
How I became a powerful caster

TheMilkMan_345 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


[ This is my first time writing a book.i apologize if I spell words wrong or don't use proper punctuation or grammar. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy]

Long ago in the land of Daria. Magic was born. It came in the form of an egg. A giant egg that fell out of the sky. The egg glowed with a unique golden light. The people of Daria screamed as the egg fell from the sky and smashed into a poor peasant's home, Right on the edge of Saw Village. The egg shattered on impact and left a giant crater on the Earth.

Saw Village was a small village home to about 70 people. Everyone just about knew each other.

The owner of the home. A man by the name of Anthony David. Was crushed beneath the egg killing him instantly. Anthony's neighbors tried to find his body but it was beneath the pool of glowing water, and no one wanted to enter the pool to retrieve his body.

The king sent a letter to the village chief asking the village general to guard the pool of water. So the king could come and see the pool of water without there being a crowd in his way.

A few days passed and strange things began to happen. A woman named Hellen Frost came screaming at the village general saying she created a light without a candle, and that she may be the descendant of a witch. The general, Darwin Fray - knew Hellen well, they were more than best friends having grown up together. He Looked Hellen up and down and tried to look for anything that would say she was just trying to prank him again, But her face showed that she was terrified, She looked like she had seen A ghost. Darwin hugged Hellen and told her not to worry and asked her to explain what happened.

Hellen took a deep breath. " I had just finished milking the cows and went into the shed to put the bucket away..." She paused and tried to turn her head to look behind Darwin.

Darwin turned around to look in the direction of the pool. He didn't see anything.

He turned around and said. " What is it? Why are you looking behind me?"

" Th... In the pool, a wave just appeared... I think there could be something inside of it." She stammered.

If something were in the pool there would be no way of knowing. The pool was glowing with golden light at all times.

" Could just be some kids throwing rocks in." He said.

" Now please, continue with your story."

" Oh yes. Sorry. Well, I was in the shed and it was very dark. I started thinking that I should put a candle in there, And a light appeared in front of me. At first, I thought one of the ceiling boards fell in again but when I looked up the ceiling was fine. The light seemed to be just floating in front of me. I dropped the bucket and ran. I didn't look back I thought that I had created the light just by thinking about it. Maybe I am a witch..." Hellen broke down in tears

" Calm down Hellen. You are not a witch. If you were a witch, why would your magic somehow manifest now?"

" You have a point there..." She said wiping away her tears.

" But please don't tell anyone. You know what these people do to witches."

In Daria, some people would sell their souls and other valuables to demons to get demonic powers. Those people are called witches and warlocks. And if someone is found to be a warlock or a witch they are to be hung or burned immediately. They are extremely dangerous and can cause a lot of damage to a town or village. Sometimes depending on the contract they make, The demon's powers can be passed down for generations. Luckily it was very rare for a witch or warlock to appear. Most people don't want to give up their souls for power.

" Don't worry," He said. " I won't tell anyone. But just to be safe, please don't go. Just stay here so I can keep an eye on you."

She nodded and sat down on a big rock next to him.

Darwin was a great man. He had won many battles against giants and trolls all on his own. His mother and father called him the pride and joy of the frey family.

That night while Darwin and Hellen were sleeping in a tent. A guard came screaming into the tent.

" General! General! Wake up!"

Darwin and Hellen Shot up taken away from their deep sleep.

" What is it!?" Darwin yelled.

" A man!... A man just walked out of the pool! Sir, I think it's Anthony!"

Darwin threw the blanket off of himself and jumped up.

" Stay here." He said to Hellen.

" No way Anthony was my best farm hand. I have to make sure he's okay." She hopped up and put on her shoes.

He quickly put on his leather armor and ran out of the tent what he saw made him stop dead in his tracks.

" Anthony?..." He said

they could tell it was Anothony from his signature blue and red duck shirt. But the shirt was torn to rags. The least strange thing about this was Anthony's clothes were perfectly dry. As if he wasn't just sitting at the bottom of a glowing pool for four whole days. The strangest thing about this was Anthony was dead. Or he was supposed to be dead. The thing that made Darwin want to vomit was that he could tell Anthony wasn't whole. His eyes nose and mouth were oozing with glowing gold liquid. His Arms looked like they were just hanging and the liquid was just keeping his arms attached to his Shoulders. His stomach and chest were glowing brightly. and his legs had lots of different parts of them glowing with the liquid.

" Anthony!... Are you ok?" He asked. Darwin's stomach started to feel horrible. Usually, when he got a bad feeling in his stomach he knew something bad would happen. Hellen called it his sixth sense.

" Anthony is gone." The body said. Everyone in the village could hear the voice inside their minds. But it wasn't just one voice. It was three.

" Who!... Who are you!" Darwin demanded. He put up his fists preparing for a fight. He had left his sword and shield inside the tent.

" Fear not." The voices said. A wave of calm came over the guard and Darwin and Hellen. Darwin relaxed a little. " Your friend Anthony is safe in the arms of Olen."

Hellen spoke up. " Olen?. As in the God Olen?"

" Correct." Voices said. " And Darwin we did not answer your question. We are the Gods of this world." One voice spoke up it was deep and gritty " Volk."

" As in the god of Darkness Volk?" Hellen said.

" Correct," Volk confirmed.

Another voice spoke up. This voice was a higher pitch than Volk's. " Keller. The God of light."

One more voice spoke up. It was a woman's voice. it was sweet and it filled Darwin and Hellen with happiness. They knew this voice. It was the god of the earth. Beam.

" Hello, again Darwin Frey and Hellen Frost."

In Daria. There are five Gods. Volk the God of Darkness, Keller the God of light, Beam the God of Earth, Olen the God of the Afterlife, And Life and Death. In Daria, anyone is allowed to worship whatever God they choose. People are even allowed to change religions as they please. And sometimes the gods would come and talk to the people of Daria. They would come and go as they pleased. But when they come to talk to a person they must take control of another person and use their body to talk to them. The Gods usually only showed up inside their churches but sometimes they would appear and do miracles for the people of Daria out of the blue.

Darwin and Hellen are both followers of Beam. They both have spoken to her multiple times at the church in the village.

" Beam, my lady... What is going on?" Darwin asked nervously.

The three gods spoke up.

" We bring Good and Bad news." Darwin looked over at Hellen and she looked scared. She was visibly shaking.

" What is the news?" Darwin asked.

" Your king is dead."

Hellen Fell to her knees. Darwin was in shock. He stared at the corpse who just told him this news.

" This must be a dream." He said. He turned around and began walking back towards the tent. But before he could walk three steps. He was lifted off the ground. His body was spun around and put back into the spot he was just standing in.

" This is no dream." The Gods said. " Your king, Oliver Tren, is dead. He was killed by a black dragon on his way here."

Hellen began to cry.

" We were hoping he would make it. It is a shame... But don't worry. We will make someone else a new king for you all." The body stared at Darwin. " You." The Gods said and they lifted a finger and pointed it directly at Darwin. " You will be their new king."

" Me?!" Darwin asked. " But I don't know anything about running a kingdom."

The Gods Looked at the sky and looked back at Darwin. " You will learn. Some people can teach you the duties of a king. We will bring them here." Anthony's body then suddenly fell to the ground, his limbs falling apart. But the glowing Liquid remained on the body.

A moment later fifty people appeared around the pool. all of them were dressed very well. Some in maid outfits others in suits. a few of them were in their pajamas. Some people were sleeping. Others were holding towels and forks and some were standing around. Everyone awake looked confused and a few of them started to scream waking up the rest. Anthony's body stood back up his limbs being lifted back into place.

" What's happened to us!?" One woman asked.

" Where are we!?" A man asked.

" Calm down." The Gods commanded.

All of the people went silent. A few of them relaxed.

" Who are these people?" Darwin asked.

" They are your servants." The Gods Answered. The Gods turned towards the servants " You all are now under the Command of your new king." The Gods raised a hand pointing at Darwin.

" Your old king, Oliver Tren, is dead. he was killed by a black dragon on his way here."

" Oh no!..." One woman yelled. People's eyes began to fill with tears.

" I have brought you here to teach Darwin how to be a king. He is a good man."

Darwin and Hellen could hear only Beam's voice in the last part of that sentence.

" Do not cry, servants. Your king, Oliver, is safe in the arms of Olen."

" Olen as in the god of the afterlife?" Asked one servant.

" Correct." Said the Gods

" Who are you?" Said the same servant.

" We are the Gods of this world." They said.

" I doubt it!" Said the servant. " I bet you're a warlock. You're just trying to trick us! The gods wouldn't just appear outside of a church just because a king died! Come on everyone let's show this man what we do to warlo..."

" Silence!" The Gods Yelled.

" Maverick, sit down. and shut your mouth." This was Volk Speaking Directly to the servant.

" God of darkness. I am so sorry please accept my most humble apology." Maverick sat down in the grass and looked towards the sky.

" You are all to teach Darwin how to be a king. A good king. Like Oliver was."

The servants looked at one another and then looked at Darwin.

" Good." The Gods said.

Darwin then spoke up. " Thank you, My Lords." He said going down on one knee. And bowing his head " But I have one more question to ask you."

" Ask." Said the Voices.

" Was that all you came here to tell us?" Darwin asked.

" No." Said the Gods. " We were going to tell you all this when the king arrived in town. But because he has died we decided to tell you all now." The Gods looked at all of the servants around the pool. Then turned around to face Darwin and Hellen. " We are giving you the greatest blessing we can give."

Darwin looked up. " Your blessing? Blessing for what?" He asked.

" We are giving you magic." The Gods said.

" Magic?..." Darwin and Hellen said looking at each other.

" Yes. This pool of water is the source of all magic. Some of you may have already experienced some magical things happening."

Hellen's eyes went wide. Remembering what happened earlier that day. " So what happened earlier?... When I created that light?... That was magic?"

" Correct. We have given some people their magical powers already. But after tonight when everyone is awake in the morning some of you will be chosen to have magical powers. But before you can use them you must first unlock them."

" But what about me?" Hellen asked. " Why was I able to use magic before? I created a ball of light out of nothing."

" Because Anthony was your best worker. And we took him away from you before you could say goodbye to him. And you did not use magic. We simply unlocked your power for you. That's what that light was. It was us unlocking your power." The gods looked around. " Any more questions?"

A servant in pajamas stood up. " How will we know who has magical powers?"

" There will be a mark on the right side of their chest. the people with the marks will be known as casters."

" What's a cast!?" Asked a servant in the back of the crowd.

" A cast is what happens when you use your magic." Said the Gods.

" Before we go," Beam said. " Darwin I am giving you a new last name."

Darwin looked up at his old friend's face. He was still oozing with that golden liquid.

" You will be given the name, David."

Darwin looked at Hellen.

" You are now Darwin David." Said Beam happily. The Gods looked around at everyone one last time. They looked at Darwin and Hellen. Nodded. And vanished into a puff of embers that glowed gold and blue and other colors. When the embers were completely gone. Darwin looked out at all the servants and all the villagers who had come to see what the commotion was. And he said his first command as the new king of Daria.

" Everyone! I don't know much about being a king! But I will be the best king I can be! I'm sure you servants will teach me everything you know! But for now! Let's get some sleep!" He turned around and went back into his tent. Hellen followed after him.

" What about the servants they have nowhere to sleep for the night."

" Oh you're right," Darwin said. He went back out of the tent. The Servants were all lying down on the ground. they were trying to sleep but it was the middle of autumn. And they were cold. Luckily some of the villagers hadn't left yet they were talking amongst themselves. " Before you go to bed!" Darwin shouted. " Could you go house to house and ask for spare blankets? Please bring them back here and pass them to the servants when you've collected them all!" The villagers nodded and went back into the village to do as the king commanded.

" Good," Hellen said. " At least they won't go cold tonight," Hellen said lying back down on her sleeping bag.

" Yes... Hellen..." Darwin said clearing his throat.

" What Darwin." She looked down and back up. " Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, Your Majesty?" She said in a mocking voice.

" Stop that," Darwin said sitting down next to her. " I'm not sure I have what it takes to be king." He said.

" Don't worry. the servants will help you." Said, Hellen.

" It's a real shame what happened to Anthony," Darwin said. " It smashed right into his home and killed him. Maybe they did it as a mercy. Anthony was very sick." He rolled over onto his side and looked at Hellen. He then dosed off wondering what the future would bring.

thank you for reading my story. it really does mean a lot to me. :)

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