
1 Is this hell?

"All I want is to have an exciting and eventful life." Said a young man through gritted teeth. The young man, Alex, was currently upside down in a car with a metal pipe going through his stomach. "This is probably the most eventful thing to ever happen to me."

His life was remarkably normal. He grew up with a caring family, had average grades in school, and even quite a few friends. He worked a 9-5 office job. Nothing seemed to bring joy to Alex. Those things were video games, anime, and web novels.

He would get a little joy out of being able to escape from his bland lifestyle and live crazy ones alongside his favorite fictional characters. Fighting monsters, saving worlds, etc. Sadly he didn't live in one of those worlds.

Now that he was on the verge of passing on, all he wished for was another chance, a chance to have a life that wasn't as bland as his current one.

[Your wish is my command]

"Ha, I guess you do hallucinate when you're dying."

As consciousness slowly came back to Alex, as he tried to move his body to get more comfortable, an excruciating pain surged across his body, causing him to gasp in agony. It felt as though every nerve ending in his body was on fire, pulsating with unbearable torment.

Alex's mind raced, trying to make sense of the intense pain that engulfed him. His vision blurred, and he realized his arms and legs were chained to a wooden floor. He tried to crane his neck to get a look at his surroundings. He could smell the salt in the damp air. He was barely able to see due to the flickering candlelight outside of his cellar, he slowly began to notice the slight rocking of the room he was in.

Fear crept into Alex's mind as he struggled to recall what had happened to him. Memories flooded back in disjointed fragments—a screeching sound, flashing lights, and the weird voice in his head.

The only explanation was that his wish was granted!! If that was possible, then why the hell was he locked in a cellar on a boat?

As Alex's mind raced with thoughts and questions, he mustered the strength to call out for help. "Hello? Is anyone there?" His throat strained as he spoke out loud for the first time since waking up in this strange place. Not hearing anyone respond to him, he decide to see if he could remember anything about how he ended up here.

As he tried to recall how this new body ended up here. He got a soul-splitting headache. It was as if someone was ripping his brain in half and taking memories by force. It was by far the worst pain he's ever felt, even worse than dying!

This is my first time writing a novel so my formatting will probably suck. give me info on what I messed up writing and any helpful tips.

I hope you take continue on this journey with me.

BastardOfLokicreators' thoughts