
How I became a celestial

Quincy Al-Assad had to watch in horror as suddenly the oracle of his people prophesied a disaster. The Vahkahtees would come from the celestial realm and new power would revive. Everyone will die. - Can Quincy prevent the disaster?

Viktor_Dietrich · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Oracle of Goltan - Part 7

So I distanced myself from the two brainiacs. Just two hours later, or so, I stumbled upon a clearing in the middle of the forest. And you won't believe what I saw there: more of the idiots. And I was proven right in my assumption.

Giving in to my fear that it might become annoying if I didn't get out of the sight of potentially passive stupidity, I tried to sneak away cautiously so they wouldn't notice me. Stupid, however, when suddenly two familiar voices shouted:

"Watch out! There's a monster here! A giant! COLOSSUS IN PERSON!"

But the miracle happened: no one reacted.


First of all, yes, there was something like a village in the clearing - only everything was made of wood and mud or whatever they had used to seal the walls - I never asked.

And secondly - crap. Panic broke out in the village and all the villagers looked around wildly, and everyone who saw me screamed like a fish in puberty.

At this point, I wanted to go back to the desert because by now I was feeling better - and Goltan is my home after all. But the screaming hurt my sensitive ears.

"Shut up!" I shouted in discomfort.

"No!" frightened voices shouted back.

I looked fiercely at all the voices that were louder than 100db.

The volume level decreased and then one of the villagers approached me cautiously.

He gathered all his courage - at least that's what it seemed to me - and spoke to me in a normal volume:

"Uh, what's your name? What are you? Why are you here? My name is Milo and I live here. I'm a villager."

"Ah," I just said.

"What does 'Ah' mean? Is that a battle cry?" Milo asked curiously.

"Um, no, that's definitely not a battle cry," I replied, scratching my forehead above my right eye.

Milo stared at me, captivated by what I was doing.

"Is that a ritual?" Milo asked, and other "villagers" chimed in: "Yeah, definitely, I've seen that before and I didn't like it. Oh God! He's summoning his demon colleagues to eat us!"

Before they could say 'eat', the ground suddenly rumbled wildly. The earth shook. I had never experienced anything like it. But strangely, everyone was calm and composed.

"What's going on here?" I asked, feeling a bit unsettled as I didn't understand the situation. In response, all the "villagers" grinned widely. They spoke in unison: "One's sorrow, another's joy. One's envy, another's skin. One's enemy, another's friend. Oh, we await your arrival: BOGANDORAL!"

They screamed the name in hysterical frenzy, and as soon as they had said it, the sky turned purple.

Then a small fissure slowly formed, which grew larger at increasing speed, causing further smaller fissures that also grew and led to further cracks. At the same time, everything around me was strangely peaceful, and if you didn't look up, everything seemed normal.

The sky shattered, and through the hole in the sky, a gigantic eye stared down at us. Then the next crack formed, and the process repeated, only faster this time.

In the end, there were thirty-seven eyes staring down at us.

"What the hell is this? Is this your Bogandural?" I shouted at the "villagers" with full aggression.

The answer surprised me: "No."


"That's not Bogandural. We have no idea what that is."

The "villagers" just shrugged and went back to their normal daily routine. Here and there, a huge clawed hand reached out from the purple sky and devoured a "villager" from the foot up.


"Stop, stop - STOP!" interrupted Quincy Adán, who seemed visibly outraged at having been interrupted in his gestures.

"What's the matter?" snapped Adán, glaring at Quincy in a bad mood.

"Why are you telling me all this again?"

"Well, I forgot I already told you. Should I keep going anyway?"

"I don't know, I mean, I am interested in how the story continues and all, but look over there!"

Yasmine had returned, accompanied by a few guards. About eight of them.

"In the name of the Order of Goltan. Quincy Al-Assad and Adán O'ruhil, you are under arrest!"

Yasmine had now come close enough for the two to catch her treacherous grin.

Ehm... I don't know myself

Viktor_Dietrichcreators' thoughts