
Strawberry Milk

I packed up the connect 4 board game and put it back in the dusty old drawer I found it in. Today was fun, really fun.

Probably the most fun I have ever had since high school started.

Maybe being sick was the best thing that ever happened to me for my high school life.

Normally at this time I would be studying and getting ready for sleep soon, a clock work life style that never changes.

To be honest the monotonous life I live was not something that I consciously thought or picked for myself.

It just sorta happened. Before high school I used to move with my parents whenever their work transferred them to a new location.

Due to this I never really stayed at one place for too long. Before I could really make friends and get to know other people I would have already moved again.

So instead of wasting efforts on trying to socialise I gradually developed this clockwork schedule that I stick to. Studying eating sleeping and repeat. Since these things are really the only constants in my life.

Ever since high school started my parents decided that I am independent enough to stay by myself. So I don't have to transfer around anymore.

However at this point my clockwork life style is already too ingrained in me. Furthermore I've given up interacting with anyone when everyone seems to only be interested in talking with the "Ice Queen". A nickname that I detest.

It makes me feel alien and somehow different from everyone. It feels like I am defined by a nickname that others chose for me and expect me to act by.

But its okay I am fine with the way I am, by myself. After all its how I have been for the majority of my life.

At least that's what I thought. Until Sandy suddenly barged into my life. Like a stubborn pebble that stuck itself into my intricate clock-work system and breaking everything.

At first I thought she was just gonna be like everyone else at school who only sees the Ice Queen and not Jaki.

Instead she treated me with kindness and took care of me as just a fellow classmate who was sick.

I was actually really happy when she told me that once she knew me better she knew that all the Ice Queen stuff was just rumours and not true.

In fact just the thought of Sandy fills me up with bits of happiness that I haven't felt in a long time.

I wonder what's happening to me.

* * *

I walk to the nearest supermarket since its the only thing open at this hour in the suburbs.

I want to get something for Sandy tomorrow, as a token of my appreciation. Though there's really nothing but food at this supermarket. So the option is quite limited. I think hard on what Sandy would like.

Aha! I have a light bulb moment while I was aimlessly browsing around the drink aisle. Of course, Sandy likes strawberry milk. I mean my strawberry milk stained shirt is a living reminder of that.

Hehe, I giggle on the inside, thinking about the incident where Sandy spilt the drink on me. Who knew that the girl she spilt the strawberry milk on would be gifting her strawberry milk.

Life works in strange ways.

I grab the the strawberry milk from the shelve.

Smiling as it reminds me of Sandy.

Another Jaki Chapter! Hope everyone enjoys this one! And who doesnt love a little late night super market shopping :D

BennZcreators' thoughts