
How Long A Drarry Story

River_Straz · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Truce

The trio walks to the great hall. Harry in silence ignoring his friends as he's lost in thought. I am the cause of the war. People died for me I never wanted that my best friend lost his brother. I lost most of the people I call family. I am not allowed to go near Teddy even though I'm his godfather. These thoughts came to his mind all the time. "Harry" Hermione was trying to get his attention. Harry came out of his thoughts "Yeah Hermione" he said. "I'm worried about you please tell me what's wrong" she said in a caring tone. "How many times do I have to say I'm fine Hermione" Harry shouted. The entire great hall went quiet and began to stare at Harry. "I'll be in the dorms" Harry said getting up. He walked out of the hall quickly running into Malfoy. "Everything alright Potter" Malfoy asked concerned. "I'm ok why does everyone ask me the same question" Harry said calmly. "Harry were worried I'm worried you haven't been the same" he said. Harry hugged the blonde and started crying all his thoughts were told. "Oh Harry" Draco said squeezing him. "Would you like to form a truce between the Gryffindors and Slytherins" Draco suggested. Harry calms down "I would like that then we could hang out without being judged" Harry said happily grabbing the blondes hand. Draco smiled "Let's go back in to talk to your friends" he said. The two let go of each others hands and walk into the great hall. They walk over Ron and Hermione. "Hey Harry what are you doing with Malfoy" Ron asked. "I want to have a truce Harry has already agreed" Draco said. "Please guys I think this has gone on too long" Harry said. "Fine I'll do it for Harry" Ron says