
How not to be Multiverse Mercenary

In his previous life, Leo was confined to a bed with a terminally ill body, brimming with talent but completely immobilized. Tragically, he couldn't even fulfill his passion for firearms. After enduring a life filled with suffering, he was reincarnated into a new existence. Driven by an intense lust for guns and marked by immaturity, he carelessly navigated his new life, which led to disastrous consequences: he lost his left arm and an eye. Just when it seemed his fortunes could not worsen, an opportunity emerged in the form of a cliché system. This system presented Leo with a critical mission: he was required to travel across various anime and movie worlds to eliminate other Isekai protagonists. His task was to correct the anomalies disrupting these worlds to prevent cataclysmic interference from outer gods. This mission not only gave Leo a chance to engage his gun fascination but also provided a pathway to potentially redeem his tumultuous past. Main world: Black Lagoon Nisekoi Jormungand Traveling worlds: One Punch Man Fairy Tail === English isnt my main language and if you are looking for Gary Stu type of MC then it is not for you. It is comedy, harem and action. Harem being undecided for the time being.

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 12: Yup, I am lost

Chitoge, Raku, and their fathers could only gape as their gang members were flung around like ragdolls. The Shuei Clan and Bee Hive Gang, notorious for brawling in double digits, couldn't even land a scratch on Leo.

"Is he... is he really your brother?" Chitoge stammered, her mind reeling. On one hand, there was Raku - the epitome of a dense, generic Japanese high schooler. On the other stood this drop-dead gorgeous man handling two entire gangs like they were toddlers in a sandbox. "I mean, seriously?"

"Yup, he's four years older than me. Don't mind the hair color, I took after my father while he took after our mother," Raku explained, his eyes still glued to his brother's one-man show. He wasn't a fan of violence, but seeing his brother after such a long time overshadowed any concerns.

After a few minutes, the chaos subsided. Leo sauntered back to the stunned audience. "See, I told you I could get them to settle things without the whole fake-dating charade." He gestured to the pile of men behind him. "Look at them now, all cuddled up in a peaceful slumber."

They're not sleeping! They're knocked out cold! Issei and Adelt groaned, burying their faces in their hands.

"And just look at Ryuu and Claude over there," Leo continued, pointing towards a mosaic of limbs in the corner. "Found solace in each other's arms during the fight, wouldn't you say? How sweet, sleeping like little angels."

Again, not sleeping! Pretty sure they're dead! Chitoge winced, a sliver of worry flickering for Claude's well-being.

"Well, time to celebrate this historic peace treaty between the Shuei Clan and the Bee Hive Gang!" Leo boomed. "Besides, I'm famished!"

"Don't worry, big bro! I'll whip up the best meal ever to celebrate your return!" Raku beamed, earning a playful pat on the head from Leo.

"That's the spirit, little bro!" Leo grinned, and the two of them disappeared inside.

Chitoge's stomach churned - were those guys actually okay? But then, she saw a few of them stirring and helping each other up, likely heading for the hospital. Relief washed over her.

"At least the fake-dating thing is over," Chitoge muttered with a smile, before following the trail of Leo and Raku.


Cheers! Ryuu and Claude clinked their glasses, a toast echoed by the other members as the celebration with drinks commenced.

Despite the thin veneer of nervousness, the two gang leaders were now drinking arm-in-arm, trying to enjoy the night. Unbeknownst to Leo, beneath the surface, they were absolutely terrified. If it hadn't been for Leo holding back during their fight, they'd be six feet under.

Forced together by a common enemy, they had little choice but to make peace. After all, a night of revelry was certainly preferable to a night in the morgue.

Leo's gaze then fell on Chitoge, perched outside, her eyes fixed on the night's crescent moon. Setting down his drink, he approached her and settled beside her.

"What are you up to here, little one?" Leo inquired, immediately realizing the absurdity of his question. What else would a lone girl be doing amidst a group of boisterous men? "Sorry about the whole 'fat ugly gorilla girl' thing."

"Ugh!" Chitoge grimaced, "I-it's alright. I am a pretty strong woman, after all."

"Yeah, right on her first day, she jumps on my face," Raku interjected, sidling up next to Leo. "She even punched me and called me a bean sprout."

"Did you call my brother a bean sprout?!" Leo's glare made the blonde haired girl flinch slightly. "Though, I have to admit, he does kind of resemble one. Ha!"

"Aw, come on, not you too, big brother!" Raku whined, earning a playful pat on the head.

"Seriously though," Leo continued, his tone shifting, "There's no shame in having strength like that. You should use that talent to your advantage."

Chitoge's eyes sparkled. "Do you really think so?"

"Absolutely. I've seen plenty of women in my life, strong as hell, who could go toe-to-toe with any tough guy."

Leo's mind conjured images of powerful women – Revy, Balalaika, Shenhua, that eyepatch-wearing giant of a lesbian, and most importantly, his own maid, Roberta. His terminator maid could probably lift a car with one hand.

"So yeah," he concluded, "Instead of feeling ashamed of your muscles, flaunt that power! A woman with strength can be incredibly attractive."

Leaving the teenagers with a final word of encouragement about mutual respect, Leo excused himself. He wasn't a fan of the whole Nisekoi harem business, nor did he want his brother entangled with a bunch of girls when he clearly liked Onodera. He'd definitely push Raku to confess his feelings and break the whole harem cliché for the better.

Leo spotted his father across the room, his gaze fixed on him. With a sigh, Leo approached Issei.

Issei met his son's eyes before grabbing Leo's left arm abruptly. His glare was sharp. "Not only the eye, but your arm too, it seems."

"Leave it alone," Leo snapped, pulling his arm free and crossing them defensively.

A tense silence hung in the air before Issei spoke again. "So, are you thinking straight, or are you still out for blood?"

"You saw I didn't hurt any of your guys, right?" Leo smirked, a hint of defiance in his voice. "I'm pretty calm now, even though I'm still embroiled in this mess."

Issei grunted in acknowledgment. "Got yourself a girlfriend yet?"

"Not yet," Leo replied.

"Speaking of which," Issei's gaze narrowed, "you're not going around unprotected, are you? Back in my day, I fathered a lot of children, some I barely knew about. Lately, I have a nagging feeling you might be following the same disastrous path."

Leo flushed. "Seriously, Dad? Those kinds of topics are not for a son-to-father chat." His forehead creased in annoyance. "Anyway, about your yakuza group, I'm thinking of going legit with them."

Issei's eyebrows shot up. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," Leo sighed. "Look, Raku doesn't have the temperament to run a criminal organization like ours. I figure giving them a shot at a normal life wouldn't hurt."

"I see," Issei said, a flicker of a smile playing on his lips. "We should discuss this further later."

After Issei left, Raku came bounding out, catching Leo on his way out.

"Big bro, why don't you stay? We have tons of rooms," Raku pleaded, a touch of worry in his voice. "Besides, this is your home too."

Leo shook his head dismissively. "Nah, I lost that right a long time ago." He offered a brief wave goodbye and stepped out the door.

Leo had left the house with his mother when she'd decided to move to the US after a major incident. He hadn't even said goodbye to his father or brother back then, thinking of them as mere anime characters. Over time, however, it had dawned on him that this was the real world, and they had real feelings just like anyone else.

Well, there was nothing he could do now.

Standing alone on the deserted street, Leo glanced around, a sudden realization hitting him.

"Damn it," he muttered. "I have no idea where my own place is in Japan. Roberta's going to chew me out for this."

Yup, he was lost.


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