

Stella, a seemingly average girl with a remarkable resemblance to a certain tomboy anime girl, dies during an attack on her school protecting her class. However, instead of seeing the pearly gates, she finds herself on trial for crimes committed against the gods in a past life. The verdict is not what she expected... Warning, the beginning isn't too good since it's just me letting my imagination run wild but two chapters in, the quality picks up.

RecluseCultivator · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Calm Before What's Gong to Be A Literal Storm

Stella P.O.V

I watched as the Battle Trail Arc was quickly coming to a close on my monitors while snacking on some random brand of yogurt. Every team had gone and the class was assembled at the front of the exit with All Might standing in front of them.

"Good work, everyone!" The symbol of Peace commended the class. "We didn't have any major injuries, you guys took this on seriously and you all did a good job for your first training class!"

Everyone in the class, except for the stoic few, grew megawatt smiles on their face at getting complimented by the number one hero himself.

"To have such a proper class after Mr. Aizawa's class...It's kind of anticlimactic," Asui says as others nod in agreement."

"HAHAHA," All Might laughed boisterously. "In U.A, we're free to have proper classes as well!" All Might states with his arms out, "Now class, I have a meeting with the principal to get to. Make sure to change back to your school uniforms and head back to the classrooms." Then he began briskly walking through the long hallway of the exit while the class stayed behind and chatted for a bit more.

"All Might's amazing!"

"He's just like videos online showed!"

"What do you think he talking to the principal about?"

After the strategic stomp that was Izuku and Ochaco vs Momo and Mineta- Izuku got MVP by the way- I was pretty bored. So bored in fact, that I was playing video games or watching anime during all the other fights except for Katsuki's. And honestly, I'd only fully paid attention to Katsuki's to try and measure how much stronger he was compared to his canon counterpart at this point in the story. But even after watching his fight, I wasn't able to gleam anything super useful since he had beaten his opponents, Denki and Jiro, by posting up on the roof of his team's assigned building -he was a villain and a pissed one at that- and carpet-bombed the duo until they were unconscious. All before they even reached the front door. An Interesting and impressive sight for sure, but once you've fought celestial beings born from the primordial and divine energy God used to create the universe and eldritch beast that practically embody the concept of void, it takes more than kids playing around with powers to keep your interest. Something like Izuku, my friends, or anime!

Speaking of interest, All Might now has mine. The symbol of peace had first garnered It when he didn't show up to rescue Izuku from the murder bot that came out of the sewer like he should have done in canon despite the change of villains. But now, I had a different type of interest from my previous one, and weirdly enough, it was All Might walking away from the class. At first, I didn't know why seeing the man walking away from the class rub me the wrong way, it just did. So instead of closing the camera tab for the day like I originally planned, I switched the Third Person Cam following Izuku to free-cam mode and followed the symbol of peace out the door. I had no idea what I expected to find out by following him but I did it anyways.

I followed the symbol of peace for a few minutes but nothing he was doing was satiating my curiosity. On the contraray, everything he did was slowly increasing it! It wasn't until a random female student, probably from gen-ed, walked up to All Might for an autograph and hugged him after he signed something for her that I realized why seeing All Might walking away so casually bothered me. And it was because All Might shouldn't have the time to do that. Very soon after the realization came to me, old memories of My Hero Academia canon resurfaced in my mind.

If I remember correctly -and I know I did- All Might's time limit for his muscle form was nearing its end towards the conclusion of The Battle Training Arc in canon. So the man spending so much time on little things like strolling through the halls and signing autographs meant that his time limit in this alternate universe was either long enough to use casually or simply didn't exist.

This new information brought about quite a few really important and concerning questions to the front of my head regarding my current universe. Almost all of these questions pertained to the current status of All For One. Since All Might and All For One had originally damaged each other during their cannon slugfest, one of them being fine meant that the other was either worse off or completely whole. I'm hoping for the former, If the strongest villain was already dealt with without All Might's body being injured badly then great, hurray, huzzah, pizza for everyone. All Might will be at full power to destroy the Nomu and stop the League of Villains before they become a national problem. However, if All Might isn't injured because he hasn't fought his nemesis yet then this world was a lot more dangerous than what I was preparing Izuku for.

"SHIT!" I cursed out loud in the system control room and began pacing in my humble abode while thinking about the implications and dangers a full-power All For One presented. "If the USJ attack is different than in canon, more deadly, then it's possible members of the class 1-A could actually die." I didn't bother including Izuku as a possible casualty for obvious reasons, he was my brother and host. If something were going to kill him I would manifest through [Possession] as I did against the murder bot or [Projection] if shit really hit the fan. Which is something of a last resort due to the danger the ability presented if not used precisely.

After a few more seconds of thinking, I decided it was time to stop using my human brain to figure things out and use my system brain to run simulations with my knowledge of the canon USJ incident, a full-power All For One Shigaraki, and a full-power All Might as data for the simulation. I used All For One Shigaraki as a measuring stick for a full-power All For One and All Might's statement about his strength in his prime to estimate his full power.

It took less than a second for the simulation to complete, so I decided to run a second simulation. One where All For One doesn't appear and it's the regular USJ attack, except full-power All Might is there from the start. To my surprise, the simulation showed pretty good results with both sets of data. In the first one, while many of the U.A staff and students get injured and traumatized pretty badly and the school suffers massive collateral damage from All Might and All For one slugging it out, no one dies. In the second simulation, All Might, Aizawa, 13, and the other students wipe the floor with the League of Villains no problem.

I release a sigh of relief at the simulation's results and collapsed backward and toward the very convenient and very comfortable bean bag chair that hadn't been there a second ago. I was happy that everyone would be okay even if I decided not to interfere but chances are that I would anyways. Especially if All For One showed up.

Now, while I could be overthinking things regarding All Might's time limit and All For One's current status, it was better to be safe than sorry. If I prepared for a full-power All For One and nothing special happens, then I assume everything is all right and All Might's time limit is longer because he hasn't passed on One For All yet. If I just blow this info off and disaster strikes, while I could probably undo the damage my inaction caused, it would still be on my head that it happened in the first place.

With my curiosity satisfied and my worries laid to rest, I walked back to my computer and moved my mouse to close the window showing the cam following All Might who was now stepping into Principal Nezu's office and exchanging pleasantries with him. Then I froze at the sight I saw and may have squealed like a little girl when I laid eyes on the cute and fuzzy overlord of U.A Highschool. Nezu.

I couldn't help but let my girlish side free after seeing the cuddly fluff ball. He was just so freaking cute with those beady eyes of his and the scar on his eye just made him look even cuter to me. I had expected him to be adorable because of the anime, but he looks so much cuter in real life.

Happy to have something so fluffy in front of me after thinking about heavy stuff, I decided not to close the cam tab and snapped a few pictures of the quirked animal at his desk. Which need I say, looked fucking adorable! So much so, that I contemplated pulling Izuki from the little adventure room I had set up for her today, to witness the glorious fluffiness that was Nezu.

"Soo..." Nezu began with a pleasant (Cute!) smile. "What are your first impressions of Izuku Midoriya?"

All Might, who was sitting in front of Nezu, rubbed his chin in thought for a few seconds before answering the principal. "The boys' definitely intelligent, he managed to predict and outmaneuver his classmate perfectly with only a few minutes of preparation time, and from what I've read and seen, Young Yaoyorozu isn't a slouch in the intelligence department either." Toshinori moved his hands from his chin and instead rested them on his lap. "But other than that, he's no different from any other kid in his class." Nezu nodded in agreement with All Might's assessment of Izuku.

Once again, the feeling I got watching All Might walk away from class came back. While I'd usually be glad Izuku was getting recognized for his hard work, the way these two were talking and moving was... weird.

"Yes, I've come to a similar conclusion after observing him," Nezu said. "While it's still too early to draw conclusions, for now, I believe Mr. Midoriya is ignorant of his father's nefarious activities. From what I've seen so far, Izuku's too heroically inclined and self-sacrificing to let someone like Hisashi do whatever he wants without impedance."

WHAT? Dad? Nefarious? What the hell are they talking about?

All Might's face scrunched in thought before relaxing. "We can't discount the chance that young Midoriya knows about his father but isn't willing to sell out his family," the symbol of peace said seriously. "I've heard of a situation like that. A hero I met in New York, Ex-Wave I think his name was, had a brother that was a leader of a local gang there. Ex-Wave was a great hero who saved a lot of people. Had a powerful hydro kinesis quirk, but he loved his brother so much that he would go easy on them in their encounters. Leading to his brother getting away every time."

Nezu blinked in surprise at All Might's suspicion of the boy. "I'm surprised Yagi, you're usually more trusting of the heroic types like him."

All Might froze at Nezu's words before letting loose a big sigh as practically his entire body slouched. For a second, Toshinori Yagi, aka All Might, The Symbol Of Peace looked like a tired old man. In another, the sagging stopped and he once again became the symbol of peace. "Sorry Nezu, I was just trying to look at all the angles here."

Nezu's smile faltered a bit at seeing how tired The Symbol Of Peace looked for a second. "Oh, no need to apologize. I know that you've been searching for your teacher's murderer for quite some time. It's understandable that you would treat this investigation differently than others you've been involved in considering how close to your heart this is. Besides, it is as you have said, we have to look at this from all angles. Just try not to get carried away."

All Might nodded seriously at Nezu's words before responding. "Of course Nezu."

After that, the conversation devolved into sharing theories, ideas, and information about my family and dad's whereabouts. At some point, Nezu even pulled out a motha fucking psych-eval of Izuku. But all of that barely registered to me as my previous worries were practically confirmed and multiplied. Nezu and All Might thought our dad was in with All For One of all people or maybe that he was All For One. I couldn't tell which, neither of the two specified anything during their meeting, only that they were trying to find dad.

I didn't think...No, I knew that my father wasn't All For One despite what I was hearing right now or what the many fan theories and fan-fictions in my original world suggested. The plain-looking and kind Japanese man that was Izuku and my father couldn't be. I mean, it doesn't even make sense story-wise! But... this is an AU. Anything could be possible, as proven by Revenants' existence and All Might's time limit (or lack thereof). So even if I didn't think my dad is in with or is All For One, I would prepare accordingly.

Shortly after I finished my thought on Dad and All For One, Nezu and All Might wrapped up their meeting on Izuku. My camera, which was still set to follow All Might, showed him leave Nezu's office and head into the faculty locker room where he starts changing out of costume. It was at this point I decided that my time spying on All Might was now going to come to a close.

While I wanted to know more about the symbol of peace in this universe and whether or not he was actually at full power, I wasn't about to become a voyeur to find out. And while I could just move the camera outside the room and wait for him to leave, I decided against that and closed the camera tab. After all, I had more than enough information to make adequate preparations for the coming "event".

I just hoped this nothing too crazy happens in this alternate universe's USJ attack.


A/N: Hey guys....Sorry for the lack of updates. I would've uploaded sooner but every time I made time to write I folded halfway through the writing of the chapters for no reason and for like six months. Until now! I mean, it was always a given that I would return to this fic. After all, I made a promise to myself to write until completion and speaking of returning. I would like to thank all of my recurring readers for giving this story the time of day despite my erratic upload schedule (if you can even call it that) and amateur writing skills. I really appreciate it even if my upload consistency doesn't show it.

Now, to assure everyone that I'm not going to go dark for another six months. I'm going to upload snippets of the next chapter (one of the three that's going to make up the USJ ark) which I'm already almost done with and then peace out till the next chapter or whenever someone comments I guess.


"Raah" "Ruuugh" "Hiss"

The wails and screams of Umbra's shadows were everywhere. The original projection was not present due to its cowardly nature. Izuki, who had appeared earlier, was fighting together with everyone in class 1-A to fend off the shadows and protect their injured teachers until help arrived. However, the shadows were virtually infinite with their numbers in the thousands and their rate of respawn.


"Bakugo! We have fliers on the left flank. Find a hand-to-hand fighter there and tell them to switch with you." Momo ordered through the earpiece she wore while firing into a group of shadows from atop the command center ( the bus they came to USJ in) with an assault rifle. She had been using cannons and artillery at the start but with the dip in the Izuku's healing and increase in shadows, couldn't maintain creating ammo for it.


"Shit!" Momo cursed as she reloaded her gun. "What's Todoroki doing?"

Bakugo snarled as he practically growled out the answer "Recovering from frostbite."

Momo bit her lip in frustration at the answer." He still won't use his fire?" She asked while already suspecting the answer. Bakugo shook his head in answer. "Fuck!" She shouted and resumed firing into the new group of shadows that were gathering on the right. "Even after seeing how fucked we are he still won't use his fire! What about the new girl?"


And that's all for snippets. Keep in mind that things you read in snippets are subject to change. So if something next chapter is different from how you read it in a snippet dont be surprised. Anyways, that's all for no now. Hope you enjoy the chapter and are excited for the next one.

See ya next time. Author out!