
How I Fell in Love with a College Girl and Ended with a 50k Bounty

Saki, the class beauty. As their unlikely friendship blossoms amidst the complexities of teenage life, they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and danger. But when Leo's act of heroism attracts the wrath of a dangerous gang, their bond is put to the ultimate test. With a bounty on his head and their lives in jeopardy, Leo and Saki must confront their fears and fight for their future together. Will their love withstand the trials that await them, or will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

Zmeal_XD · Action
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24 Chs

Underground Bidding (Chapter 15)

Leo met up with Juko Saki after the trial, Rico standing outside the courtroom, observing the whole ordeal. Leo's voice was cold as he remarked, "Shit's getting real now. If it wasn't dangerous before, now we're awaiting death." Juko looked scared as he glanced at Leo, while Rico stood beside him nodding in agreement, saying, "Indeed, it's getting real. Three gangs, who dominate most human trafficking trades, have posted a bounty on you, Leo. It's highly confidential. Don't tell anyone I told you this." Leo looked surprised and angered, muttering, "Human trafficking... those bastards. This is insane." Saki interrupted, adding, "It's the sad truth."

Juko then proposed, "What if we went to one of these insider trading events?" Leo looked at Juko, shocked, but considering the possibility. Saki agreed, while Rico added, "Yeah, indeed. The next one is actually tomorrow early morning at 4 o'clock." They all agreed to go, and Rico drove them home. They stayed over at Leo's place, and when Rico woke them up at 3:15, they all dressed up in suits, looking like wealthy businessmen. They were initially stopped by the bouncer but eventually let in after Rico persuaded him.

Entering a large bidding hall, the auction quickly commenced, with a young boy being presented, chained up. Rich men started shouting bids, escalating rapidly. Leo, visibly angry, whispered to Rico that they should intervene. Leo then boldly shouted a bid of 1 million yen, causing the hall to fall silent. He approached the bruised boy, pulling out Rico's police gun and using it to strike the host on the head.

Soon, Rico, Saki, Juko, and Leo found themselves in the center of the hall, ready to fight and save the kids. Unbeknownst to them, a gang member from behind the scenes watched it all unfold and promptly informed the gang leader, Sakeu. Outraged, Sakeu ordered, "I'm sending 100 men to the location. Get as many of the rich men out of there as possible, and do it fast. We're bombing the place to the ground." The gang member, shocked, responded, "Alright, I'll make it happen."

As the three gang members engaged in combat with Saki, Leo, Rico, and Juko, they became focused on the fight, oblivious to the wealthy men fleeing the scene. Suddenly, a horde of 100 gang members stormed the building, armed with grenades and explosives. They threw their deadly explosives, causing chaos and destruction throughout the hall. Leo, Juko, Saki, and Rico scrambled backstage, seeking refuge from the onslaught.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the once-grand hall lay in ruins. Leo's leg was pierced by multiple grenade shards, while Juko had lost a piece of his finger to the blast. Saki emerged unscathed, shielded by Leo's protective embrace. Rico, however, got affected most by the explosion, suffering from severe injuries, scars, and grenade holes in his arm.

As bystanders gathered and the police arrived, the group attempted to flee but was apprehended and taken into overnight custody. Leo, Juko, Rico, and Saki were treated for their wounds and subjected to questioning by the authorities.

"So, Leo Kakai, what business did you have there?" Leo remained silent under interrogation until the an unexpected knock, on the, door it was the arrival of the defense lawyer.

The defense lawyer barged into the room, quickly stopping the questioning. before, dragging them into ,another room. "Look, guys, I know it isn't y'all, it's them gang members. I deeply apologize, Leo. It was wrong of me to take the prior case, but I'm also stuck in a situation with the gangs. But listen, I'll repay you. I'll fix this mess without it having to go to trial. Don't even worry. Go on with your lives while I fix this. And here's my contact. Call me if you need jurisdiction."

After the lawyer's intervention, they were all sent home. Leo returned to his mother's awaiting him at the doorstep, 

"Leo, you worry me sick every time. Isn't it enough that I have to worry about my son going out every day to school? Please, Leo, you can't keep doing this," Leo's mother exclaimed with concern.

Leo sighed, feeling the weight of his mother's worry. "Mom, I'm sorry. I'll fix it, don't worry," he reassured her.

Leo's mom let out a resigned sigh and walked over to the sofa to watch TV, her worry still evident in her expression.

he noticed multiple wine bottles scattered on the ground.

As Leo entered his bedroom, with Saki whom offers her comfort. "It might be a wild ride, but I'm seeing a happy ending," she said softly.

Leo responded. "Yeah..."