
How not to be Multiverse Mercenary

In his previous life, Leo was confined to a bed with a terminally ill body, brimming with talent but completely immobilized. Tragically, he couldn't even fulfill his passion for firearms. After enduring a life filled with suffering, he was reincarnated into a new existence. Driven by an intense lust for guns and marked by immaturity, he carelessly navigated his new life, which led to disastrous consequences: he lost his left arm and an eye. Just when it seemed his fortunes could not worsen, an opportunity emerged in the form of a cliché system. This system presented Leo with a critical mission: he was required to travel across various anime and movie worlds to eliminate other Isekai protagonists. His task was to correct the anomalies disrupting these worlds to prevent cataclysmic interference from outer gods. This mission not only gave Leo a chance to engage his gun fascination but also provided a pathway to potentially redeem his tumultuous past. Main world: Black Lagoon Nisekoi Jormungand Traveling worlds: One Punch Man Fairy Tail === English isnt my main language and if you are looking for Gary Stu type of MC then it is not for you. It is comedy, harem and action. Harem being undecided for the time being.

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 4: Saving Tatsumaki

Ten-year-old Tatsumaki, a girl with vibrant green hair, fidgeted in her cell, fear gnawing at her. A monstrous rampage echoed through the facility, shaking the very walls that held her captive.

Tatsumaki wasn't your average child. An esper with boundless potential, she'd been ripped from her family at the tender age of seven by Tsukiyomi, a clandestine organization. For three grueling years, scientists had subjected her to endless tests, exploiting her extraordinary powers. Cooperation was rewarded with sugary treats and cheap toys, a mockery of a normal childhood. Disobedience, however, landed her locked away in this very cell, her pleas for freedom falling on deaf ears.

Today's monster outbreak found her imprisoned yet again. Panic surged as the facility personnel, deeming her useless compared to other children, abandoned her to their own devices. Little did they know, Tatsumaki had already mastered her psychic abilities. Refusal, not inability, kept her powers dormant. With gritted teeth, she focused on summoning her telekinesis, a weapon more than capable of handling the rampaging beast.

But a chilling realization froze her resolve. "My powers... why won't they work?!"

Terror twisted her gut. She possessed phenomenal power, that much was undeniable. But why, in this critical moment, did her mind refuse to command it? The answer flickered at the edges of her consciousness, a truth far too late for comfort.


A deafening crash shattered the illusion of safety. The cell door splintered, revealing a monstrous silhouette bathed in the ominous glow of emergency lights. The sheer menace of its presence paralyzed Tatsumaki, her mind a chilling void.

A choked sob escaped her lips, a desperate plea echoing in the sterile confinement. "Someone... please help me!"

A guttural roar from the beast sent shivers down her spine. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable attack that never came. Hesitantly, she peeked through one eye, then the other. A figure stood between her and the monster, a stark contrast to the horror that lurked behind.

Tall and handsome, the man exuded an air of effortless confidence. His short, blond hair held a slight wave, framing a face dominated by sharp, dark eyes. His three-piece suit, incongruous in this chaotic scene, seemed only to emphasize his broad shoulders and imposing stature. But it was his gleaming forehead that truly stole the show – his expanded hairline.

As she stared in disbelief, a blond strand drifted down, landing softly in her palm. Her bewildered gaze flickered back to his face, and a new realization dawned as she called the name of her savior.

"Bald Hero."


"Useless, huh, Ms. System? More useless than even a C-Class hero," Leo growled, his voice muffled by a flimsy wig. The moment the words left his lips, the wig ripped clean off his head, a casualty of his immense strength. "At least point me somewhere, or give me the hero's name! This is ridiculous!"

[Host, missions are generated based on client information. Unlike a sentient being, Worlds don't offer detailed explanations. Besides, I believe you possess the ability to gather the necessary details yourself.]

Leo sighed, tossing the shredded wig aside and meeting his reflection with a steely gaze. "Yeah, I think I get it."

With a flick, a series of codes materialized in his smart phone. The world Leo found himself in mirrored modern society, making information readily accessible. Even the most classified data couldn't withstand his digital intrusion of his advanced level mobile.

"A facility a few kilometers out, huh? An hour's walk for most, but..." A smirk played on his lips as he shifted into a runner's stance. "What's the point of this power if not for situations like this?"

With a sonic boom, Leo launched himself forward, leaving a trail of afterimages and a miniature dust storm in his wake. Initial stumbles resulted in a couple of unfortunate building demolitions, but he quickly reined in his immense power. Mere seconds later, he stood before a dilapidated structure, a chilling aura emanating from its broken windows.

"Monsters inside." The statement hung heavy in the air, the confirmation he needed.

Leo surged forward, crashing through the facility's entrance. The pungent stench of decay mixed with the unmistakable sounds of monstrous revelry – feasting on human flesh.

A monstrous roar tore through the air, alerting the other denizens of the darkness to their unexpected guest. Heads swiveled, revealing a grotesque tableau of gnashing teeth and bloodshot eyes.

"Heh, playtime's on, monsters!" Leo's grin held a touch of savagery.

His fist whipped forward, connecting with the nearest creature with the force of a speeding train. The monster's head exploded in a gory mess, a sickening spray of viscera painting the surrounding walls. The remaining beasts charged, a cacophony of roars filling the air.

Leo met them head-on, a whirlwind of violence. Claws raked at him, teeth snapped at his unyielding flesh, but none could penetrate his superhuman defenses. With each brutal blow, another monster met its demise. The facility floor became a macabre canvas, littered with dismembered body parts. It was a swift and merciless slaughter, a display of raw power that left a chilling silence in its wake.

The battle lasted only a handful of minutes. In the heart of the carnage, Leo stood triumphant, surveying the grotesque remains of the once-frenzied creatures. His eyes held a steely glint, a hint of the raw power that resided within him.

"Hold up, System. I noticed my punches weren't exactly one-shotting these monsters like Saitama did in the anime. Something's off."

He wasn't wrong. Some of his blows left deep gashes and dents on the monstrous forms, but they weren't fatal. Even these lowly Tiger-level threats required multiple strikes to put down permanently. Thankfully, that was all it took for these particular foes. Anything stronger, and he might be in serious trouble.

[This is because your Ability level is Low. Like any skill, your One-Punch Man ability requires practice to reach its full potential. Currently, it sits at Lv. 1.]

Leo grimaced. Right, Saitama didn't become a powerhouse overnight. He'd honed his strength through countless battles, unseen and unacknowledged.

"Couldn't you have mentioned that earlier? And wouldn't a cliché status bar be helpful? Like, you know, the kind that shows my stats?" He eyed the empty space beside him, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "And can I level up by beating monsters, like those manhwa and manga I used to devour back on Earth?"

A hint of surprise flickered in the system's response. [I can certainly implement a status display for you. In fact, there are several functionalities I haven't unlocked yet. However, as you've observed, I require your assistance to complete missions and accumulate points. These points will fuel further upgrades.]

This system was definitely undercooked. It lacked even basic features. But complaining wouldn't solve anything. Leo was willing to sacrifice points for a decent assistant; a manipulative, controlling AI wouldn't cut it.

[Regarding leveling up through monster kills, that's not feasible. In most worlds, including your own, indiscriminate monster slaughter is frowned upon. At some point, even monsters will become scarce, hindering your growth. Additionally, altering core world settings this early could create unforeseen consequences.]

Leo sighed, the logic undeniable. Leveling up was great, but without a steady stream of strong opponents, he'd eventually hit a wall.

[Don't fret, Host. Your strength is intrinsically linked to the Mercenary System's survival. My primary function is to ensure your growth.]

"Alright, System, if you say so." A determined smile spread across Leo's face. He continued his trek deeper into the facility, dispatching a handful of low-level monsters with practiced ease. His true objective, however, awaited him further down the corridors – a certain green-haired child in need of rescue.


A bloodcurdling roar shattered the tense silence. Leo bolted towards the source, adrenaline coursing through his veins. There, bathed in the sickly green glow of emergency lights, stood a monstrous behemoth, towering over a figure far too small – a girl with vibrant green hair.

Disbelief flickered across Leo's face. 'Fear? From the future Tornado of Terror?' He mused, watching as the girl cowered, and her eyes squeezed shut. 'Guess even future psychokinetics get scared.'

Pushing thoughts aside, he focused on the task at hand. This wasn't the time for philosophical ponderings. With a blur of motion, Leo materialized between the monster and the girl. A surge of power crackled through his fist as he readied himself.

This time, there would be no holding back. He unleashed a devastating blow, a concentrated burst of raw power that ripped through the creature like tissue paper. The monstrous form disintegrated in a shower of gore, leaving behind only the faint scent of ozone and burnt flesh.

Slowly, the girl's eyelids fluttered open, revealing emerald eyes wide with terror. She spoke a single word, a word that sent a jolt of despair through Leo.

"Bald hero."

His heart sank. Right. In his haste to reach the girl, he'd forgotten the unfortunate side effect of his immense power – rapid hair loss. He almost forgot he was getting bald at the speed of light.