
Worm Noodles?

"Wait, Kumo, is that you?" I asked the beautiful black-haired woman who had just crawled out of Kumo's old body.

She had a tall, striking figure and pale skin. She had moderate-sized breasts dark crimson eyes, and her hair was a much darker black than mine. A black membrane-like armour covered her body and hid all her private areas.

"Yes, Master, I am your servant who you have named Kumo." She replied in a charming voice. The name Kumo literally meant spider, and now that she had turned into this beauty, it would be a crime to keep her name like that.

"Abou-" I was interrupted by the sound of the metal armour from a large squad of knights. Leading them was a knight who was near twice the size of the other knights.

Their weapons and armour were coated in blood, and they all looked exhausted. Two knights had a couple of the attackers shackled up behind them.

"You must be the one who controls all those spiders! Thanks to you, the King and Queen are safe," the giant knight says with great enthusiasm for some reason.

"And you are?"

"Oh, my apologies. I am Galun, the captain of the Rymeth Knight Guard. These are my fellow knights. We were sent here to assist you after we had dealt with the other attackers, but it seems that all the Undead and the Undead Lord himself was taken care of."

"Nice to meet you. I am Masato. Who are these people?"

"We're not entirely sure either, but judging by the actions and equipment, these people are either hired from the dark guild or from some cult. Thanks to you, we have a few prisoners we will be interrogating. But before that, is that an A-rank Spider Dozer?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I should get all these spiders out of here and back to where they belonged. Kumo, could you have all the spiders gather up any dead spiders and bring them all here?"

"Yes, master."

When she called me master, I felt like I was being stared at to death by the knights behind me. In all, their eyes showed hints of jealously, whilst Galun was there admiring the Spider Dozer, not knowing that a Demon Spider Queen was close by as well.

We watched as several tens of spiders gathered by my side, and I could see that many spiders had fallen. I might have Spider Dozer dig a hole so that we can bury them.

"Master, with the recent events, there is still a substantial amount of miasma in the air that could probably revive a couple of them," advised Kumo, "Don't humans exchange parts of monsters for their currency?"

"You sure? They did fight for us, and so I do feel bad just to dismantle them for money."

"We spiders do not care for burying the dead. It is an unspoken rule amongst the intelligent monster races to use every part of a prey."

"Well, then I will put them to good use. Is that everyone?"

"Yes, it is."

"Well then, Galun, I must go and take these back home now," I said as the spiders all huddled around me, and I teleported to the forest.


I was back in the forest just outside Kumo's temporary house, where I released all the spiders into the wild. Only two remained by my side, Kumo and the Spider Dozer.

"Uhmmm, is he staying?" I asked whilst looking at the Spider Dozer.

"The young one wishes to stay and serve you."

"Young one?" I asked

"Yes, this one is only 60 years old."

"60 years old!? Then how old are you, Kumo?"

"Couple of centuries, I think," she says as she gives me a cheeky smile, but I was surprised by how calm and jokey she was. "Plus, it's rude to ask a lady her age."

"Damm, even monsters have that kind of thinking!?" I shouted in my mind.

"Of course we do."

"Wait, Kumo, is that you in my head?"

"Yes, my evolution also allowed our bond to evolve. This allowed us to communicate with each other, through telepathy, even from afar."

"That's cool, now that we can talk without people hearing us. So do you want to go back to the city?"

"That human city? I assume it is to pick up that little one?"

"Yeah, she was the one that needed your anti-venom, or else she would've died. By the way, that Undead fellow we just fought, do you know anything about him?"

"I'm afraid not. For the past centuries, I have lived secluded. I do not meddle with human affairs unless I have to. Though that Undead Lord is older than I am and more powerful. Master with your powers, surely you have lived for longer than both of us?"

"Nah, I'm only seventeen, or well, I guess actually fifteen. Why do you assume that I am older?"

"This levelling system is exceptionally complicated, created by the Gods, I assume. Each system is unique; for example, it took me a few decades to gain the next level after reaching 70. I naturally thought that since you are at the apex of all humans and most monsters, your age must be in the centuries."

In my mind, I was making notes, Kumo was providing much interesting information that piqued my interest. But then I was reminded by my stomach growling that I needed to bring food to Celia.

I grabbed Kumo's wrist and teleported into the alley in the capital. I left the Spider Dozer in Kumo's house since it would be a bad idea for him to be in a city of humans.

I looked around the stalls and saw one selling something like udon noodles. The only difference was that the noodles had a greyish colour.

Upon a closer look, they turned out to be something called noodle worms, which immediately got rid of my interest. We then wandered about the streets, looking for something cool to eat.

As we wandered about what we picked up, pastries, skewered horned rabbit meat, and even some sweets that I thought looked interesting.

The trip was enjoyable, except for the fact we were being stared at a lot by the other people wandering the streets. Kumo was attracting every person's attention within ten meters, whether they're male, female, old or young.

Even the horses noticed, but I think that's probably because of their animal instinct telling them that Kumo was dangerous. I believe I need to talk to Kumo about the clothing problem.

I could feel the death stares from the other men digging into the back of my skull. We eventually arrived at the clinic, and when we went in, I saw Celia and the doctor having fun mixing potions.

Celia was standing on a stool since the table was relatively tall. But when she noticed me, the chair wobbled, and she fell. Splashing whatever was in the tube at Kumo.

"Oh," says the surprised Kumo.