
How I Fell in Love with a College Girl and Ended with a 50k Bounty

Saki, the class beauty. As their unlikely friendship blossoms amidst the complexities of teenage life, they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and danger. But when Leo's act of heroism attracts the wrath of a dangerous gang, their bond is put to the ultimate test. With a bounty on his head and their lives in jeopardy, Leo and Saki must confront their fears and fight for their future together. Will their love withstand the trials that await them, or will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

Zmeal_XD · Action
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24 Chs

Unfulfilled Affection (Chapter 22)

The hospital was dull and dark as Juko, Saki, and Rico rushed inside, demanding access. The nurse shouted, "We cannot let anybody in at this time!" Rico slammed his hand into the table, shouting back, "Goddammit, what the hell is this bullshit?" Juko grabbed Rico and pulled him towards him, whispering, "Shut up, you aren't making it better." While they argued, Saki sat in the corner, tears falling down her face as she looked at the dull hospital hallways. The doctors worked hard on stabilizing Leo. Hours passed, then suddenly, a doctor emerged. "Look, your friend is alive, but the drugs he took aren't normal. They've messed up his brain and feelings. His brain has hit derealization phase 1. It will likely worsen over time. It isn't deadly, but he cannot feel common emotions anymore," the doctor explained.

Juko, Saki, and Rico stood in shock as they heard the doctor's words. The doctor allowed them to enter the room. Leo sat, staring at the wall with no emotion. Juko tried speaking up, saying, "Hello, Leo," but there was no response. Leo then looked at the doctor and said, "Doc, am I free to go?" The doctor hesitated but let him leave. Leo stormed out of the doors and walked towards his house. Saki, Juko, and Rico followed in their car, shouting at him, "Leo, come jump in the car!" Leo responded, "I'm fine. I'd rather walk."

Juko dropped Saki off at Leo's house, where she unlocked the door and walked in to see shockingly a small note on the table. It read, "Leo, please know I love you, but I can't take this anymore. I'm moving away to the USA to live with your father. Please know that I care about you and hope the best for you. One day, I believe I will see you again. I left some money on the table, this 5 months rent. After it is all I have. Hopefully, you can live off this for the time being. Sorry that I did this. I feel terrible, but I had no choice. I love you, Leo. -Mother."

Saki stared in shock and trembled while reading the note. She looked over towards the door, and with a click, it unlocked. Leo walked in, looking at Saki without saying anything. Saki grabbed Leo's arm, sobbing, and told him about the letter. Leo looked at Saki and said, "Oh, is that so? Well, it might be for the better," and went to bed unfazed. Saki sat down on the couch, looking towards the TV, which repeated the same clip. Leo looked towards the ceiling, tears falling from his eyes, but no emotion was seen.

The next day, Leo woke up, walked out, and prepared breakfast for him and Saki, making eggs and bacon. Saki then said, "Leo, a lot has happened. We're short on attendance, our lives have been ruined, but we're still going strong. Would you like to go do something fun today, just us, to calm ourselves and live normally, just for the time being, until something happens?" Leo looked at Saki and said, "Fun… I don't really… Well, never mind. Alright, let's go. But what should we do?" Saki answered, "Well, there's a festival in town we could go to." Leo responded, "Isn't that only for couples?" Saki said, "Well, yeah. I was thinking we could go as a couple." Leo looked at her and said, "I suppose that's okay."


I've got a lot of stuff to do currently; I hope to make more chapters soon. Here's a little chapter for now don't worry, more are coming.

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