

"Ring Ring."

I slide off the alarm on my phone while I am brushing my teeth.

Hehe I'm one step ahead of ya. Somehow I managed to wake up before the alarm clock for once.

Maybe its because of all the excitement.

Geez I still can't believe that I am getting excited over a study session. Well a study session with Jaki to be more precise.

My bed hair is as crazy as usual, though I'm not worried. I have set my alarm this early so I can have more than enough time to prepare.

I damp my hair first, then I get to brushing it. Its kind of satisfying to detangle all the knots in my hair. Though hair brushing can get pretty arduous after a while.

At the same time I am thankful that I have relatively short hair. I can't imagine how all the people with longer than shoulder length hair brush their hair. It must take forever.

Bonus pain if you have curly hair like me. I swear my hair will literally rip out if I don't wet them before brushing.

After a while of brushing I put the hair brush down. I examine my hair in the mirror.

"Okay, this is as good as its gonna get."

I quietly walk back to my bedroom. I'm pretty sure my little brother is still sleeping. He always sleeps in till late on weekends.

Once I get back to my room I sit down at my dressing table. I stare at the mirror, looking at my hair. I want to change up my hairstyle a little bit, just for today.

A while ago when I was just browsing around online, I saw a tutorial for how to do a messy curly bun. It looked really cute and I wanted to try it on myself.

However back then my hair was just a tad bit too short. But now it should be long enough, so I'm gonna give it a shot.

I hope it looks as cute on me as it did on the person in the video.

I take out one of my cuter hair ties. It is a hair tie with two little cube shaped watermelon attached to it.

I carefully follow the instruction in the video and tie my hair into a bun. However there was one problem, it was a little bit too neat for a messy bun.

Well this was a problem that I never expected, especially with how messy my hair is normally.

But this should be easy to solve.

My solution was simple. I started ruffling my hair like crazy until it turned back into its unruly state.

Then I proceeded tie it into a bun again.

Hmm, almost there.

I ruffle my hair a little bit more with the bun still on and pull a few strands of hair outside the bun.

And then Bam! Its looking pretty good if I do say so myself.

I laugh a little bit thinking about the irony about this hair style. It looks casual and like something that probably took less than a second to do. But in reality it took me a lot of effort to get this hairstyle right.

So much effort to look like it took no effort.

I open up by my wardrobe thinking hard about my outfit for today. I go through all my clothes. Hmm too formal. Too casual. Too umm, when did I even buy this?

I think hard on the options available. This is going to be the first time that Jaki sees me in casual clothes. All our interactions thus far has been in school uniform, since they were all on school days. Though I guess technically I saw Jaki in her pyjamas and that's somethings that isn't the uniform.

Jaki looked so cute in that pyjama.

Ah focus! I slap myself on the cheeks. Now is not the time to be distracted thinking about how cute Jaki is.

I keep scanning around my wardrobe until I see a pair of jean shorts. I bought it recently but haven't had the chance to wear it yet. Hmm maybe now is the right time.

Now what should I wear for my top.

I think for a while than I grabbed a white t shirt, it might be basic but I think it'll add to the causal look I'm going for.

I stand in front of the mirror checking out my outfit. Hmm, I think it looks good but maybe it is a bit plain. I feel like its missing something.

So I go back to searching in the wardrobe. Hmmm. Thinking long and hard. I grab an over-sized button up shirt that I have. The pattern of this shirt is green and white in vertical stripes. It looks a bit tacky in isolation but this just might be the missing piece.

I slap it on and pose in front of the mirror. Mmm! This is it. Casual but with some personality and flare added on by the green and white shirt.

I check my watch and I'm on schedule, not too fast and not too slow. I leave my room to join my family for breakfast.

* * *

I walk to the doorway and start putting on my sneakers. My mum still eating breakfast at the table.

"So where are you going dressed so dapper? Perhaps a date?"

My mum asked with a smile teasing me slightly.

My face reddens a little but I turn my back towards my mum so she can't see it.

"No! Its just a study session with Jaki. My friend that I told you about the other day, the one that lives near us."

"Ooooo, I see, well have fun dear!"

"Yep, thanks mum."

And with that I head out the door, eager to see Jaki.

And another chapter done! Hope everyone enjoys this one!!! Its fun writing about clothes and outfits!!!

BennZcreators' thoughts