
how I wish to be with you

Daoistbidnuy · Urban
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11 Chs



🌺 CHAPTER 11 & 12 🌺




Henry car stopped in the front of the store and he came out and began walking inside.

He is here to see Cassie his aunt.

Getting inside, the female workers started talking about his hotness.

He flashed them a wink and their knees wobbled.

Brittany walked out and saw Henry, she stopped at her track as she stared at the demigod in her front.

"Hey " Henry said.

"Hey, are you here to buy some clothes?" Brittany asked.

"Not really, I am here to see my aunt, Cassie Kitchen" Henry replied.

"Oh, she will be in her office" Brittany said.

"Thanks" Henry said leaving to Cassie office.

Brittany held her chest and breathed.

"I'm blessed this two days seeing two demigods" She said walking away.


Henry got in the office and met it empty, Cassie was out.

He looked around the office and walked to the table.

"I can't remember the last time I came here, a lot has change" He said.

His eyes caught the painting frame on the wall and he walked there, he found himself admiring it beautifulness of it, he touched the frame and smiled.

"It's so beautiful, the artist must really be talented" He said.

He walked to Cassie chair and sat down, he took his legs and placed them on the table, he took a book and started reading.

Cassie returned back to her office, her eyes widened as she saw someone sitting on her chair with a book covering the person face.

Her face turned into an angry look immediately.

"Who the f*ck are you?" She asked, yelling.

Henry smiled and took the book away from his face and smirked at her.

A smile fell on her face

"Henry" She called suprisingly.

"Aunt" He replied.

"You idiot, when did you get here?" She asked and sat on the table.

"Some minutes ago" He replied.

"You came back and you didn't even care to come see me huh?" She asked hitting his head.

"Ou ! aunt".

" My baby" She called and Henry frowned.

" Stop calling me that, I am not a kid anymore" He said.

" You will remain a kid to me, how is school?" She asked.

" School is fine, you don't visit like before?".

" I am busy this days, so what are you doing here?" She asked.

" Don't be dumb aunt, you should know why I'm here, to see your single self" He replied.

" You are calling your aunt dumb, I think you have forgotten about my craziness" Cassie said and stood.

" Aunt no.."

Cassie pounced on him and Henry started screaming as she hit him.


Henry is driving on the road when his sight caught three guys beating up a guy, he wanted to pass but he couldn't as he hate bully with his last blood, he parked the car and came out.

He walked and started pulling the guys away.

"Hey who are you?" One of the guys asked him.

"You don't need to know me, why are you guys beating him up" Henry replied.

"You don't need to know, it's none of your business, now if you don't wanna get hurt f*ck off" The second guy among them said.

"I'm sorry I can't do that" Henry said.

"Then get ready to be beaten too" The third guy said and they came at Henry once.

He ducked the first punch thrown at him.

He counter it back with a hard kick on the guy's leg.

He grabbed the second guy and lifted him back before slamming him hard against the other guy on the ground.

The third guy and most strongest among them succeeded in kicking Henry at the back.

Henry quickly got to his feet and faced him, it didn't took two minutes before he started bleeding as Henry punched his face badly.

The three guys managed to run away.

Henry turned to the guy on the ground, he gave him a helping hand and the guy stood.

"Thank you man" Hilliary said

"Why were they beating you?" Henry asked.

"I f*cked one of them girlfriend, the b*tch p*ssy wasn't even that good, f*ck" Hilliary replied wiping his punched mouth.

"Are you African" Henry asked.

"Yes from Nigeria" Hilliary replied.

"Really?, I studied there for two years" Henry eyes beamed with excitement as he stared at the chocolate skinned guy.

"Wow, I found my brother" Hilliary and engulfed Henry in a tight hug.

"Hey you're suffocating me" Henry said laughing at his craziness.

"I'm Hilliary".


"We were destined to meet, oh! my twin brother" Hilliary said.

"Let's go" Hilliary said taking Henry's hand.

" To where?".

" My house".

" Huh, how.." Henry couldn't finished his statement as Hilliary began dragging him to his car.

When they got to the car, Hilliary enters the driver seat shocking Henry the more.

" What did you think you're doing?" He asked.

" Driving to my house" Hilliary replied.

" We just met I don't know you.."

" It doesn't take twenty years to know someone, just get in the car and let's go home twin brother" Hilliary replied igniting the car to life.

" Ohhh" Henry groaned holding his head.

Henry opened the car and entered.

Hilliary took off in a great speed.

" Mummy, I am kidnapped!!" Henry screamed.


The car drove into the compound and halted.

Both of them came down.

Henry looked around the house before facing Hilliary.

"Is this your house?" He asked.

"Yes, I live here alone, I came to California just some days ago, you are the first guy I will be making friends with" Hilliary replied.

Henry scoffed.

"Who says we are friends" Henry said.

"We automatically become friends the moment you saved me from those American guys" Hilliary said, smiling.

" Why did I even saved you, I should have gone my way, right now I'm dealing with a pyscho".

" We are the same, same letter of our names, studied in Nigeria even though you're an American, we are the same, looking at you" Hilliary said and hugged him.

Henry pushed him away and began walking inside, Hilliary followed him at the back.

Henry entered the living room and fell on the couch.

"Welcome to my humble abode twin brother" Hilliary said.

"Stop calling me your twin brother" Henry frowned.

"You're my lost twin brother, I lost my twin brother in an accident, seriously I don't know why I like you the very minute I saw you" Hilliary said sitting beside him.

"Sorry for your lost" Henry said.

"It's nothing, my parents are in London".

"So what are you doing in California?"

"It's a long story, my dad sent me here to finish my high school, I have been expelled in twelve schools in London" Hilliary replied.

Henry eyes open wide in shock.

"Twelve schools, Jesus" Henry laughed.

"Are you in high school and if yes what is the name?" Hilliary asked.

"Lake high school" Henry replied.

" Oh my God, that is the school my dad enrolled me in, I will be starting on Monday, you see we are twins" Hilliary screamed jumping on Henry.

Henry rolled eyes funnily and fainted.

" Twin bro, what happen?, please wake up" Hilliary started shaking Henry.

"Twin bro!!!" Hilliary called and when Henry didn't buged, he began crying.

Henry eyes opened when he felt something wet on his face, he gasped as he saw tears in Hilliary eyes.

"Wait, you are crying? unbelievable".

"Are you okay, why did you faint, should I get you water?" Hilliary asked at once.

" You're not only crazy, you are a great talkative" Henry said.

" That's Hilliary for you" He winked.


Summer is on a video call with Hailey.

" We are going shopping for tonight party" Summer said

" The time" Hailey said.

" 2pm, I will Tiffany too" Summer said.

" Okay see you then bye baby" Hailey said.

Summer smiled before cutting the call.

" I can't wait for the party, Henry" She smirked and dialled Austin number.

"Hello baby" Austin answered.


"Your mum want me to come over for dinner" Henry asked Blake on the phone

" Yes, are you coming?" Blake asked.

" Why in heavens name will I say no, I will be there with someone"

" Who?".

" A new friend I made yesterday" Henry said.

" Okay, see later dude".

Immediately Blake hung up, Hilliary call came in.

"Twin bro" Hilliary screamed immediately Henry answered.

"Do you want to destroy my ears?" Henry asked.

"Are you coming to my house today?" Hilliary asked

"How old are you?" Henry asked.

"I'm eighteen" Hilliary replied.

"Start behaving like an adult gosh, you are so childish, I will come and pick you up later, I am hanging up" Henry said.

"No twin bro, don't han.." Henry cut the call before he could land.

"Gosh, how can I even like someone like him" Henry said and went downstairs.

He descended the stairs and met his parents.

"Dad good morning, mum good morning" Henry greeted.

Thomas stared at Henry suprisingly.

" Why the look?" Henry asked

" Did you just called me dad?" Thomas asked.

Henry rolled eyes and sat on the next couch.

" I made a new friend yesterday, a Nigerian" Henry said.

" Henry!!!" Thomas and Joyce screamed at once.

" What!!?" Henry asked.

" A Nigerian friend again" Thomas said

" You guys will like him" Henry said.

Thomas and Joyce stared at him without saying anything again.


Summer along with Tiffany and Hailey walked through the rack of clothes as they select out their choices.

"I like this gown" Tiffany said picking a blue gown.

She showed it to the girls.

"I don't like it, it's too long" Summer said.

"We need to look hot baby" Hailey said taking a short skirt.

" I like this one "

Summer went to another section of the boutique.

She saw a red tight gown hung on a hanger, she took and spread it out.

The gown has a opening at the right side, it's short but sexy.

"What did you got here?" Tiffany asked as she entered with Hailey, they already got the party wears they need.

"Look at this " Summer showed it to them.

"Woah!!" They exclaimed.

"Guys at Lake high high will go gaga" Tiffany said.

"Austin will go crazy seeing you in that" Hailey said.

"Talking about Austin, our breakup is coming up soon, let's go and try this dresses on" Summer said.

They all went to the dressing room.


Blake entered the kitchen and met his mum cooking.

"I can't believe you're doing all this just for that psycho" Blake said and folded his hands.

Mrs Baldwin smiled.

" I like that kid, beside Lex will be coming over " She said.

" He said something about bringing someone over, I wonder who that will be " Blake said

The door bell suddenly rang.

" I think he is here " Blake said and walked out of the kitchen

He walked to the door and opened.

Lex flashed him a smile.

"Bro" Lex said as he entered.

"Where is that crazy guy?" Lex asked.

"He is yet to get here" Blake closed the door back but almost immediately the door bell rang again.

Blake groaned and opened the door again.

Henry entered with Hilliary.

"What's that aroma" Henry asked sniffing the air.

"Hi guys" Hilliary waved.

"Hi" Lex and Blake replied but their face held a who is he? look.

"Guys, this is my.."

"Twin bro" Hilliary cut in.

"Huh, when did you.."

"He is my friend, he is a Nigerian" Henry replied already.

" Hilliary, this are my two best friends " Henry said.

" I like you guys " Hilliary said and extend his hand.

Lex and Blake shook hands with him.

" I like him already " They said in unison.

They all moved to the dinning.

"Henry" Mrs Barrett said coming out of the kitchen with the meals.

"Hey baby" Henry smiled.

Blake slapped his head.

"She is my mum mad man".

She put the tray on the table and dished it out.

"Evening ma'am" Hilliary said.

"Evening, who is him?".

"My new friend" Henry replied.

"Oh! he looks much like an African" She said

"You're correct"

"Hi Lex" Mrs Baldwin smiled at him and sat down.

They began eating.

"Mmmm, this is the best" Henry said as he ate the food


"You're the best, Blake is lucky" Henry said and Blake glared.

" I am glad you like it" Mrs Baldwin said.

" Mum you didn't ask me if I like the food" Blake pouted.

" But you have been complimenting me always, this is his first time of eating my food" Mrs Baldwin said.

" Are you jealous of me right now?" Henry asked and the guys laughed.

"I will leave you all to eat" Mrs Baldwin said and left.

"Why are you silent?" Lex asked Hilliary who is eating silently without taking part in the discussion.

"My twin bro said I shouldn't talk much" Hilliary replied.

Blake and Lex started laughing.

"Wow! someone is ordering people around" Lex said, still laughing.

" I can't believe this" Blake said.

" You can talk now" Henry said rubbing his hair.

" Are there cute girls at Lake high school?" Hilliary asked.

The guys glanced at one another.

" Another type, there are lot of cute girls" Henry said

" I can't wait to f*ck them senselessly" Hilliary said.

" Gosh, you are so raw" Lex said.

" I love anything under the skirt, I don't mind the age or type" Hilliary said again.

" Gosh shut up" Henry snapped at him.

Hilliary looked at him with puppy eyes.

Blake leaned back on his chair as he kept laughing nonstop.


🔴 😊😊😊 Eiiii Hilliary The Talkative 😂

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