
How do I stop being a fish.

Coming to, in a pet shop, inside of a glass fish tank, is not the ideal way to wake up on a Saturday. Of course, I’m not that unlucky, as to not know my situation, because I have this lovely thing right here, telling me what to do. [Emergency quest!: Reincarnation and fishes, You get the jest of it, you’re a fish, now get the hell out of there! Reward:??? Penalty: Death(cause of death will be neglect)] Ah, what a nice Saturday... Fuck.

Dead_Hekate · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs


Looking at this, admittedly, cute girl, a few questions can't help but be raised in my mind.

'Who the hell is you?/ What the fuck are you doing in here/ Where am I?/ Where's big man?/ Why are you talking to a fish?'

As these questions start to flow through my head, a certain expression starts to grow on the girls face.

Her smile seems to get strained, as a shadow starts to loom over her face, a twitch present on her face.

"Hey, who do you think you are to talk to me like that, HUH!?"

The girl mercilessly reaches forward with frightening speed and grabs me by my fish neck. Before I can react, she starts to violently shake me while shouting various obscenities at me.

With stars in my eyes, the girl eventually sets me back down, letting out a slight sigh as she does so.

"Fine… I'll forgive you this time… but as my subordinate you should be more respectful to me!"

Reorienting myself slightly from her violent shaking, another thought enters my mind.

'Huh, when did I agree to be some mind reading freaks subordinate?'

Without any further words, the girl sends me a deathly glare, instantly causing me to go rigid.

Sighing again the girl stands up, putting her hands on her hips.

"Just shut up you stupid fish, let me answer your questions since you have so many of them…"

As she says this she waves her hand dismissively, a slight bored look on her face. Yet her bored expression quickly changes, morphing into one of arrogance as she tilts her head up slightly, resting her hands on her hips.

"I'm Hyde! The goddess of Misery, Speed, Victory, The Underworld, Multiversal Travel, and Love!"

Stopping for a moment, Hyde looks down at me, moving one of her hands as well to point in my direction.

"And from now on, you'll be this Goddesses one and only loyal subordinate!"

Crossing her arms over her chest, she continues to look down at me, a bored expression washing over her face.

"Anyway, this here is my home, and I was sealed here for the past... Few years. I already know you're not a fish and I got rid of him... *Yawn*"

Seeing her unenthusiastic response to my other questions, I start to get a good idea of this... Goddesses personality.

Then... Her words start to sink in... More specifically...

'W-what did you do to big ma-!'

Before I can finish though, Hyde sends a flick to my fishy self, somehow already having gotten into a crouching position.

"More questions? Really? Ugh... That 'Big Man' was like... A really nasty parasite... The fucker was planning on snatching your body when you got strong enough..."

Stopping midsentence she looked further down, burning her gaze into the ground. As she seemed to get lost staring off, her expression changed.

Again her face darkened, her expression twisted and ugly, becoming full of hatred. Her first clenched as she bit her lip in obvious rage

"Just thinking about that bastard taking something that's mine... Really pisses me off!"

Her glare continues to get more heated as she stares down into the ground, allowing me some time to think.

Although this goddess could be lying to me... Something in me makes me think otherwise... Of course I have no other proof than a feeling but...

"Geez, alright, I answered all of your questions, so what do you have to say to my deal... Being my subordinate, I mean...?"

Being interrupted I glance back towards the goddess, who seems to have gotten over her rage.

Realizing only now that I actually have a choice in the matter, I stop to think for a moment.

And then... Something else comes to my mind... I really don't have a choice in the matter... Big man is gone and I have no clue what that did to me... As well as the fact that without him I can't really get a human form... And I'm sure there's more to this goddess than being an arrogant asshole... Right?

Resigning to my fate, I let out a heavy sigh in my heart, not certain if the goddess could catch that as well...

'I guess...'

Hyde's face immediately morphs into one of joy as a wide grin becomes plastered on her face.

"Heh, I knew you'd make the right choice, little fishy!"

Stopping for a moment she looks at me with a slight contemplative look.

"Well... From now on you'll have to call me by Mistress... No... How about boss... Yep, from now on call me Boss Hyde, got it?"

With slight reluctance in my voice, I respond to the overjoyed goddess.

'Yes, Boss... Hyde...'

With a slightly distracted look, Hydes smile widens as she looks down at me.

"Heh heh... Perfect, now first things first is... To edit your character sheet..."

Mumbling to herself, the slightly crazed girl makes her way over to one of the sides of the room, heading towards a desk positioned in the middle of the wall.

Leaning down she slides open one of the drawers of the desk, bringing out a thin grey laptop.

As she performs theses actions, her mumbled words continue to ring out in my head.

'My... Character sheet...?'

--- --- ---

Yaow, its me.

If you didn't notice, this is a really short chapter, about half as long as the last.

Well yeah that's it, just pointing out the fact that this is a sorter chapter.

Some things might not make any sense in this chapter, though I don't know why I just have a feeling that someone might say that...

Also two chapters in a row? I know, I'm awesome...

About Hyde, she might seem a bit awkward these first few chapters she's in. I've never really written a character like her before so please bear with me.

Anyway, if you're confused about her personality, she's supposed to be a relatively cheery yet easily irritable person... She's also a bit chunni with a habit of getting lost in her own fantasies. She's also really prideful.

I'll try to keep chapter updates more consistent but no promises.

See you later and...

