
How I became God

DragonYou70 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Prologue - part 2

I let out a sigh as I slowly descended to the ground. Around the crater, there is nothing left. In the crater, you can see some dirt, stone, and small black flames because of the spell I cast. Near the crater, everything was covered with smoke, fallen trees, and other soldiers who were looking at me in terror. Then I turned to go to Michael. He called as if he was 3 km away from me.

"Okay," I said as I closed my eyes and activated my Distant Sight. This power helps me to see the people I want to see and show me where they are. Instantly I found the Archangel. Without a second to wait, the whole reality around me became distorted and it looked like the world was coming to me until everything lit up and I disappeared from where I was a millisecond ago. Where I was burst into a strong wind due to my teleportation and I was 3 meters away from Archangel.

When he saw me I could tell he was scared, not only by the ability to destroy 2000 Angels and upper-class demons in less than 10 seconds but also by the fact that I teleported to him without him knowing.

He took a step back because he didn't know how to react and what to do with me. I never considered Michael an ally or an enemy. It's up to him what he wants me to become for him and the other angels. In the end, he straightened his back.

He, being one of the strongest angels in God's army, tried his best not to show any negative emotion. He had a little hair on his face from the battle with the demons so he took the time to slick his long hair back. He had shoulder-length blonde hair. As for the body and the face, I admit, any woman on earth or in heaven would be on their knees for him.

 At 185cm he was quite tall, but still a head shorter than me. I also smiled at what I thought.

Because of that, Michael seemed to get angry, "How..." he tried to say through his clenched teeth.

"Hm?" I answered indifferently. And he continued, "How can you smile at a moment like this Alex?!" He shouted at me. "How can you afford it? You kill and destroy everything you want! You don't care about anyone or anything! Why do you even fight in this war if you are everyone's enemie?! What can you even receive if you kill both armies? God gave you his power...and look what you're doing...you're destroying his universe and everything he created" he said through screams and laughter, tears welling up in his golden eyes.

I stood straight, unmoved by a word he said. "Look Michael..." and I approached him, "I didn't want to be God, I didn't want this power, and believe me..." I put my hand on his shoulder, looking down at him. "Your God wanted this and because of him, I suffered so much. For this reason, you and everyone else will suffer" I could see the desperation, anger, annoyance, and fear in his eyes when I put my other hand over his face and said, "Aniquila."