
How I Met My Future Husband

A girl named Wan Yu, her family had to move to a new place because her dad got a new job. A few years later she enters high school she really hates the popular boys and the mean girls but as she going to her classes she realizes that all of her classes are with a popular boy named Xaing. One day as she was going home she got a call that her mom that their house was on fire. Her dad got a call from his long, lost best friend who is willing to let the Wan family live with his family, when they got there Yu realizes that she will be living with the person she hates the most, it's Xiang. How will her life be like? How is she supposed to live with the person she hates the most? Wan Yu (the main character) Chen Xaing (the main character) Wen Ming (support character) Wang sun (support character) Chen Jing (support character) Wan Li (support character) Min Zhe (support character) Qing Lai (support character) I hope you enjoy my story, this is my first ever story so sorry if I make any mistakes.

Angela_Xiong · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


During the summer Yu and Xaing got jobs, so they can earn some money and would work through Monday- Friday but sometimes on the weekends. The parents went on a vacation for the rest of the summer, Jing and Li work at their jobs for the summer to pay the apartment. Yu and Xaing stay in the big house by themselves, Yu took care of the house when she came home from work and Xaing helps Yu when he came back from his job. One weekend, Yu remember their one year anniversary, so Yu went to get his present. Yu was wondering if Xaing remember about their anniversary so she didn't remind him. After they came home from work when they were doing nothing, Yu got Xaing's present, went to his room to show his present. Yu said "Do remember what day it was two months ago?"

Xaing said "What day was it two months ago?"

Yu said "Silly you forgot our anniversary."

Xaing just smile and stood up,went to his closet, and got a box. Xaing said "No I didn't forget our anniversary, the person who forgot our anniversary is you. I got a present for our anniversary two months ago but I decided to see how long it took you to remember our anniversary." They give their presents to each other, when they open their presents then hug each other and said thank you for the present. They went to sleep because it was pretty late. Yu woke up at 3 am to a banging outside of her wall, she thought it was just in her head so she try to going back to sleep but 5 minutes later she hear the banging. Yu looked outside and she saw a man on the other side of the wall, Yu was very scared so she tries to stay calm, she grab her phone and charger and went to Xaing's room. When she got in his room, she woke up Xaing, she told him "Xaing, there's a guy banging on my window and I'm scared."

Xaing tries to calm her down and went to her room to see if the guy is still there. When Xaing looked outside to see the guy was still there then he call the police. When the police got there the man was gone. Yu was too scared to go back to sleep in her room. Xaing said "If you don't want to sleep in your room then do you want to sleep in Jing's room."

Yu said "I'm too scared to sleep alone, what if that guy come back and he knows that I'm in Jing's room"

Xaing told her "Fine since you're scared you can sleep with me." So Xaing and Yu went to sleeping hugging each other while Yu was already fast a sleep, Xaing was still awake so as he laid there his can feel her heart beat and it felt like her heart beats were like the beats to a song that Xaing can listen over and over. When Xaing was sure that Yu was deep asleep he quietly got up to go check outside if the creepy, strange man was hiding somewhere around their house. He brought his keys and phone, he turns on the flashlight on his phone, locked the door as he left. He checked everywhere but couldn't find the guy so he quickly went back into his house, put away his keys, got back in to bed with Yu, and went to sleep.