
How Long Have We Been Here?

You know I'm a very expressive person at heart, except when I'm panicking, because of course that's the only time I can keep a straight face. So it is really that big of a surprise when they send me out to fight for them once more. The least they could do is give me some supplies, right? But noooo, "You're a summoned hero you can do this yourself, kyahh" or whatever she said before I just tuned her out, whoever she was. I should really pay attention more when it's introduction time shouldn't I? Anyways, as I was saying, if I have to do this on my own, then I'm doing it where it benefits me.

Kozumero · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Lab Gowns and Hospital Coats

Red and white lights.

All around him.

Aurora couldn't really seem it in himself to process the situation except for the fact that the lady he was playing with was not coming back.

That it was his fault.

All his fault.

He didn't like that, not one bit.

Without him noticing tears started falling out of his eyes. Tem wasn't even around. They took her away from him as soon as they found out he did it. Miss Frena was still here, though she did tell at the people with the bright yellow sweaters first.

People think he doesn't know things but he knows a lot, more the Tem probably. So he knew what they meant when they said the lady wasn't coming back. However, he didn't understand why. Why was it his fault? All he did was tell her she was dead, and she was! He couldn't hear her heartbeat, that was how she was dead, but why didn't anyone notice before?

There was too much going on in his head, too much to understand, too much for a four year old. So he went to sleep.

When he woke up Frena was yelling again. And he was handcuffed to a table. You how cops put bad guys in jail, like in the TV! Except he was the bad guy.


"HE IS JUST A CHILD, HE PROBABLY DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE EVEN DID!" Frena yelled at the cop people. She would be right but he does know what he did, does that make him a bad guy?

"Ma'am he is too dangerous to be let out in the world. Based on what we heard, he told her to be dead and she did. This kind of power is unheard of," the cop reasoned, which looked to make Frena think a little, though she seemed still very mad.

"So you want to make him a government pawn," it wasn't a question, it was a statement, one Aurora very much hated.

He didn't know much about the government but he did know what a pawn was. In chess pawns are usually sacrificing first becuase they don't mean much. Used easily for people with more power.

He hated that.

More and more emotion started piling up, and what more was a four year old to do than cry.

Tears streamed down his face almost silently if it wasn't for his momentary sniffles.

"Ma'am, we are going to have to ask you to leave, you are causing a fuss, which is disturbing some already disturbed people here," another officer said walking in and waving over to some other part of the station.

To which Frena responds with almost shocking him in the face.

The other officer tackled her to the ground and they both, though one more frazzled than the other, escorted her out. The door clicked shut.

Aurora kept sitting in the room that had noth but a two chairs and table. And wept.

After a few minutes a man in a black crisp suit stepped in with the other officer by his side. The officer had a bruise forming on the right side of his face.

The man in the black suit sat down across from Aurora. He did that oldman sit those guys do in tv where he slowly backs into it before sighing when he sits down.

"Hey kiddo, I'm Mr. Forte, I want to talk to you for a while, is that okay?" Hesitating, ever so slightly Aurora wiped away the remaining tear and nodded.

"Alright, do you understand what happened?" he asked and suddenly Aurora felt like crying again.

"Y-yeah, I-I told her-r she w-was dea-ad and she was," he answered voice trembling. The man nodded as if understanding and wrote it down in a notepad he did not have a moment ago.

"Alright buddy, we understand it was an accident, and accidents happen, right," he looked and waiting for Aurora's confirmation before continuing, "And I have some people who are willing to help you, so you don't make the same accident again, is that okay with you?" And to any same grown person, that sounded like a suspicious deal, this however was being asked to a four year old who didn't want to be at fault for another accident. He nodded, desperate so this wouldn't happen again.

A smile appeared on the man's lips and he turned to the policeman next to him, "Great, make sure to get the paperwork ready so he can become a ward of the government. Suddenly, Aurora's gut feeling was telling something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what.

Later he was being led out with the man out of the police station. He suddenly became conscious of the new outfit they put on him. Ot was like a school uniform he had seen some of the older kids at the orphanage wearing, which consists of a collared long-sleeved white shirt, that had a bow and green gem under the collar. He also had black shorts that went down to his knees and long white socks with black shoes.

Maybe he lied about it being similar to the orphan kids school uniform but it was the close comparison.

Before they left Mr. Forte strangely suggested to prepare his eyes, whatever that meant. As soon as they got out a bunch of flashing lights and microphones came into view.

"Mr. Forte, we heard news about a possible reality alternating power showing up, your opinion?"

"Mr. Forte is this the child next to you?"

"Mr Forte, boxers or briefs?"

"Can we please get a statement on the recent murder that took place in Asturias Orphanage?"

"Is this a new up and coming child prodigy, Mr Forte?"

"Is it true that he just told her to die and she did?"

The question kept coming which made Aurora want to hide, he didn't like talking to people, much less strangers. However, it seems Mr. Forte had it covered.

He put on a smile and started talking, "Haha, this is Aurora, he has a powerful ability that we plan on helping control, he will be in good hands," he said not a single stutter or stumble of his words.

They kept walking towards the end of the pathway where Aurora could see at the end of the pathway there was a sleek, black car waiting for them. He also notices more question being thrown their way. However just like in the orphanage he ignored all of them.

"Are you raising child soldiers?"

"Based on his facial features, is this a cover up for genetically modifying people?" This question made him feel a little uncomfortable. However it got worse when they got towards the end of the path.

"Is this the monster we should blame for the murder!?"

"He should be put down if he is that powerful!"

"I was related to Lisa! How could he do that to her!?"

They also aimed some pretty mean things to Mr. Forte but he took it all in stride, like he couldn't even hear them. They finally reached the car and some guy in another suit opened the door for them, and they both got in.

Suddenly, Mr. Forte's smile dropped,
