
How I ended in a novel as a villain of the story

Life happened. Sorry have to take one week break! This novel tells the story of a Victor, orphan with hard life that got one day reincarnated to his favorite novel. But to his surprise he was not reincarnated as a main character but as main villain that is meant to suffer and slowly loose everything he had. Embark with Victor on journey for a good life with his girls, family and friends. I will be posting two chapters every morning ( I am from Europe so in your timezone it will be different ).They should be at least 1000 words long. R-18 chapters are released as bonus chapters and are not counted towards chapters per day. I am not marking them in chapter names but there is always warning in chapter before them at the end. They are always safe to skip if you don't like them. This just my hobby that makes happy so I decided to share it with you guys hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it. Just so you know I am not really a fan of NTR and Incest so don't count on that please. PS: I am really bad with novel tags. So if you are better with them than me I will gladly accept your input.

Victor_PR · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Visit to Karlstein duchy

"I have no reason not to be open. It would be unfair for you if I was not upfront about it and it could cause issues down the line. And now is perfect opportunity since you know I can't lie."

"You are smart. What's your plan with that piece of trash?"

"We will start right away if you agree with the engagement. I am meant to visit Karlstein household. I will ask Duke to make sure his son won't stalk my fiancée. Since I gave his only son with his new wife spirit beast for free and also, I am about the only who can mentor his son can have on his class inner workings he will make what he can to stop him."

"You sound so sure about that."

"Because I 100% sure that at the end duke will be the one that who will remove that nuisance on his own. And regarding you going into Karlstein mansion, you have nothing to fear. I can guarantee your safety."


"Let's say I didn't become 15-year-old A rank adventurer just by reporting my exploration because I am weak. And duke is well aware of that fact."

"OK I will trust you." She snapped her fingers. "I am sorry for the spell but I have hard time trusting men. I assume I will be moving to your mansion."

"That would be preferred."

"Ok than, Fiancée. I will go get ready. Give me two hours. Father wanted to speak with meanwhile."

"He mentioned that."

After this Phara went ahead to pack her things and let her mother know that she will be leaving with her fiancée. While Vic went ahead to talk with her father. Father pretty much just made sure the engagement went thru, and talked in length about Karlstein creep. I ensured him that the creep problem will be handled and his daughter will have everything she needs and that he is always welcome to come check on her. Both Phara's father and mother looked happy, that her problem will be handled and their daughter found a nice guy to take care of her.

After we left the mansion, we went to meet our business partners. It was just boring business talk filled with people that was climbing up my ass. But we handled it fast and proceeded home.

After this Phara moved to the Vic's mansion. She was very surprised during the first after dinner tea outside when the spirit beasts came to play. In that moment she understood why it was important for Vic to have fiancée that likes the spirit beasts. Phara got to pet a small spirit bunny right at the first day of her stay so she was very happy. Her chambers had everything she needed including bath and bookshelves. She was a little worried when girls showed her a huge bathroom on the ground floor during the tour of the mansion. But they explained her that it is used by them and Vic to bath comfortably together. And that she does not have to participate.

As she was getting used to her life in a new place the day of the visit of the Karlstein duchy came.

"Phara before we go, I would love to give you a little gift. It's a gift I gave to every member of my family and as my fiancée I would love to have it too. But if you refuse, I will get it."

Vic pulled out of his storage a little box and handed to Phara. She opened it and saw ring similar to the one Vic had on his hand but the dragon's eye was had a hazel-colored sapphire mounted on it. Hazel exactly like her eyes.

"Victor this is not "little gift" you know. I can't accept this?"

"I understand. You don't feel like a part of my family. It's understandable. I didn't want to push you or something I just wanted you to feel here at home. And this is for me just a token that represents we are a family. Mother and sister have chokers, and we all have rings. Maybe I should have gotten a choker for you too."

"It's not that Victor, your mother already explained me the history around the rings and chokers and its actually pretty sweet gesture. But you know how rare that rock is? It must be worth a fortune."

"Honestly I looted the stone on my adventures, and for me it's just a pretty stone that matches the color of your eyes."

"Liz talks some sense into him please!"

"Why should I? It's just a little rock on a ring. Don't make such a fuss about it, Phara."

"Lady Camilla please!"

"Don't bother Phara, for them is really just a pretty little rock. Liz is money demon and with her investment and trading skills they earn so much that there common-sense regarding value of stuff long since went out of the window. For Vic it is really just sentimental token that symbolizes that you are part of his family and that you are welcome here."

"OK then. It's a very nice gesture thanks Victor."

After this Victor, girls and Phara went ahead toward the Karlstein duchy. Since Vic's engagement was properly announced, they weren't led to room where he would be forced to talk one on one with with duke's daughter like it was the case with Phara. But into big receiving room where whole Karlstein family was waiting for them.

As they entered into the room first thing that happened was the eldest son of duke went ahead and started to walk towards Phara. She was nervous but she decided to trust Victor that he will protect her. Karlstein cunt stopped right in from of her and started talking.

"You bitch I told you are mine. What is a meaning of this? How are engaged?"

He raised his hand and was about to slap Phara but from nowhere his hand was cought from behind by Lola that teleported to his shadow and he had dagger from Lola's other hand and demoniac sword from Vic on his neck.

"Duke could you please educate your son and make sure he won't bother my fiancée anymore. I would normally cut his head for this but since I respect you, I am willing to give him a chance."

Duke was fuming. What his son did was unforgivable. He assaulted fiancée of the son of the neighboring duke that was invited to visit his house and tried to hit her. If this got out he would socially finished.

"Guards drag him out of here and give him ten lashes. His will be under house arrest in his own room until I cancel that. And nobody is allowed to enter his not even maids."

"Father. Why are you on his site? Father it is my woman! Why are you on his site?" Screamed the lunatic as he was dragged out of the room.