
How I Fell in Love with a College Girl and Ended with a 50k Bounty

Saki, the class beauty. As their unlikely friendship blossoms amidst the complexities of teenage life, they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and danger. But when Leo's act of heroism attracts the wrath of a dangerous gang, their bond is put to the ultimate test. With a bounty on his head and their lives in jeopardy, Leo and Saki must confront their fears and fight for their future together. Will their love withstand the trials that await them, or will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

Zmeal_XD · Action
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24 Chs

Sauha's Demise: A Struggle Against Darkness (Chapter 20)

Juko and Rico leave Leo's house while Saki stays. Leo looks at Saki before saying, "Please leave, Saki." Upon hearing this, Saki looks at Leo and says, "No, I want to be with you." Leo looks down towards the ground and then punches the wall with all his might, making his hand bleed, before shouting, "Saki, leave!" Saki, visibly upset and crying, looks at Leo and says, "No, I'm with you in this," as she heads to hug him. Leo pushes Saki away and says, "Just leave, please," tears falling from his eyes. Saki stands her ground and says, "Leo, why are you doing this?" Leo shouts while crying, "You wouldn't understand, Saki. It's enough. I've done enough. I'm just a worthless human being." Saki looks shocked as she tries to get close to Leo, but is met by an angry and sad snap from Leo. Then, Leo takes out his fist and says, "Look, Saki, I can't do this anymore. Leave before I'll escort you out." Saki, sad and depressed, leaves the house, heading towards her apartment. Leo sits down by his bed and begins hopelessly sobbing while punching himself.

He slowly says to himself, "Why couldn't I just have ended it before this all got too real? I can't let Saki be endangered anymore. I should have stopped it the second I met Sauha. I am really messed up, I guess…" Leo continues sobbing while Saki heads home and enters her apartment, sitting on her bed alone, looking out at the stars, while Juko and Rico ride around the city talking about everything.

Suddenly, the sun comes up; it's now daytime again. Leo is still sitting by his bed, almost lifeless, tears still falling down his cheeks. He stands up to head out, walking around the neighborhood, looking at all the happy people and happy teens around him, all living a happy, normal life. Leo sits down in an alleyway, just staring up into the sky. Suddenly, a homeless person walks up to him and asks him what he is doing there. Leo stays silent without saying anything. The homeless man sighs and sits next to him, taking out a cigarette and then offers Leo one. Leo looks down at the cigarette, picking it up from the homeless man's hands. He borrows a lighter from the homeless man and lights the cigarette but begins to cough uncontrollably. The homeless man chuckles at the fact that Leo couldn't smoke. Leo then speaks up and says, "These tastes terrible." The homeless man chuckles again and says, "Makes sense. You got to smoke more to get the good taste." Leo just stays silent.

The homeless man then asks, "What are you doing here?" Leo sighs and says, "I'm wanted by the Yakuza." The homeless man, shocked and surprised, says, "A little twerp like you is wanted? What a surprise. What did you do?" Leo responds by telling the homeless man about the whole incident, how it started, and how it is now. The homeless man understandingly says, "So what the hell are you doing here? Go beat that sucker's ass." Leo looks at the homeless man, feeling a bit confident. "Maybe I should," he responds as he stands up and says goodbye to the homeless man.

Leo walks around in the middle of the street; the sun has now gone down, and many people head home. Leo stays out, walking through many different alleyways. Suddenly, he spots two gang members talking to each other. Leo scouts them from afar. The first gang man says, "So what the hell does boss think? We are making us keep lookout." The other gang member responds, "Yeah, what the heck does he be thinking? Honestly, Sauha never appreciates us." Leo looks surprised as he figures out that the gang members have an affiliation with Sauha. He walks across, being spotted by the gang members as one of them shouts, "Hey, who the heck are you, and what business do you have here?" Leo just looks at them with a menacing face as he heads towards them. Now face to face, the other gang member speaks up and says, "Take one more step, and you are dead." Leo looks at him carelessly and steps closer. The gang member takes out a knife and swings it at Leo, missing. Leo lands a clean uppercut on the gang member and quickly beats the other to a pulp as well. He says, "Where the heck is Sauha? Tell me or meet your fate here." The gang members, visibly shaken, spill the beans. "He is at the clubhouse at the broken-down old hospital." Leo stays silent and heads towards the broken-down hospital.

Upon arriving, Leo is greeted by ten Yakuza gang members and Sauha behind them. Leo looks at the situation and says, "Oh well, we meet again, Sauha." He looks around, sees Sauha silently looking at him, and says, "Where's your friends, Leo? Did they abandon you? Did they finally realize how much of an idiot and messed up person you are? You did this to yourself. You dragged them in with you. Consider yourself responsible." Leo stays silent before taking his pocket knife out and heading towards the gang members. He then shouts, "Sauha, if you don't fear me, then take me on one vs. one right now." Sauha, laughing, agrees and makes the gang members move aside. Leo and Sauha, armed both with knives, get ready to fight. They engage in combat as Sauha swings his knife towards Leo, barely missing. Leo swings back but is quickly overpowered by the swiftness of Sauha's attacks. They fight, and as the time ticks, the tenseness of the situation becomes thicker. 

Sauha manages to land hits on Leo, stabbing him in his stomach, arm, and leg, while Leo has only managed to swing a couple of slices on Sauha. Leo looks down at the blood of his injuries and takes his knife, keeping fighting. Sauha taunts Leo, "So, Leo, are you finished yet?" Leo takes out his knife and catches Sauha off guard, slicing his stomach, creating a big cut. Sauha looks with his glowing red eyes and yellowish spiky hair as he swings the blade towards Leo's throat.

Saki looks towards the sky; nothing happens. She has been inside for 24 hours. Suddenly, a hard knock is heard. Saki opens the door; it's Juko and Rico, who are out of breath, saying, "Saki, Leo is fighting Sauha alone. Come now." They run towards the car and get in and head to the location. Leo's throat barely got missed; a small cut was inflicted. The battle continues; Sauha keeps up with fast and strong movement, while Leo plays defensive. After a long fight, Leo sees an opening for a final attack and stomps the ground hard while kicking Sauha's leg, making him lose balance while he charges his knife down to finish him. But suddenly, Juko, Rico, and Saki arrive, and Leo gets surprised. Sauha looks at Leo and says, "What, you too scared to finish me off or what.

 Leo closed his eyes and thrust his knife into Sauha's throat, killing him instantly. The gang members screamed and shouted retreat; Sauha has been killed on their radios. They ran from the scene. Leo looked around, seeing flowers and animals living in harmony, as he heard a faint voice shouting, "Snap out of it, Leo!" He snapped out and looked down at the lifeless body of Sauha. He jumped up while Rico took the body and threw it away. Leo got treated by Juko and Saki. Soon after, they headed towards Leo's house.

As they approached Leo's house, a sense of relief washed over them. The weight of the recent events began to lift, replaced by a quiet sense of closure. Leo felt a mixture of emotions - relief, sadness, and a lingering sense of guilt. But as he looked at Juko, Rico, and Saki by his side, he knew he wasn't alone in this.

Entering his house, Leo took a deep breath. Though scars from the past lingered, he was determined to move forward. With the support of his friends, he knew he could face whatever the future held. And as they gathered together, a sense of unity filled the air.