
How do you do, Sire?

Dying because of sleeplessness and hunger is such an embarrassing way of leaving the world. I cannot even imagine how ashamed my family is while holding off my memorial. However, I was lucky enough to get transmigrated to a world I have been hoping for. But out of all the cliches that are happening in my life, I ended up possessing the body of a villainess. So much for transmigration!

Haranaya · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Pandiculating is indeed great

Another day, another life. And I thank the deities for still giving me air so I could breathe. I moved my arms and legs to stretch and stiffen my body. Then smiled as I heard the little cracks of pleasure from my lovely bones. Though I just woke up, a happy yawn had burst from my mouth, too.

"Ugh!" a groan escaped from me. Being able to pandiculate is indeed great. You are able to release body tensions from sleeping the whole night. I slowly opened my eyes. What a lovely ray of sunshine. It was so bright that it made me blink for seconds until I was able to adjust to it. Then I slowly raise my upper body so I could sit.

I was greeted by the morning wind that brush through me which sent back some of the hairs covering my face to the back. I crouched and crossed my arms on top of my knees, so I could lean my head on my arms.

"So refreshing..." I sighed as I closed my eyes again. It's still early in the morning. The breeze is so cool it's making me want to go back to sleep.

I stayed in that position for some time. Then I suddenly remembered my experience of more than two months of being in a coma. Yes, it has already been that long. I sprang up because of the shock.

"I'm up!" after a moment of silence, with wide eyes in awe, I shouted then laughed. "I'm finally up!" I can't believe it. The deities must have pitied me. My joy cannot be contained I end up jumping.

I then ran right to the big door in front of my bed, it is leading to a balcony outside my room. I passed the curtains from that door which were swaying as if congratulating me. The moment I stepped out on the wide balcony and leaned my hands on the baluster, I saw a big garden with various flowers in full bloom. Bushes in different shapes were styled neatly and elegantly. The scent of the flowers is good it's making me cry with happiness. Such a beautiful sight on this lovely morning, right?

"My lady?!"

My attention was caught because of the voice I heard. I looked back and saw a shocked face of a young woman with a basin of water in her hands. Behind her were four others with the same expression. All of them wearing the same kind of maid's uniform.

"Yes?" I asked, confused. What are they doing here? I was at least expecting to see nurses and doctors in white.

"I-I'll head out a-and i-inform the d-duke..." the other one far behind said as she trembly bowed to get permission. The one at the side nodded and then she hurriedly stepped out.

I just fixed my eyes at them while frowning.

Then the one holding the basin moved and put it on a small table beside the bed. She then walked slowly towards me, without even raising her gaze to meet mine, trembling.

"My lady... it is cold out here. Let's go inside and we'll assist you," she said, bowing her head.

Her voice is familiar to me. So, I thought of something.

"Will you sing for me?"

"My lady?" she asked, also confused.

"Will you sing?" I repeat.

"How could I do such an unworthy act to you, my lady," she said, almost crying. I can feel that she's afraid of me. That goes for everyone here in this room. As I looked at them, they were all looking down and trembling.

"I just wanted to hear you sing. So... please?" I wanted to confirm if it was her.

She looked up at me. More mortified. This time her tears were already falling. I was taken aback when I saw her pale crying face. I don't know what to do so I panicked and rushed through her. She stepped back and flinched. By the looks of it, it was as if she was afraid of being hit.

What is happening here? Why is she acting this way? Is she ashamed because I asked her to sing? But if I am right, and that it was really her who has been singing to me all this time in this room, then she might be really embarrassed because I asked her to sing in front of this many people.

I just remembered I can only hear her sing when it was only me and her in this room. She, being the only one who's up, might have thought I was completely asleep and unconscious. Not to drag her down, but even though she likes singing, singing might not have liked her. I totally understand why she acted this way. With that thought, I asked the others to step out and have her remain.