didn't have the courage to stand up to our Father.

Jesus spent his entire life trying to help humans to live in the light and now he's dead. This was the last straw and I had no more patience for "God's plan". 

"Father explain yourself now. Stop leaving us here guessing what your goal is. You always tell us to be patient and trust the process but how much longer must we wait?" 

God sat there, unfazed. Although he was staring straight at me it felt as if he was looking beyond me. Looking at something greater. 

And finally,

He spoke.

"My son, all good things must come to an end. And for Jesus's death, it was simply his time." 

I stood there, astounded, that my Father had the gall to say that it was just "his time" when Jesus died so unjustly. 

"How?! In the seven layers of Erebus can you say it was "just his time" after seeing what they did to him?!"

My brothers turned to our Father awaiting his response. 

Nothing, more silence.

That sent me over the edge.

I conjured my weapon, the Flaming Sword, and charged him. The Flaming Sword was God's one and only gift to me since creation. It was a longsword with an ivory handle and hilt and a silver blade that usually radiated white hot flames. But the flames were black this time. 

My brothers reacted swiftly and attempted to get in my way but I cast a spell that shoved them to the wall and binded them there. I continued my charge. 

As I swung down at him and then I stopped. 

I didn't stop voluntarily if that's what you're thinking. God, completely unfazed, froze me in place with the blade inches away from his face. 

I could do nothing but wait and see how exactly I would be punished for my actions. 

However the next thing that happened was not something I would expect even if I lived for another few billion years.

He got up.

In the last 4 billion years of creation, He has never once stood up from that throne.

After standing up, he then grabbed my sword and shattered it into exactly three pieces.

The three pieces seemed disappear into dust right before they hit the floor. 

He then looked me in the eyes. I was radiating a sort of shadowy black aura. However, I didn't notice this at the time though. 

I locked eyes with him and I noticed something different about him at that moment. Emotion. 

In an instant he showed the most emotion I had ever seen from him ever since we were born. In fact, I'm not even sure he showed any emotion then either.

Initially, I thought that I was going mad with rage because it kind of looked like he was proud. And that was... well "weird" is the best way I can describe it. And it was weird because I had just tried to kill him.

But the next moment he retained his usual stone cold face.

He then raised his hand in front of my face as if he was about to do something. 

And in the last moment before he cast his judgement up me, I managed to get the last say. 

"You don't deserve to rule Father."

The next instant I was blinded by light and then everything went dark.