
How I became a Goddess

What if a reincarnated human girl had boosted gear in a cultivation world? That’s basically where the whole story comes from

Im_really_bored · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

——————Azure Dragon Empire ——————

In the Zhen residence, Zhen Mei was practicing with a sword. Her long crimson red hair tied into a ponytail. Her deep-blue eyes were concentrated. She didn't want to end up like her sister, Zhen Lin who stopped cultivating because of her arrogance which later led to her death.

Since she was the heir of the Zhen Family she had to grow up strong. She was two years younger than Zhen Lin and now 18 years old. She was very pretty and well built, but she wasn't as beautiful as her late sister. This infuriated her as she had grown to hate her sister over the past few years.

She was now at the 4th rank of the Ki Gathering stage. She was a genius. Clan Heirs can not join sects so straight after the academy there are taken by their families and trained advanced family techniques.

Zhen Ma, the Clan Leader of the Zhen Clan was looking at his daughter practicing and couldn't help but be impressed. She wasn't like her sister and this helped her further. She was as much of a genius as Zhen Lin without the arrogance. He was truly proud of her. He had taught her most of their family techniques. The Zhen Family was well known for their fire techniques. In the Azure Dragon Empire they were number 1 when it came to controlling fire. Zhen Mei had also been taught some fire techniques and she mastered them pretty easily.

Zhen Ma loved his daughter. He even took care of Zhen Lin as he thought she would cause problems for his beloved daughter in the future. He killed his other daughter for Mei's happiness.

His wife died after giving birth to Zhen Mei. He went into depression for the following two years living the raising of his two daughters to maids. When he had recovered Zhen Lin had grown arrogant because of the maid's pampering and luckily Zhen Mei was still too young so he raised her himself. Zhen Lin was too old to be changed. So he kind of blamed himself for her behavior and death.

After seeing Zhen Mei train, he went back to his courtyard. After a few hours of paperwork it was now getting dark. He prepared to have dinner with his beloved daughter.

**knock** **knock**

"Enter" he said slightly annoyed.

A guard entered the the room and kneeled.

"My lord, the sentries at our boarders were found dead. Presumably killed about an hour ago." said the guard seriously.

Listening to this, Zhen Ma was slightly surprised. Who would dare attack his territory. He was a 1st rank Core Formation cultivator after all.

"Anything unusual about the deaths" he asked the guard.

"There was a message saying, 'The Zhen family shall know pain' written in blood on one of the towers', my lord" replied the Guard.

"The person who thinks they can fight the Azure Dragon Empire is stupid. Let them come. I'll show that person true pain!" Laughed Zhen Ma as he dismissed the guard.

After the guard left, Zhen Ma wrote a report of what happened and sent it to the Emperor.

The next morning Zhen Ma was enjoying his breakfast. His dear daughter was with him. They were chatting about cultivation.

Suddenly a huge pressure befell the entire place. It was killing intent. Zhen Ma sensing this quickly flew out the window.

Zhen Mei who also sensed this ran out to see what was happening. All cultivators ran outside and stood in the middle grounds of the Zhen Residence. Their Clan leader was with them.

He was looking into the sky. Everyone followed his gaze and saw someone staring down at them. It was a woman with long crimson hair and beautiful blue eyes clouded with killing intent. She had six Devil wings on he back.

Zhen Ma panicked when he saw this. She looked like his dead-wife. Except for the red hair because his wife had a dark shade black.


"Ohh so you've already forgotten about me, my dear father" replied the woman softly as the corner of her lips moved upwards.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!! ZHEN LIN IS DEAD!!YOU IMPOSTER!!" Shouted Zhen Mei as her eyes were filled with anger.

"You're going to need to do better than that to be prettier than me, Mei" said Rias calmer than before as she pointed at Mei.

Mei instantly knew that it was here sister. Everyone became quiet. Zhen Ma was lost for words.

"But you're right. Zhen Li is dead. She was killed by those friends of mine you hired father. Now I go by the name of Rias Gremory." Continued as she descended from the sky and landed a few meters from her former clan and retracted her wings.

"What do you want?" Asked Zhen Ma as calm as he could.

"I came to destroy this clan. Don't worry it's not about revenge you see. It's just to test my power. I've been wanting to fight cultivators, beasts get boring to kill" she said in slow voice as if trying to make them understand something complicated.

"So you're responsible for the dead of all the beasts lat....." asked Ma calmly trying to hinde his emotions, but was cut by some shouting.

"We won't let you destroy this clan, you filth!"

Shouted some guards as they dashed for her.

Their swords lit on fire as they sped at her at full speed.

Rias waved her hand at them and a large wave of black and red energy, Destruction Magic consumed the stupid guards leaving nothing behind.

The people all gasped. Zhen Ma was shocked as well. His face then turned red with anger as he saw some of his family members die.

"You want have you done. Did you sign a contract with the Devil!!!!" he roared.

"That's were you're wrong father" she said as she laughed, and her face suddenly became serious releasing heaps of killing intent.

"I am the Devil" she continued with a sinister smile.