
How Joyful We Are

【Weekends won't be updated in the following serial period due to being overbusy in real life. — 18/04/2024】 "We did not meet at the peak, we arrived there together." - The tradition at A's First High School's opening ceremony includes selecting a "mystery box", and the chosen student will speak as the representative of the senior class. This year's representative is Meng Yin, whom nobody knows. Clearing her throat, Yin looked at the crowd below and introduced herself, "Hi everyone, I am Meng Yin, a new transfer student from Class 2 of the senior year. My pledge for senior year is to work hard and catch up with Xu Zhiyi. I also hope he continues to strive for excellence and bring glory to our class." At the school, anyone familiar with Xu knows he has a cherished keychain, which mysteriously disappeared after Yin transferred. As Yin realized that "Xu Zhiyi was never her light, but a comrade walking by her side," she also caught a glimpse of his concealment towards her. Tears streamed down her chin, Yin gazed at Zhiyi and said, "Xu Zhiyi, you will die if you like me for a moment!" He knew she misunderstood. Zhiyi closed the distance between them, and pulled her in his arms, stroking her back. At seventeen, he embraced the weeping Yin in such a vulnerable manner and felt the entire world trembling around them. His chin lightly rested on the top of Yin's head as he softly spoke, "I have long been lying at the bottom of your pit." The keychain is you, Wushipai is you, and that wood still belongs to you. The mistake of that summer was without regret in this winter.

AgathaHU · Teen
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Chapter 10.7| Queer eye

"Is our school's public relations team that awesome?"

Upon exiting the cafeteria, Xipei was still in shock, never expecting there was more to the story. As someone who was well-informed and skilled in gathering intelligence, she was surprised to have been completely unaware of the situation. "Is this even possible?" she thought. "This doesn't make sense."

"Lin Xipei, snap out of it, our school doesn't have a public relations team," calmly stated Hai, showing more composure than Xipei. While he didn't know the full extent of the situation, he had heard some rumours.

"The public relations team for that incident would be considered the principal and my father," added Xing Xiuze. 

Everyone turned to look at him.

As an unrelated individual to those two events, Xu Zhiyi's presence in the principal's office was not coincidental. On the day when Xiuze's name was maliciously exposed, Zhiyi returned from the art class and then visited the principal's office. 

The wrinkles at the corner of Principal Chen's eyes deepened as he looked at the news reports on his office computer. The significance of these two incidents, whether large or small, was clear to him. A school environment that is not safe would compromise the quality of education for all students, contradicting the core nature of teaching at this school. Prior to this, the school had rarely encountered such events that jeopardized its reputation and involved a crisis of public trust. Some were ready to see the school become a laughingstock, while everyone waited to see how FHS would explain itself after remaining silent.

He is a scholar and educator who has dedicated his life to academia and working with students, yet his handling of public relations crises can be considered less than adept.

Xu Zhiyi understood the situation well, rarely acting impulsively, but there were times when youthful fervour was hard to contain. He wasn't there to inquire about the school's current thoughts and measures to be taken, but to offer professional assistance from a public relations team to help the school deal with the crisis at hand. Facing him was a young man who was neither arrogant nor rash, with striking features. Principal Chen knew this was Xu Zhiyi, well-regarded and the scion of the Xu family, capable of providing such assistance. However, Zhiyi had sought his advice right after the news broke, and the answer might not necessarily have been for the benefit of the school.

Principal Chen was unaware of the relationship between Xu Zhiyi and Xing Xiuzi, merely asking him, "How do you view these incidents?" 

Or perhaps, what he truly wanted to ask was, "Why involve yourself in these disputes?" "What's more important than the school's innocence is the innocence of the individuals involved in these events," Zhiyi spoke with a humble tone but firm resolve, "And Xing Xiuze is also a very important friend and family member to me." 

As time passes, people may gradually forget the rumours surrounding the school, but for those who were once entangled in them, some false accusations are enough to haunt them for a lifetime.

In the afternoon at the principal's office, three public relations personnel from Zhiyi's father arrived. In front of everyone, Zhiyi proposed the idea of ​​live streaming. At that time, the live-streaming industry had only recently emerged, but there was already a trend of mass viewership. Compared to traditional PR methods, live streaming was a bolder and more convincing approach to the public. The PR personnel seemed prepared as they conducted a crisis analysis and predicted several outcomes right there, maintaining a silence on the "Wu Xiao incident" while analyzing the feasibility of live streaming PR and its favourable aspects outweighing the negatives. 

After discussion, it was unanimously decided to exclude the "Yu Tang incident" from the live stream and let the authorities handle the investigation.

Leaving the principal's office, Lude and Pu remained silent, as all words turned into the weight on their shoulders. 

Xiuze instinctively bumped fists with Zhiyi, the handsome young man, expressing gratitude with a smile, saying, "Thanks, bro." 

They both understood that while the Xing family could deploy a PR team for public relations, there was still a probability of secondary public opinion about this matter. Zhiyi's proposal effectively removed all individuals involved in the incident from the public relations management.

"Meng Yin," Xipei lightly tapped on Yin's desk, whispering, "I remember now!!!"

"What do you remember?"

"I remember how the school dealt with the Yu Tang incident! It was through DSOTRC."

Shortly after the "Wu Xiao incident," the Double Session of the Representative Conference took place.

Before the official start of the DSOTRC that year, Principal Chen gave a speech. Xipei couldn't recall the exact details, but the general idea was that "prevention is always what a school should do. While the school is developing students' morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labour skills comprehensively, it will never tolerate any bullying or violent incidents on campus."

After his speech, the first proposal discussed was the "Queer Eye" proposed by Xu Zhiyi.

Based on the latest "Campus Violence Judicial Big Data Special Report" released by the Supreme People's Court, the "Notice on Carrying out Special Governance of Campus Bullying" formulated by the Education Supervision Committee Office, the previous year's "National Psychological Development Report," and the United Nations Children's Fund Committee's "Adolescent Mental Health Report 2016-2020," Xu Zhiyi's "FHS advocates inclusiveness and diversity. While committed to guiding students to explore their various possibilities, it should comprehensively curb any form of school-related violence. Meanwhile, further attention should be paid to students' mental health conditions." He believed that in certain circumstances, everyone could become a kind of "minority." The judgment we need to make is not to tolerate the existence of this minority but to accept its presence. The essence of "sincerity in speech, respect in action" lies in great tolerance.

The proposal of Queer Eye, as the most important proposal of the previous year's DSOTRC, served as the basis for collaboration and formulation among the school administration, student council, and relevant scholars. At the end of that academic year, the 'FHS Campus Bullying and Related Governance Regulations' were introduced, along with the establishment of two student psychological counselling rooms on campus.

Xipei felt as though her brain had been kicked by a donkey at that time. 

"I was quite puzzled at the time," Xipei sighed, saying, 'I had never heard of any incidents of campus violence at FHS. Who would have thought that such a thing could happen at our school."

Her feelings were quite complex, yet she found it difficult to articulate the nature of this complexity, feeling somewhat like discovering a flaw in a beloved treasure. 

Yin recalled certain individuals and moments, fell silent, and said, "Some seemingly unimaginable things do happen, with families, schools, and society all seemingly bearing reasons and responsibilities. Nevertheless, I still hope that such things can be avoided."

With eyes slightly narrowed and lips pressed tightly together, Yin contained some emotions on the verge of eruption, the breath between her nose seeming to invite an embracing touch. Xipei asked cautiously, "Do such incidents happen often at the Third High School?" 

"If you don't have a strong desire to be yourself, then no, they don't," Yin replied ambiguously.

A shadow of melancholy crossed Xipei's expression. Yin tapped her forehead with the end of her pen, saying, "Don't let this incident disappoint you or make you stop loving FHS."

"How could that be?!" Xipei defended, almost reflexively, and then deflated, "I just... just feel a bit sad, sad... like one bad apple spoiling the whole barrel." She propped up her chin, saying, "But, I feel like... Xu Zhiyi seems to be even more... I can't find the right word suddenly, just that kind of empathetic and responsible type of guy, who seems more understanding than I thought."

Yin's pen paused, before she continued, "Thoughtful, empathetic, humble, exuding his own unique charm, along with a sense of propriety that few young men possess." 

Xipei stared at Yin, her gaze filled with the kind of admiration reserved for someone's crush, her assessment of Xu Zhiyi precise and fitting, with a tone and demeanour that seemed lighter and more gentle than even the person in question had realized.

"What is this? Are we just classmates and friends? I can't believe you guys!' Lin Xipei proudly raised the banner of 'Zhiyin CP,' never to fall! 

She thought.

"By the way, what was the theme of last year's sports day?' Yin stopped Xipei, almost forgetting to bring it up. 

"Oh, that... I think you should just ask Bro Yi directly," Xipei chuckled. 

Meng Yin: "..." 

Why does this conversation always end up here?"