
Messy sleeper

After we finished our drinks we chi-chat and just enjoy the vibes of the café. As goofy as it can be, I think all the jungle decoration is starting to grow on me.

Its a nice place to take a break from all the studying and relax.

Without meaning to, my eyes just naturally glides towards Sandy. She seems to be going through the menu again. Her eyes squinting like she is studying the menu.

She flips through it a couple of times examining each page closely. Before finally closing it and letting out a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh its nothing. I was just trying to find if they had strawberry milkshake on their menu. Unfortunately they don't."

"That's a shame."

"Yeah it really is. Since their milkshakes were so good. It would have been heaven if they had a strawberry version."


I nod to agree.

Looks like sandy really do like her strawberry milk.

This makes me glad that I gave her one earlier today.

"Hey be the change you want to see. Knowing how good you are with cooking and stuff surely you can make a strawberry milkshake with ease."

"I know, but its such a hassle to make stuff sometimes you know. Once in a while I would like to just laze around on a couch and have it served to me."

"Oh your majesty here is your beloved strawberry milkshake."

Skylar then pretends to kneel down and present Sandy with an imaginary milkshake.

"Oh why thank you."

I giggle at the antics between Sandy and Skylar, I can see why they are good friends.

"How dare a mere peasant laugh in the presence of her highness."

Skylar said playfully towards me.

Caught slightly off-guard I try to play along with them. Thought it came out rather stiff.

"O-oh I'm so sorry, your uh majesty, please excuse my bad manners."

Sandy giggles at my fumbled response. And in turn Skylar and I ended up giggling as well. All of our giggling melding together into one big laughter.

This is fun.

I feel warm on the inside like when Sandy first came to my house. I can't help but wonder if this is what high school life should be like.

Hanging out with friends after school without a care in the world. Saying stupid things and making each other laugh.

Something that I thought I had given up on and would never experience anyway. And yet here I am. Laughing and having the time of my life.

* * *

We part ways with Skylar at the train station. Sandy and I get on our train waving goodbye to her. Sandy seems to be fast asleep once we sat on our seats.

It has been quite a long day.

I stare out the window thinking about all the stuff we did. Then I think back to the strawberry milk shake that Sandy really wanted but wasn't on the menu. Then I think about what Skylar said.

Suddenly I have a lightbulb moment. I know exactly what to do to properly show gratitude for all Sandy has done for me. The strawberry milk from earlier today was only a teaser.

Once again my eyes wonder onto Sandy. She looks like she is deep in sleep. Her mouth wide open with a little bit of drool coming out. She also seems to be smiling from time to time in her sleep.

Such a messy sleeper. But at the same time there's something really cute about it. Something uniquely Sandy.

The corners of my mouth lifts up as I find myself thinking about Sandy again.

Another Jaki chapter! And the first time we get to see Jakis pov when she interacts with Sandy and Skylar!

BennZcreators' thoughts