
How Joyful We Are

【Weekends won't be updated in the following serial period due to being overbusy in real life. — 18/04/2024】 "We did not meet at the peak, we arrived there together." - The tradition at A's First High School's opening ceremony includes selecting a "mystery box", and the chosen student will speak as the representative of the senior class. This year's representative is Meng Yin, whom nobody knows. Clearing her throat, Yin looked at the crowd below and introduced herself, "Hi everyone, I am Meng Yin, a new transfer student from Class 2 of the senior year. My pledge for senior year is to work hard and catch up with Xu Zhiyi. I also hope he continues to strive for excellence and bring glory to our class." At the school, anyone familiar with Xu knows he has a cherished keychain, which mysteriously disappeared after Yin transferred. As Yin realized that "Xu Zhiyi was never her light, but a comrade walking by her side," she also caught a glimpse of his concealment towards her. Tears streamed down her chin, Yin gazed at Zhiyi and said, "Xu Zhiyi, you will die if you like me for a moment!" He knew she misunderstood. Zhiyi closed the distance between them, and pulled her in his arms, stroking her back. At seventeen, he embraced the weeping Yin in such a vulnerable manner and felt the entire world trembling around them. His chin lightly rested on the top of Yin's head as he softly spoke, "I have long been lying at the bottom of your pit." The keychain is you, Wushipai is you, and that wood still belongs to you. The mistake of that summer was without regret in this winter.

AgathaHU · Teen
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Chapter 22.2| New Year party

The charcoal fire rose gently as Xing Xiuze and Nie Hai took on the roles of chefs at the grill today, while Xu Zhiyi calmly cut a fruit platter on the side. 

Looking around the entire courtyard, only Meng Yin and Lin Xipei each had a cushion, sitting beside "Friday", scratching it to make it comfortable enough to doze off.

Xipei scrolled through her phone and began discussing the "Explosion Incident at FHS Forum" from last night. 

Aside from the activities in the third year, there were also many events in the other two grades last night, with many people lively on the forum. Amidst the dazzling excitement, the scenes from Class Two and Class Twelve were too thrilling, from the dance between Xu Zhiyi and Xing Xiuze to Meng Yin's monologue to Xu Zhiyi, each segment was entertaining and lively. 

The close brotherly relationship between Xu Zhiyi and Xing Xiuze was well known, sparking curiosity about the ambiguous progress between Xu Zhiyi and Meng Yin.

Onlookers from various angles sought out different connections between the two, each finding new information in the post titled "Urgently Need a Story Between Xu Zhiyi and the New Transfer Student!" 

Lin Xipei's updates included Yin's surprising performance at the opening ceremony, their dance interaction at the sports event, Xu Zhiyi's sudden disappearance of a keychain, and the statement made two months ago, "We are good friends." 

After much discussion, the consensus was reached that Xu Zhiyi and the transfer student Meng Yin were indeed in a deep state of ambiguity. 

Lin Xipei, always at the forefront of information, nearly burst into laughter upon seeing this conclusion, deciding to add fuel to the fire in the post.

"Guess the result", Lin Xipei yawned, but her eyes were bright and energetic. 

Before she could tease anyone, Xu Zhiyi walked over with a fruit platter and placed it on the low table. The fruits were all in season, cut evenly, and arranged neatly, resembling Xu Zhiyi himself. 

"Later, I replied to the post," he calmly responded to Lin Xipei. 

Yin, looking a bit puzzled, bit into the cantaloupe Zhiyi handed to her. Xipei stretched and also picked a piece of cantaloupe from the platter. 

"He said," Xiuze interjected, holding the first plate of freshly grilled skewers, reciting Xu Zhiyi's reply from last night. "More than just friends, no intimate, my key clasp, has always been hers." 

This reply, both straightforward and cryptic, ignited a frenzy on the forum in the middle of the night. 

As the sweetness of the cantaloupe spread across Yin's cheeks, she looked at the circle of people with bright expressions, estimating what Xu Zhiyi was doing when she replied last night. 

Finally, she asked in a muffled voice, "And I'm just finding out now?" 

Meeting everyone's expectations, they all nodded. 

Yin sneakily glanced at Zhiyi's left hand, then buried her face in the fur of "Friday." 

Xu Zhi casually rubbed her hair a few times to soothe her annoyance. 

Xing Xiuze muttered "woc" in response to Xu Zhi's actions, feeling increasingly restless.

Xing Xiuze returned to the barbecue grill, where Xu Zhiyi placed a thermostat box on a small table and asked as he opened it, "What flavour would you like?" 

Inside the thermostat box were six different flavours of premium large tubs of ice cream. 

Yin looked at the various flavours in the box, triggered some memories, and chuckled softly, "Hot pot in summer, ice cream in winter?" 

Recalling a summer vacation when she and him had a hot pot together, Xu Zhiyi asked her, "Why eat hot pot in the summer?" 

She replied, "Not eating hot pot in the summer is like not having ice cream in winter!" 

Xu couldn't disagree. 

Yin cheerfully ordered three flavours - Belgian chocolate, matcha, and Hawaiian nut. 

Zhiyi scooped out a ball with a water dropper and handed it over, reminding her, "Don't eat too much."

The three singles found Xu Zhiyi's behaviour both absurd and strangely reasonable. In silence, they walked towards the two people, where even friends would be infected by their joy. 

"Have you noticed that Yin has become much more cheerful recently?" Hai nudged Xiuze who was watching the scene with a smile. 

"That's her true self," Xing Xiuze replied, looking at Hai with a smile but his eyes revealing a hint of "why don't you get it," and added, "When I first met Meng Yin, her personality was probably like this. As for Xu..." 

Meeting Meng Yin brought many changes to Xu Zhiyi. 

Xing Xiuze couldn't help but think of his anonymous comment on the forum a few months ago, "You guys are all too young."

Xu Zhiyi had a slight obsession with cleanliness, disliked greasy fumes, and didn't like being surrounded by strong odours. However, after meeting Meng Yin, he got used to the spicy buttery hot pot smell and didn't mind the scent of stray dogs on her anymore. Occasionally, he could even tolerate the smell of grease, like now when Xu Zhiyi, a classmate, was having his first barbecue. 

Growing up with him, Xing Xiuze knew all about Xu Zhiyi's sharpness and brilliance, but also saw his restraint and control. Yet when he was with Meng Yin, Xing Xiuze noticed a different radiance about him. Thinking about this, he glanced at Hai beside him and couldn't help but sigh. Was Xu's life starting at eighteen a bit too perfect? Or maybe they should tease him a bit? 

Obviously, he had forgotten how Xu Zhiyi always defeated him in games.

The two girls moved "Friday" gathering to the table. Xing Xiuze set aside the freshly cooked barbecue, crossed his legs leaned on the table, and said, "Xu Zhiyi, why do I feel like you are becoming more and more audacious?" 

Xu Zhiyi scooped some ice cream onto his side, casually revealing the watch on his wrist when reaching for it, raising his eyebrows provocatively, and replied, "Yep." 

Xing Xiuze almost forgot, this was the true face of Xu Zhiyi. "I see it, I see it!" his eyes rolled up to the sky, making everyone look like they didn't have a watch. 

No one else was wearing a watch after scanning the people present today except for Xu Zhiyi and Meng Yin. 

Pulling back his crossed legs, he picked up the ice cream offered by his good friend and walked back to the barbecue grill, handing the ice cream to Nie Hai and taking the tools from his hands. "Hey," Xing Xiuze teased, "Did someone give you a watch?" He added, "A mechanical watch, not the usual smartwatch you wear." 

Technology enthusiast Nie Hai owns a high-end smartwatch. 

Hai, two centimetres taller than Xing Xiuze, could see over his head and his gaze met Xu Zhiyi's. 

Upon receiving questioning looks, Xu Zhiyi glanced at the back of Xiuze and extended his left hand like a model, showing the watch on her wrist. 

Xipei was focusing on something, almost simultaneously raising Yin's right hand while Xu Zhiyi was reaching out. She also wore a watch on her wrist. 

Even though Nie Hai, as broad-minded as the sea, understood what was going on. He shifted his gaze back to Xing Xiuze's slightly anxious expression and replied, "No." 

"Then I'll give you one." 

Hai squinted at him and asked, "Are you acting silly after coming of age?" 

Xing Xiuze: "..." Truly an uninteresting science student.

The housekeeper emerged from the inner room with the grilled fish she had prepared, joined by Yin's mother who was getting ready to leave. 

Yin's mother's gaze fell warmly on Xu Zhiyi, as she casually inquired, "Do you like the watch? Meng Yin took a while to choose it, seeking a lot of advice from his father." 


Xu Zhiyi stood beside Meng Yin, pinching his wrist as if no one else was around, causing her daughter to blush with embarrassment. 

Understanding the underlying meaning, he replied, "This is the best adult gift I have received. I just don't know if she likes the one I gave her, I took my mother's opinion into consideration." 

Yesterday morning, Zhiyi gave Yin a small box, calling it an adult gift, and last night, Yin gave him a gift box, which was his adult gift. 

Both boxes were similar in size, each containing a watch. 

Both were renowned Swiss watch brands, matching in style and price. 

Yin smiled as he held her hand that was pinching his wrist, saying, "I really like it." 

Genuinely pleased, Yin blushed and urged her mother to leave, "Didn't you arrange to watch a movie with Dad? You will be late if we don't leave now." 

Even Xing Xiuze was surprised by how quickly these two acted, not only did both sets of parents find out, but they also mutually approved. 

Comparisons are indeed odious. 

Taking a quick glance at Nie Hai when nobody was paying attention, Xing Xiuze felt an irresistible urge. 

As the big fan of "Zhiyi CP", Lin Xipei directly started a live stream on a forum with their cell phone, inviting everyone to share in their sweet relationship!