Sandy is your average friendly high school student. She is energetic and loves messing around with her friends and classmates. Although she can be a bit scatter-brained at times she always means well. Jaki on the other hand is the polar opposite. She is dubbed the Ice Queen at school and is known for being cold and unapproachable. This is a love story about how these seemingly opposite people fell in love with each other!
The day felt like it dragged on forever. Somehow every minute feels like an hour when taking an exam.
I feel like finishing early is a bad thing. Now I have nothing left to do but to literally sit and wait.
My eyes wonder around as I observe the classroom. It seems like most people have finished the exam and are double checking through their works.
I should probably do that as well, but its the last exam of the day and I frankly don't have the energy to care anymore.
I keep looking around and I see Skylar still frantically writing on the exam. I can practically tell which questions she is struggling with.
She wears all her emotions on her face. Sometimes she would be wearing a smug smile, probably when she knows the answers to a question.
Other times she would have such a pained expression on her face. Though I can relate. Some of the questions are really tough.
I hope Skylar can make it through the exam okay.
I go back to scanning the classroom trying to see if I can find anything that will distract me from just sitting and waiting for the exam to end.
I see Jaki at the other side of the classroom, looking as poised and elegant as ever. Her eyes focused on the exam paper in front of her.
Flipping through the pages to double check her answer for probably the hundredth time. I feel mesmerized just looking at her.
Her every movement seems so graceful even if all she's doing is flipping pages.
However it seems like I might have been staring for a little bit too long.
She notices and glances at me. Before I could even turn away to pretend that I wasn't looking at her, Jaki shoots a quick smile and wink at me before going back to double checking her exam.
My heart goes crazy, it feels like I have been shot by cupid himself. Good thing I already finished my exam cause the me right now would need be able to think coherently enough.
My brain instantly sears that image of Jaki smiling and winking at me into my vault of memories. Which as of right now seems to be filled with Jaki for some reason.
* * *
Its the last exam of today and everything has been going according to plan. None of the questions were out of the ordinary. It is just like all the other practise exams I have done.
I finish the exam slightly ahead of schedule. Which means I should have around half an hour left for double checking. Perfect.
I go through my entire paper again. Then again. And again. By the fifth time I am pretty sure I have answered everything correctly. And even if I didn't I probably wouldn't be able to catch it if I haven't notice it earlier.
Nonetheless I keep double checking all my answers. Might as well since there is still some time left. Though to be honest the boredom is starting to get to me too.
A whole day of exams can be quite tiring even if I am well prepared.
I decide to put the papers down for a second and just let me eyes rest. I look around the classroom and I see Sandy staring in my direction.
She looks like she is daydreaming, her expression also looks a little bit goofy.
Heh, heh. I giggle on the inside. Sandy always seems to be wandering about and staring off into space.
She looks a little bit loopy but its cute and charming in a uniquely Sandy way. I shoot her a quick smile and wink.
I feel much more energized now. All that previous weariness alleviated.
I go back to checking my answers.
Feeling much better.
Another chatper! Sorry for not updating the last couple of days. Uni has started so I needed to adjust to my new scheldue. Hopefully once I get it all sorted out I'll be able to get back to writing daily! Also this is the first time we have both Jaki and Sandys pov in one chapter!!! Hope y'all enjoyed this!!!