
How I Slayed A Dragon

A dragon, one of the strongest species in Artania with insane magic and incredible physical might that can wipe out a city with ease. This is the monster that Anthony, a mere soldier, was given the task to defeat. He is nearly killed by one, and by sheer luck he accidentally gains the powers of a dragon, now he trains to control it and he must grab his destiny by the balls and slay dragons, overcoming betrayals and emotional traumas. This is the story, of how Anthony slayed a dragon and many others. Posted  on: - Webnovel - Wattpad - patreon (slimeinspace) - royalroad

SlimeInSpace · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Chapter 4

(April 3)

"Y-y-you're a DRAGON???"

William shouted at me as he pulled out his staff preparing to fight me.

I was confused at the time, and I was baffled. I had asked him what he meant by that, but he jumped back and started chanting a spell.

Ice spears appeared around him and I realize he wasn't going to listen.

William was an A ranked wizard and in a normal situation there was no way I could've possibly beaten him, but right now William was unprepared and was hastily summoning his spells.

Wizards have high attack but low defense. They need time to prepare their spells and attacks, which is usually why wizards fight in parties. When they do cast their spells, they have the potential to do a tremendous amount of damage.

However, without anyone protecting the wizard, the situation would be a lot different.

I quickly jumped at William hoping to disarm him, but he managed to summon an insta-shield from his magic before I could reach him.

I accidentally slammed into his shield and bounced back.

By then William had finished his ice spears and shot them at me, there wasn't much room in the lab and so I had to dash behind a table and hide.

I tried shouting to William again to stop and talk it out, but William still wouldn't listened to me.

With some quick thinking, I grabbed a nearby potion bottle, which at the time I had no idea what it did, peeked my head over the table and chucked the potion at him.

William flinch and at that moment, I kicked the table towards him causing piles of paper to go flying and created a huge mess.

This distracted William enough for me to dash behind him and grab his staff.

He struggled to keep hold of his staff, however he was a wizard while I was a soldier and knight. It was no contest in terms of strength and I ripped the staff out of his hand.

I then grabbed his arm and pushed him onto the ground, pressing his face onto the ground.

He was shouting and screaming like a kid so I gave him a big slap to face and told him to calm down.

Which he then did.

William took a deep breath in and out and I slowly, very slowly, eased my grip on him.

William apologized, he looked at me straight in the face and said these exact words right to my face:

"Who are you...? Wait, do you not realize you have dragon blood and essence within you?"

William got up and started cleaning up the mess while I stood there dumbfounded.

Dragon blood?


I have... dragon blood and dragon essence within me?

William told me to leave and tomorrow.

Now I'm staying at a nearby motel that Briggs introduced me to and currently writing into my journal.

(April 4)

It's now morning and I'm preparing to go back to William. Hopefully I can get him to explain what's going on with me... does the dragon blood have anything to do with the scales that have been showing up on me?


After I entered William's "lab", he greeted me and told me to sit in the seat next to him.

I was suspicious that he might try something, but I had no choice since he was the only person who knew what was going on with me.

He once again, apologized for his "foolish" actions yesterday and then he proceeded to explain that he wasn't thinking straight yesterday. If he had thought about it logically, he would've realized that my blood didn't have enough dragon essence in it for me to be a dragon.

I nodded and said I understand, I wasn't going to keep a grudge or anything.

I told him I didn't know anything about it either and then I showed him the scales on my arm which were growing. I explained that this never happened to me before, and it suddenly appeared all over my body after meeting the dragon...

William seemed to be extremely fascinated with the scales, he took a magnifying glass and looked through it while rubbing his hands against my arm to feel the scales.

He was getting awwwwfullyyyyy close... it was starting to get a bit awkward.... well at least for me, William didn't seem to notice, or didn't care.

He asked for permission if he could "borrow" a scale, and I was hesitant, but agreed which he then plucked one of the scales off as if it were a leaf...

Ouch again.

He examined it and then placed it under a microscope.

I sat there in silence for a bit before William stood up and looked at me.

He then offered me deal; to come stay with him for a while and help with his experiments and research in exchange he'd pay me vast sums of money. Also, he'd help me manage the dragon scales on me and fully utilize it to it's full potential.

I asked him how long I would stay here for, and he thought about it and replied: "Maybe a few years?"

A few years... in exchange for information and money... with the money he offered I could live like a king without working for the rest of my life...

I told him I'd think about it and he nodded.

I then asked him if he knew anything about the scales and why they were growing. Was it contagious? Would it effect my family?

William shook his head and sat down again.

Then he told me what he knew.

When someone absorbs dragon essence, they temporarily become gain a lot of power. However, that power will eventually disperse, and they'll return to normal. The only reason dragon essence doesn't disperse inside of a dragon is because of its dragon blood, which attracts the essence and keeps it there as the container or vessel.

Now, meaning even if it weren't a dragon, but has dragon blood, it could potentially also contain dragon essence... however, dragon blood loses its properties after a dragon dies, so you can't keep a bottle of dragon blood or anything. It needs to be alive.

So the only way to get dragon blood is to inject the dragon blood into another living being before the dragon dies.

The thing is, dragon blood is extremely poisonous and even a single drop could kill even strong knights and it's power will twist the person's organs inside out causing the person to implode and die.

Also, if the blood isn't compatible, the dragon blood might even evaporate all the blood in the body of the new host and kill it.

Simply put, it's nearly impossible to take dragon blood into yourself.

The amount of things you would have to consider is insane, the amount you inject, the right blood type, keeping the dragon alive so it's blood doesn't lose it's properties, defeat a dragon in the first place, etc.

The chances of it succeeding and obtaining dragon blood within you would be less than a fraction of a percent.

But it seems that exact thing... happened to me, at least according to William. After hearing my entire story, he hypothesized that maybe while I was stuck during the dragon attack and when Gin came along and fought the dragon (the guy who saved me), the dragon must've spilled some blood which got evaporated into the air and somehow got into my wounds.

That means now... I'm part dragon and can wield dragon essence according to William...

"You are the only person in the world that has dragon blood within you, congrats."