
How i! Got a Supreme Cultivation Simulator

Planet Earth, Asia, UAE. After arriving at his house from a boring day at school. Tarek layed down on the couch and began scrolling on his phone and suddenly got a pop up. [ Don't you wish that you could just leave this boring life behind and go on a amazing adventure in a mystical worlds filled with dragons. phoenixes . Fantastical beings that wouldn't exist in your world. if so then Press Yes! YES/NO ] ... Read the novel to find out what happens next... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [ Though i must warn you that the First volume revolves heavily around the simulator. so if you don't like that. here is the warning.]

Sexy_M0f0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 9 : Preparations for the Fifth Simulation

As Tarek woke up the first thing he did was go into the bathroom to fix himself up and order for breakfast to be delivered to his house.

after ordering the food he went to his room and sat down on his computer and began to sent a message to his school, saying that he was extremely sick and couldn't go to school for the next 10 days. And the reason why he did it this way is because well... the people that run the department of students being sick, are very lazy and don't bother to read who sent the email and just read the email and put in the system that the student will be sick for the next few days that is in the email. ''Thank God those people are lazy. I at least don't have to go to that boring school again!'' he said feeling happy. And on that moment his breakfast arrived and he took it from the delivery driver, ''You Know what, I'm feeling generous today'' he said and gave the Delivery driver 20 Dirham as a tip.

After he finished eating the breakfast Tarek said '' Activate the Simulator!''

- Supreme Cultivation Simulator -

Daily Simulation Try's = 1 Left. [ Click Here to start a simulation ]

Days Left Until Transmigration = 6 Days and 3 hours

Permanent Talents = Direct Descendant of the Hell Fire Primordial God King : Quyen (7 left) ]

World Chosen = Universal Level Xianxia World.

- Close -

( A/N As he activated the simulator around the Noon he still has a few hours before it'll refresh )

Tarek wasted no time and clicked on the Simulation Tab.

[ Ding Host Started the Fifth simulation ]

[ Does host wish to replace his talent and reroll. or does host wish to keep his talents and start the simulation? REROLL TALENT / START ]

Tarek sighed a sigh of unwillingness but still pressed the Reroll Talent button. and the screen shifted to the familiar wheel, Tarek wasted no time and instantly pressed on the green button saying -SPIN-

[ Spinning!...




Congratulations! Host got [ 3 Harmful Talents ] [ 2 normal Talents ] [ 1 Above Average Talent ] [ 2 Superb Talents ] [ 1 Kings Talent ] [ 1 Celestial Talent ]

''Yes! it seems that lady luck is still on my side'' he said with glee and pressed on the Celestial Talent Tab.

[ Celestial Talent ↓

Tier 8 Heaven, Extreme Yin-Yang Spirit Root - The Upgraded, Better and stronger version of the Tier 6 Earth Grade, Yin-Yang Spirit root.

Perks ↓

1. Godly affinity with The Elements of Yin and Yang Indirectly giving you control over The FLame Element and the Ice Element as they are connected with the Yin-Yang element.

2. 10 Times Faster Cultivation when cultivating under a sun or a moon.

3. Born with an godly resistance against extremely cold, or unholy warm situations. ]

''Hmm... I mean I guess this is good enough, I still will have 6 spots left soo...'' Tarek said and then said ''Ah what the hell! I'll do it, Simulator! make the -Celestial Talent : Tier 8 Heaven, Extreme Yin-Yang Spirit Root - a permanent talent'' Tarek said and another screen appeared showcasing the Spirit root on the Permanent talents list. ''It's good that I did this, I mean I can't get these great talents every time I start a simulation so I have to lower my standards a bit'' He said and made the celestial talent one of the Main Talents for the Next simulation and then he clicked on the Kings Talent Tab.

[ Kings Talent ↓

Flood Dragons Bloodline - The Bloodline of the Flood Dragon.

Perks ↓

1. Innate Affinity with the Water Element.

2. Ability to transform into a Flood dragon after the Connate Master realm

3. Able to partially transform keeping your humanoid form but gaining Wings, Horns, A Tail and some scales on the arms and legs.

4. Flood Dragons Superior Physique - Your body is naturally stronger than other humans, giving you an advantage in any fights ]

''This is also a great talent, and i can transform into a Dragon, well not a dragon but still i can do an amazing thing!'' Tarek said and made the Kings talent a Main Talent. ''Now for the Superb Talents..'' Tarek said and clicked on the Superb Talents tab.

[ 2 Superb Talents ↓

Minor Talent in alchemy - The ability to create Tier 5 Pills and under.

Perks ↓

1. Talent to recognize thousands of herbs and plants by sight.

2. Enough talent to become a Tier 5 Alchemist.


Mysterious Golden Jade - A Mysterious Golden Jade that was once in the possession of a Golden Core Expert.

Perks ↓

Unknown... ]

''I mean the choice is obvious the Talent in alchemy can bring me so much more than e Jade that belonged to a Golden Core Expert'' Tarek said and selected the -Minor Talent In Alchemy- to be the last Main talent.

[ Detected that host has chosen 3 Talents Does the Host wish to start the 5th simulation

YES / NO ]

Tarek nodded and pressed YES...