
How did love become love (MinWon) (Meanie) (kpop) ff

Mingyu's gaze was becoming more and more heated as he stared at Wonwoo's back. His eyes wandered around Wonwoo's broad shoulders, wide back but slim waist and his throat felt parched for no reason. Mingyu could feel his desires for Wonwoo. These desires are becoming more uncontrollable with the passing days and Mingyu almost couldn't handle these passionate emotions for his best friend these days. But, all these emotions are hidden behind Wonwoo's back cause when Wonwoo turns back to face Mingyu, there's still an innocent and loving smile of a friend and brother on Mingyu's face for him. __________ When on a camping trip with all their friends in the mountain, one of them came up with a crazy idea which made the other not be able to look at him with the same gaze as before again. (Image credit- Google)

Jade_12 · Celebrities
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 27 Protective

Mingyu looked at his phone with some impatience.

Minji has been calling him since early morning and as the phone kept vibrating continuously after short intervals, it made Mingyu feel annoyed.

It's actually understandable for Minji to keep calling and to be asking about him as he hadn't replied to her since yesterday morning but right now Mingyu has some more important things to do. He wants to find answers to some questions that has been making him restless. He is not in his right mind right now. If he were to answer her call now, what if he says the wrong thing or talks rudely with her? That would be a disaster.

His hand holding phone hanging by his side, he looks up towards Wonwoo who is ahead of him and maybe he knows that Mingyu was behind him as he increased him pace and seemed to be practically running away.

Mingyu too increased his pace a bit in following Wonwoo and when he thought that Wonwoo would take a turn to the left towards his dance studio, Wonwoo unexpectedly kept walking ahead missing the turn. This made Mingyu slow down in confusion.

Though he was just confused for a few moments, he remembered Jiwan....

Yeah! Right!

'Jiwan might know something about what Wonwoo hyung has been up to these day. Anyways, from what I know about Wonwoo hyung's nature from being together with him all these years I should have known that he won't tell me anything even if I were to ask him right now. Also, he seems to be anxious for some reason. I don't know what he is hiding and why he is hiding. But it would be better to give him some time. Let's see if Jiwan knows anything first.

But what if she doesn't know?

Wonwoo hyung was in the bar last night and it was a bar obviously for lgbt community so is he gay? Or bi? The way he was last night it clearly looked like he was there for hookup. Then why did he say that he has a crush on Jiwan? This is so confusing!

But one thing is certain that if Jiwan and Wonwoo are dating now (assuming that he is bi) Jiwan still might know something. It's impossible for Wonwoo hyung to hide so many things from so many peoples.'

With his steps walking in the direction of the building of the dance studio, Mingyu's mind still didn't stop thinking about many questions that kept popping in his mind and urged his mind to get an answer as quickly as possible. This feeling of discomfort made him want to do something and not sit by idly.

It didn't take long for him to stand in front of the same glass door through which last time he kept burning holes with his eyes towards the 'lost in their own world' couple. Now that he is looking inside again, there were many people unfamiliar to him who were warming up, there he also noticed Jiwan's figure leaning by a wall in her tank top and comfortable baggy pants, she seems to be busy with scrolling her mobile screen and also with occasionally looking to her right for something from time to time.

As he has spotted the person he was searching for Mingyu was about to open the door and go inside when he saw a tall, lean and a mature looking girl joining Jiwan, standing by her side. Actually if you look from afar there's nothing significant about it, you would think that both are friends who are from the same dance studio, them standing next to each other and chatting with each other is nothing but the most common thing anyone could ever see but if you look closely you would see what's uncommon about them and as Mingyu had his eyes fixed on Jiwan for a while now he could feel what was uncommon between them.

The mature looking girl, when she started walking in Jiwan's direction from her right side, Jiwan was looking at her all along as if she was waiting for her. With the girl finally being by Jiwan's side, there seemed to be a change in Jiwan's demeanor. Even the smile she flashed toward that girl feels different and more sweeter, also Mingyu doesn't know if his eyes are playing trick with him but he felt like Jiwan's eyes has lit up now that the girl was standing beside her.

What was all this going on?

Mingyu paused for a small while but continued on his way to Jiwan after that short pause.

When he made his way inside, the dancers who were warming up and chatting paused whatever they were doing to look at the stranger who has intruded their space but Mingyu paid them no heed and walked straight towards Jiwan who still hasn't noticed him. Only after he was close enough to make them feel his muscular tall body looming over them both that Jiwan noticed him and a flash of surprise passed through her eyes.

After seeing Jiwan, he should smile as a friendly gesture, he knows that but after seeing her he couldn't muster even the small twitch at the corner of his lips. Looking at her this close reminds him of the hard time she had kept giving him since she started dating Wonwoo. So when an unknown expressionless man came up to them, with his hostile gaze fixed on Jiwan the mature looking girl looked at Jiwan with concern at first before immediately standing in between Mingyu and Jiwan, hindering Mingyu's sight and protecting Jiwan behind her.

Jiwan who was too stunned to say anything because of Mingyu's unexpected visit felt stunned again when she saw Sol standing in front of her protectively. She felt like laughing and crying at the same time but also without a doubt she felt her heart melt into a warm puddle.

Mingyu was surprised too and when he saw the determined look in Sol's eyes his face actually cracked up and his lips curled up into a smile. All the hard feelings he was feeling for Jiwan seemed to have disappeared at that moment.

His smile made Sol feel a bit relieved and Jiwan too held her hand from behind her in a comforting way which completely made Sol drop her guards.
