
How not to be Multiverse Mercenary

In his previous life, Leo was confined to a bed with a terminally ill body, brimming with talent but completely immobilized. Tragically, he couldn't even fulfill his passion for firearms. After enduring a life filled with suffering, he was reincarnated into a new existence. Driven by an intense lust for guns and marked by immaturity, he carelessly navigated his new life, which led to disastrous consequences: he lost his left arm and an eye. Just when it seemed his fortunes could not worsen, an opportunity emerged in the form of a cliché system. This system presented Leo with a critical mission: he was required to travel across various anime and movie worlds to eliminate other Isekai protagonists. His task was to correct the anomalies disrupting these worlds to prevent cataclysmic interference from outer gods. This mission not only gave Leo a chance to engage his gun fascination but also provided a pathway to potentially redeem his tumultuous past. Main world: Black Lagoon Nisekoi Jormungand Traveling worlds: One Punch Man Fairy Tail === English isnt my main language and if you are looking for Gary Stu type of MC then it is not for you. It is comedy, harem and action. Harem being undecided for the time being.

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 24: Irene Belserion

"So…" Leo's eyes roamed between Irene's boobs and her face, but… mostly her boobs. It might have been his lower body knocking at the door, but seriously, her fun bags were so damn big! "What can I do for such a beautiful lady?"

"Hmm." Irene didn't reply. She only stared at Leo for a brief moment. Leo had no idea why one of the last bosses of the Fairy Tail anime was standing in front of him.

Irene Belserion, as you might know, was one of the final antagonists of the anime and Erza's real mother. She was part of the Alvarez Empire as the strongest woman of the Spriggan 12. Yup, Zeref's empire that the author just decided to insert into the story out of his ass.

What should be noted is that she was strong. Hella strong, actually.

Even without any magical power, Leo could sense a formidable presence from Irene. He was ready to activate his OPM ability to deal with her.

However, he noticed that Irene's attire looked a little different than in the anime. He realized that this Irene was a decade younger than her anime counterpart. It would probably be 12-13 years since she gave birth to Erza… before abandoning her.

"Your eyes…" Irene began to walk towards Leo, stopping just a couple of steps away from him. "They are telling me that you know something about me."

"Wow. Didn't know ma'am could guess that just from my eyes." Leo kept a confident smile, his eyes still on her curvaceous body. Damn, those bags were big. As expected from a world of big boobs. Speaking of breasts, he wonder if he would also visit DxD world.

"Why are your eyes lingering on my breasts?" Irene narrowed her eyes.

"I am sorry for the lack of manners, but you are wearing revealing clothes with a gorgeous body." Leo raised a brow. "And as a young man with active hormones, I am naturally drawn to you."

Leo unknowingly started flirting (rizzing) with Irene. As much as he wanted to warm his bed with her, he had a rule: don't stick your dick in crazy. Besides, he wasn't sure if she would crush him in bed, knowing she was actually a dragon.

A smile crept across Irene's face as she heard his words. "Fufu, even with this nasty scar on my belly?" She gestured towards her stomach, but Leo couldn't see it thanks to, well, Irene's bazookas. He had to take a step back to finally glimpse the faint scar.

"Someone who truly cares wouldn't be bothered by such a silly thing," Leo winked. "Besides, I've got a few battle scars myself."

Irene flushed momentarily, the rosy tint quickly fading. "Oh," she mumbled before regaining her composure. "Answer the question."

"Actually," Leo countered, "I'd like to dispute your claim I have no clue who you are, except for being the second redhead I've met in this town."

"So you're sticking to your story?" Irene smirked. "But let me remind you, my expertise lies in Enchantment Magic, which demands exceptional observation skills. If you're as intelligent as you seem, you might want to reconsider my previous question."

Impatience gnawed at Leo. He decided to ditch the act. Her eyes, the sheer intensity of her killing intent – a fight was clearly coming. Before things got messy, he wanted some answers. Why was she here? What did she want?

"Irene Belserion," he stated, folding his arms in a confident pose. "Master Enchanter, part of the Alvarez Empire elite – that empire ruled by Zeref, the very one who brought Dragon Slayer magic to the world and the former queen of the Kingdom of Dragnof." Leo smirked. "Now, it's your turn, milady. Explain your purpose and why you were observing little old me."

Irene mirrored his smirk before circling him. "A few months ago, I detected a spatial distortion. An otherworldly energy entered our skies, so I investigated. I almost lost the trace, but then my magical observation device picked up another distortion, leading me… right to you."

Leo rolled his eyes. Another heavyweight had detected his arrival. First, Blast. Now, Irene. Seriously, if these heavy hitters could sense his interdimensional leap, couldn't the insidious parasites or monstrous Outer Gods do the same? A stern conversation with his system was definitely in order.

"And that confirms you're not from this world, doesn't it?" Irene smirked, her gaze sharpening. "The lack of magic is one giveaway, but your very anatomy sets you apart from everyone here."

Leo groaned internally. Irene's observation skills were unnerving. "Ugh, gotta call an adult on this one," he muttered.

"I am an adult," Irene countered, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Four hundred years old, actually, since you seem to know me already." She stopped in front of him, the smirk never leaving her lips.

Deciding to cut to the chase, Leo spoke up. "Alright, enough stalling, Miss Irene. What do you want from your humble servant?"

"Simple," she said, extending a hand towards his face. "You'll accompany me for further observation. I need to glean the rest of the information you possess about myself and others." Leo instinctively recoiled. No way was he letting an Enchanter get that close. One touch and he could be transformed into a purring kitten or a loyal lapdog.

"Honestly, I might have considered it if the package included a delightful evening with you, but any business with someone as cowardly and heartless as yourself is a hard pass." He shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

Irene's grip tightened on her staff, a surge of power emanating from her. "And what exactly makes me a coward and heartless?" she inquired, her smile morphing into a predatory lioness's snarl.

"Erza," Leo blurted out, the name hitting Irene like a physical blow. "You were a coward, a heartless wretch who abandoned her own daughter."

This wasn't the established narrative where Irene callously cast Erza aside. This time, the story had taken a different turn.

"If you've been observing me," Leo pressed on, "you know about Erza. Why didn't you intervene?"

Irene's expression remained stoic. "I have already abandoned her. She is no concern of mine."

"Don't bullshit me. A mother who keeps a child in her belly for 400 years can't simply throw her child away!" Leo's voice became stern. "Torture and on top of that, sexual harassment. Do you have any idea how much those moments traumatized Erza in her nightmares? I was there with her, but she could have used her mother's embrace and yet, you didn't come."

Erza Scarlet. Just a fictional character once, but after spending days with her, Leo saw the depths of her pain. Nightmares wracked her, filled with screams and unseen torment. If not for his constant presence these past weeks, Erza might have become a shell of herself.

"Since you seem so knowledgeable about Erza and me," Irene tilted her head, a smug glint in her eyes, "then perhaps you understand why I abandoned her. My humanity is a relic of a bygone era. Your pleas are nothing but the yapping of a stray dog."

"Is that so..." Leo smirked before immediately materializing his sword and gun. "Let's get this over with."

He raised his gun and fired. The bullet pierced the air but stopped midway. Yeah, he figured magic wouldn't be a cakewalk.

He lunged at her with his blade, but Irene tapped her staff on the ground. The earth rumbled, a wave of rock and soil rising between them, growing with every passing moment. No matter how fast he sprinted, the distance between them only seemed to stretch further.

"You're an insect compared to me," Irene declared, ascending into the air. Tiny specks of light materialized above her hand, growing rapidly into colossal pink bombs. "Farewell." With a flick of her wrist, the bombs plummeted towards him.

"Insect, huh?" Leo smirked as he cracked his neck before clenching his fist tight. "Well then, let this insect fuck a dragon."

"What?" Irene got confused as to what this man was talking about. Is he going to use his fists against those massive spells of destruction?

Yeah, he was.

With a single, powerful swing of his fist, Leo unleashed an invisible force. It ripped through the fabric of reality itself, cleaving through her four massive bombs before slamming into Irene like a colossal boulder.

The impact sent Irene hurtling into the sky like a bullet fired from a cannon.

'I... I have to regain control of my trajectory...' Her mind raced, desperately searching for a way to regain control and get the hell away from Leo. He was far stronger than she anticipated, a terrifying anomaly in her world.

But escape was not an option. As Irene reached the apex of her forced flight, she saw him – Leo – hovering above her. There was no time for fear, only the chilling certainty of death. Another solid punch, this one to her back, resonated with a sickening thud.

The world seemed to slow as his fist connected with her back. A searing pain erupted, and Irene felt her very soul and spirit detach from her body in a kaleidoscope of colors. All thought processes ceased. This was it. Death.

'Erza...' she thought, a single word escaping her lips before the image of the grassy ground below flashed before her eyes, followed by… nothing.

A massive explosion of air erupted as Irene slammed into the ground, creating a storm of dust that momentarily obscured the scene. When the dust settled, all that remained was a deep pit shaped like a human form.

"Ugh, did I overdo it?" Leo muttered, chewing on his fingernail. He'd held back, intending to subdue her, not send her on a one-way trip to Hades!

A digital voice chimed in as a form of blue screen.

[She seems alive, but if you don't exit soon, you'll be taking that hair loss back to the real world!]

"Oh, come on!" Leo groaned, suddenly hyperaware of the growing bald spot on his head. The fight may be over, but a new battle – for his precious hair – had just begun.

With a sigh, he glanced at the human-shaped trench. Irene was nowhere to be seen.

"Whatever," he mumbled, a flicker of indifference crossing his face. After what Erza had endured, Irene's fate held little weight for him. "Such a shame about the perfect MILF, though."

With that final, somewhat contradictory remark, Leo vanished from the world, leaving behind the aftermath of his explosive encounter with Irene Belserion.


Yeah, probably many would be disappointed with the flow but I couldnt just make one of the strongest antagonist of FT to just wet for MC. Gotta take some time buddy.

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