
How Joyful We Are

【Weekends won't be updated in the following serial period due to being overbusy in real life. — 18/04/2024】 "We did not meet at the peak, we arrived there together." - The tradition at A's First High School's opening ceremony includes selecting a "mystery box", and the chosen student will speak as the representative of the senior class. This year's representative is Meng Yin, whom nobody knows. Clearing her throat, Yin looked at the crowd below and introduced herself, "Hi everyone, I am Meng Yin, a new transfer student from Class 2 of the senior year. My pledge for senior year is to work hard and catch up with Xu Zhiyi. I also hope he continues to strive for excellence and bring glory to our class." At the school, anyone familiar with Xu knows he has a cherished keychain, which mysteriously disappeared after Yin transferred. As Yin realized that "Xu Zhiyi was never her light, but a comrade walking by her side," she also caught a glimpse of his concealment towards her. Tears streamed down her chin, Yin gazed at Zhiyi and said, "Xu Zhiyi, you will die if you like me for a moment!" He knew she misunderstood. Zhiyi closed the distance between them, and pulled her in his arms, stroking her back. At seventeen, he embraced the weeping Yin in such a vulnerable manner and felt the entire world trembling around them. His chin lightly rested on the top of Yin's head as he softly spoke, "I have long been lying at the bottom of your pit." The keychain is you, Wushipai is you, and that wood still belongs to you. The mistake of that summer was without regret in this winter.

AgathaHU · Teen
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77 Chs

Chapter 16.2| Understanding with empathy

After parting ways with Ah Wei and Xiaoyu, the group headed to the home of Xu Zhiyi. 

Except Lin Xipei, the rest of them were not the first time to visit Zhiyi's place before, although Yin's last visit was over two years ago. As if anticipating their arrival, Nanny Dong had prepared some snacks and left the living room.

Sitting scattered on the carpet and sofas in the living room, Zhiyi asked, "What are your thoughts?" 

Although no specific question was asked, everyone understood the underlying topic. 

With a tone that implied, "You called us here to work together, didn't you?" Xing Xiuze responded. As a staunch supporter of Xu Zhiyi, Hai felt his brother's question was somewhat redundant.

"Sure."Agreeing absentmindedly, Xipei's focus was on the "Friday".

 Zhiyi's gaze scanned everyone before settling on the "Friday" held by Meng Yin, inquiring, "Meng Yin, what was your original plan?" 

The idea of providing financial assistance had suddenly arisen, but Yin had plans and strategies in mind.

"My plan was to make the donation through a third-party social assistance platform, but I need to look into this further," Yin explained. Charities often disguise corrupt organizations. Yin thought for a moment and added, "Recently, Mr Bai mentioned that he donates 1000 through Alipay to Granny Yu at the end of each year, with the note 'charitable donation.' I am considering the feasibility of this approach."

Xing Xiuze sat on the carpet with his legs crossed, asking Xu Zhiyi, "Do you have any plans? Just lay them all out." He even knew that Xu Zhiyi already had a specific plan in mind. 

"I want to include Li Yong in the list of beneficiaries," Zhiyi glanced at Xiuze and continued, "or Uncle Xing's." 

Both Xu Zhiyi's family business and Xing Xiuze's father's company had foundations that selected a few children for long-term support from a list provided by third-party welfare charity organizations each year. Under the curious and eager gazes of several pairs of eyes, Xiuze briefly introduced the support projects of both families. Unlike Xu's family business, which established a charity foundation to fulfil social responsibilities, Xing's father set up charity projects more so because they had experienced hardships to some extent. 

"These are the existing resources we have on hand, saving us time on background checks. Both charity projects of the two families have been approved by the government, with all donation destinations publicly disclosed. If any issues arise later, we can address them directly." 

Meng Yin, holding "Friday," felt a bit dazed, then smiled. With just a few words from Xu Zhiyi, she eliminated any lingering doubts she had about the matter. Despite the warmth in the room, she felt like she was breathing in fresh air. She had once been in darkness, but with Xu Zhiyi as a comrade, she found an exit, stood under the sun, leapt in the air with her companions, and had the strength to provide insignificant support to others.

Hai retracted his earlier evaluation of his elder brother in his heart as "unnecessary," saying, "I know you two are impressive, but now I think you may be going a bit overboard." 

"Bro Yi is amazing, I'm tired of saying it," Xipei leaned on Yin's shoulder, her gaze falling on the forehead of 'Friday,' asking, "Has 'Friday' been in an accident before?" 

When 'Friday' was carried out of the cart, she saw the two standing walking aids hidden under the clothes on its front legs. 

"Yes," Yin let Xipei lay her hand on 'Friday' head caressingly, and continued, "When we found it, it was hiding under the trash bin, after being taken to the hospital for examination, it was confirmed to be paralyzed in the upper body, and later we adopted it." 

This sentence summarizes the content of the entire text. As sharp as Lin Xipei, she sniffed out the scent of pink, especially the two words "we." 

"Zhiyin CP," please speed up the process! 

"You guys?" Xiuze asked. He suddenly remembered the night when Xu Zhiyi came back stinking and even covered his school uniform on his head. 

In the end, everyone voted to submit Li Yong's application to Xu Zhiyi's family's charity foundation as a sponsored candidate. 

Perhaps the lives of these young people are smooth sailing, but they also have a humble understanding of human nature. The joys and sorrows of life may remain unchanged, but they can still use their own strengths to help those of similar age but from a completely different world.

That evening, a top-quality post was updated on the forum of the FHS.

@PeppaPigisnotpink: My loved CP rescued a stray dog paralyzed in the lower body, bringing tears to my old mother's eyes. All I could say was, "Zhiyin is indeed guidance."

God knows, the question "When did you two get together?" kept Lin Xipei pondering in front of her partner all day.

On Sunday night, boarding students returned to school, and the results of the second monthly exam were released. Xing Xiuze and Xu Zhiyi each performed steadily, securing the first place in the arts and sciences respectively. Lin Xipei and Nie Hai's class rankings improved and declined by one place compared to the first monthly exam, while Meng Yin's overall score increased by 6 points, maintaining the same class ranking as before. Overall, the "Foodie Group" performed well in this monthly exam.

Xipei tapped on Yin's WeChat window.

「Lin Xipei」: Meng Yin, do you know who is ranked after you in the grade?! 

「Meng Yin」: Who?

Yin's grade ranking this time was 98.

「Lin Xipei」: Wu Xiao and Yu Tang!!!

These were the ceiling of the yuri couple Lin Xipei had shipped at the FHS! 

Yin's finger paused on the phone screen, and in the two months at the FHS, she had encountered these two protagonists. At this moment, she remembered the firm gaze of Wu Xiao in the live video.

 After a while, Yin replied to Xipei with a somewhat mysterious but "those who understand will understand" message.

「Meng Yin」: Thank you, FHS!

During the Monday morning meeting, Principal Chen announced that Xu Zhiyi's propose "Queer Eye 2.0" was approved. Due to the difficulty of implementing the plan, for the next two months, Xu Zhiyi will act as the planner, participating in the agreement process with various sectors of society. The related measures will be officially implemented on January 1st of the following year.

The exclamation of "Amazing proposal!" erupted from one corner of the playground, almost lifting Xu Zhiyi up and throwing him in the air on the spot.

Following the meeting was the chemistry class. 

The chemistry teacher, Mr. Zhang, despite being a science teacher, exuded an artistic vibe. 

He wrote on the board the chemical reaction being explained - SiO2 + 4HF == SiF4 + 2H2O, then tapped the board with his knuckles. 

"We have discussed this equation in previous practice questions. How many of you still haven't grasped it? Silicon dioxide reacts only with hydrofluoric acid, it is a weak acid reaction and does not react with other strong acids." 

There were quite a few who hadn't grasped it.

Xu Xhiyi wrote down the equation on a piece of paper and drew a pentagram next to it. This action mirrored what he did the last time he solved a chemical problem on paper. 

"As a science student, if you can't remember the reaction principle of this equation, just think of the romance of science students." Mr. Zhang had a look of exasperation as if iron lacked a romantic element.

Students in the class below the podium: "???"

Mr. Zhang patted the blackboard next to the chemical equation, "Remember this well. When you confess to someone you like in the future - silicon dioxide reacts only with hydrofluoric acid, not with other strong acids, it means 'I only like you!'" His gaze was no different from saying "you uncivilized little brats."

Xu Zhiyi raised his eyes from the paper, looked at the equation on the blackboard, his lips slightly curved, exhaled a sigh - Fine, I'll go with him.