

Stella, a seemingly average girl with a remarkable resemblance to a certain tomboy anime girl, dies during an attack on her school protecting her class. However, instead of seeing the pearly gates, she finds herself on trial for crimes committed against the gods in a past life. The verdict is not what she expected... Warning, the beginning isn't too good since it's just me letting my imagination run wild but two chapters in, the quality picks up.

RecluseCultivator · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Battle Training

| Izuku P.O.V |

Izuku sighed, today was his second day and it was turning out to be disappointing. He knew U.A would have regular high school courses but he held hope the classes wouldn't be boring. However, his hope was shattered when Present Mic asked him and the class to open up their English textbook.

While Izuku before he got the system would have loved the class simply because a hero taught it, current Izuku almost hated it. It was soo boring to him, not because it wasn't hero stuff or because he already knew what was being taught, but because he was quite frankly above this sort of stuff. Ever since he hit level twenty, his intelligence had increased so much that school classes became trivial to him. He could understand and solve most equations and problems within seconds of looking at them. Past that level, all it took was a glance. So now school work had become more of a chore than actual work. Something annoying but necessary.

If there was any saving grace to his day so far, it was lunch break. The food was good and he could afford to buy the expensive stuff on the menu without worrying about money thanks to the modeling gig he did a while back. So he bought a lot of food and so did Ochaco. They were still growing teens that needed food to keep three

"Uwaah, the food is shoow good!" Ochaco, who was sitting across the table from me, said with her checked stuffed with food.

She had some rice around her mouth so Izuku, without really thinking, grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth with it as a parent would do to a child that was a sloppy eater. His actions made Ochaco turn a little red from embarrassment but she took it in stride since they had gotten close enough to the point where doing something like cleaning the other's mouth could be considered normal between the two. A bit embarrassing but still normal.

"Thanks Izuku," She muttered after swallowing the food in her mouth.

"No problem" Izuku responded nonchalantly with a smile. "I like doing little things like this for you"


A girl screamed out loud near Izuku. Prompting him to turn around to see what caused the girl to scream. What he found was not what he expected. Everyone within a three-table range was looking right at him and Ochaco. Some were even talking about them.

"It's them!"

"O.M.G. They are soo cute together!"

"To think we would have a couple in this early in the year."

"Dammit, some guys have all the luck," a random guy who was in the general studies uniform said bitterly while looking at Izuku.

"Did you hear what he just said?" a girl excitedly spoke while shaking her friend. "I'll do anything for you~" Kyaa, he is so dreamy."

Izuku most certainly didn't say that but he couldn't deny there was a bit of truth to her statement. He also could hardly believe one photoshoot was all it took to become this recognizable. Were the boss and her place actually super well known? He would have to search her up later with the business card he found in the money bag the boss gave them. Right now, he needed to see if Ochaco was uncomfortable since people stopped quietly listening and started blatantly gossiping about them in earshot.

Izuku personally didn't care for or mind the attention since he could always block out the crowd with a quick application of light projection. The same could not be said for Ochoco. She didn't look uncomfortable at all but he got a weird feeling that she was.

A few minutes later, the bell rang, signaling the student to move to their next class. While walking to the next class Izuku decided to talk to Ochaco about if she was uncomfortable in the cafeteria.

"Hey, you ok?" Izuku asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm just not used to being the center of attention like that." Ochaco responded to him in her usual chipper tone of voice. "That was the first time such a large group of people were paying direct attention to us so it caught me off guard a bit."

Izuku believed what she said but wanted to provide her an out if things became more than she could bear. "Well, if you ever wanna change where we eat I know a good spot to eat alone at."

He didn't at the moment but he could always create one on the school roof or in the sky with his powers.

Ochaco's eyes didn'ted a bit at his offer before a mischievous smile Izuku didnt see slowly edged its way onto her face. "Jeez Izuku~, if you want to have me all to yourself just say so."

Izuku face immediately became red with embarrassment when he thought Ochaco misunderstood what he had said. "I didn't... That's not what I meant!" He tried to explain while making weird and wild gestures with his arms.

Ochaco began to laugh at his reaction for a few seconds before calming down and giving him a reason not to worry about their not-so-secret admirers. "I know Izuku, thanks for worrying about me but I really am fine. Besides, we won't be popular much longer. Sooner or later something newer and more exciting than us will come up and people will forget all about the little fashion stars trying to be heroes. That or we'll become such a normal occurrence that people won't even bother reacting to us on sight."

Izuku that about what Ochaco said and came to the conclusion that she was right. While models and superstars are popular in this day and age, they had to try hard to stay relevant in a society where people could meet living legends and superheroes. Izuku and Ochaco, who weren't even trying to maintain their fame, would become old news fast regardless of the number of stores and billboards with their face them. After all, It's easy to forget about that one cool model you happen to meet and hard to forget how All Might casually changed the weather with a single punch.

"Yeah, you're right" Izuku agreed with a nod. "I'll stop worrying so much about it?"

Ochaco smiled at Izuku, content with his answer. "Good, now let's get to the next class, it's heroic so you shouldn't be as bored as you were in the other ones." With her piece said she increased the pace she was walking at, leaving Izuku behind and a bit stumped.

"How did she know I was bored? I didn't tell I was and I know I kept my face impassive the whole time." Izuku didn't show his boredom with his classes so for because one doesn't just join the most prestigious hero academy in the county and act bored. It would be highly disrespectful. So there can only be one explanation as to how she knew. "Women's intuition, huh, what a terrifying power."

| Third Person P.O.V Hero Class |

"I AM…" a familiar voice boomed making Midoriya turn with a smile, "...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"

Izuku's jaw dropped when he saw the number one hero and symbol of peace walk through his classroom door. The syllabus showed he would be a teacher and he read the entire syllabus but seeing and knowing were two different things. Because even though he was expecting it, he didn't see

All Might slid the door open, his hands on the side of the door as he stood on his tippy toes with his chest puffed out.

Izuku began staring with starry eyes after getting over his shock. 'Wow! All Might soo cool even just standing there!' He thought.

"It's All Might!" shouted a blonde boy with lighting bold in his hair shouted.

"Wow, he really is a teacher!" The redhead of the class said next.

"That's a costume from the Hero Age, isn't it?" Said the green-haired frog girl.

"Its style is so different, it's giving me goosebumps!" A blonde kid with a tail quirk declared.

All Might strode dramatically to the podium, striking a powerful pose before stating, "I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. Now, let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today–" He turns towards the class holding a "Battle" card, "–Combat training!"

"Combat…" Bakugou started with a slight interest.

"...training," Midoriya finished with an excited tone.

"And to go with that are these!" The hero pointed to his right as shelves filled with suitcases slid out of the wall, "Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started."

The class cheered as Izuku held his backpack close to his chest, "Costumes!"

"After you change, gather in Ground Beta!" All Might instructed.

"Yes, sir!" The class responded.

On Ground Beta, the clacking of boots on the pavement could be heard from the dark entrance tunnel. All Might, who was waiting at the entrance for his student to finish changing, used this sound as the signal to begin his speech.

"They say the cloth make the man, young men, and ladies. Be fully aware..." All Might paused for dramatic flare. "From now on, you are heroes!"

Class 1-A with Ochaco, Katsuki, Mineta, Lida, and a few others at the front emerged from the dark tunnel in all their costumed glory.

All Might glance at each one of his new students and smiles ever harder. "Great everyone! You all look cool! Now, it's time to begin, you zygotes!" All Might began to make his way to the monitor room when the voice of a student stopped him in his tracks.

"Hold on, Mr. All Might," Uraraka said to her teacher. "Izuku still isn't here."

All Might counted the heads of his students once again and when he came up one short he realized Uraraka was telling the truth. He felt a bit of shame for forgetting about one of his students like that but squashed his emotions in favor of asking where his missing student was. However, before he could ask, he heard another person walking through the tunnel, the missing student he presumed and he was correct.

Out of the tunnel came Izuku, wearing black shades, a long black trench coat, black pants, a black shirt with armor on top of it, and black metal-plated red boots. In addition to his clothes, he sported some accessories, on his waist was a black utility belt, and on each of his thighs was a gun holster that held what looked like actual pistols.

While the guns on his costume made All Might worry for the student's safety he didn't say anything about it since the costumes were approved by the principal himself and Nezu always knew what he was doing.

"Looking cool, Young Midoriya!" All Might complements Izuku. "Now that everyone is here, follow me to the monitor room so we can begin the exercise." All Might body did a complete 180 and he marched off to the monitor room with the class following closely behind.

While the short march to the monitor room was happening Izuku and Ochaco quickly started up a conversation about their costumes.

"Wow Izuku, your costume looks super cool, kinda has a steampunk vibe to it." Ochaco complimented.

Izuku smiled at the compliment and looked over Ochaco's costume as well. Except his eyes didn't get past the chest area. 'Skin tight,' was Izuku's first thought. 'Big,' was his second. Then he stopped staring to prevent any suspicion of him peeking from forming in Ochaco's mind. "Yours is pretty cool too. Space theme right, like Thirteen?" He asked.

"Yeah!" She confirmed excitedly. "What about you? I thought you were a diehard All Might fan but your costume doesn't have anything that shows it was inspired by him." Ochaco asked with a cute head tilt.

"Well, you see..." Izuku began. "I designed this green, All Might look a like jumpsuit I was thinking of using but it kinda looked nerdy and goofy so I scraped it in exchange for this one. Besides, I'm trying to send a message. If I make a name as an All Might look alike then people won't see what I'm trying to show them." Though what Izuku meant by what he said was left unexplained.

Ochaco opened her mouth to ask Izuku what sort of message he was trying to send but closed it and turned to face the front of the class when she heard All Might begin to start speaking again. She also realized that without even noticing they had made it to the monitor. 'I guess what the internet said about time flying when you're with someone you like is true,' the young heroine thought with a smile.

Now, it's time for combat training!" All Might announced once he saw everyone paying attention.

"Sir!" A tall robotic-like male raised his right arm catching Midoriya's attention.

'Hmm, he sounds like that Lida guy,' Izuku thought while examining the boy's hero outfit. 'He looks a lot like Ingenium and their quirks are similar. Are they related?'

"This is a battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?" Iida asked.

"No," All Might answered and then held up two fingers, "we're going to move ahead two steps. Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backdoor deals–In this society filled with heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the dark. For this class, you'll be split up into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 in indoor battles."

Without basic training?" Asui asked, figuring they would do the basics first before doing something like fighting.

"This is a real battle to understand those basics. However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up," All Might explains.

This leads the class to rapid-fire questions at All MIght.

"How will wins and losses be determined?"

"What building are we fighting in?"

"Will the punishment be expulsion like with Aizawa-sensei?"

"How shall we be split up?"

"Isn't this cape crazy?"

All Might held in frustration as the students threw many questions at him. "I'll answer all your questions! Now listen here," he took out papers with writing on them. "The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes."

'The situation feels like that old CS:GO game,' Izuku thought. It was something he happen to find when digging through pre-quirk websites back when he researched the system.

"Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!" All Might explained holding up a yellow box labeled "lots".

"They're being decided so haphazardly?" Iida said shocked.

"Pro's often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies so the school is probably trying to prepare us from early on to get used to working like that," Izuku explained out loud from the back of the class. It ended up drawing the attention of the entire class to him since he hadnt spoken to anyone from the class besides Ochaco till now.

"I see. The discernment to look ahead... Thank you for your answer and please excuse my interruption!" Lida bowed.

"It's fine. Now let's decide teams quickly!" The #1 hero raised his left arm in the air.

Everyone sped forward one by one to draw lots and the teams ended up being.

Team A - Ochaco & Midoriya

Team B - Shoji & Todoroki

Team C - Mineta & Yaoyorozu

Team D - Bakugou & Iida

Team E - Ashido & Aoyama

Team F - Koda & Sato

Team G - Kaminara & Jirou

Team H - Asui & Tokoyami

Team I - Ojiro & Hagakure

Team J - Sero & Kirishima

"Wow Izuku, we're on the same team!" Ochaco exclaimed excitedly while locking arms with the mentioned boy. "Looks like we're partners wherever we go huh?"

Izuku was a little embarrassed by Ochaco's public display of closeness but was just as happy about their arrangement. "Yeah, I guess so," he said with a small smile.

"I hope we don't get villains," Ochaco started again. "It would be boring since you could just create that huge barrier from the entrance exam to shield us and the bomb the entire match. I wouldn't get the chance to test out the results of my training." She finished saying while throwing air jabs.

"The first teams to fight will be…" All Might shouted while he reached into the boxes, shuffling around before pulling out two balls, "...these guys!" C and A were drawn out. "Team A will be the heroes, and Team C will be the villains. Both teams follow me to the building."

The teams did as they were told.

When they were in front of the building All Might spoke again. "Now, villain team, go in first and set up! In five minutes, the hero team will break-in, and the battle will start!"

Yaoyorozu nodded and wordlessly went into the building with Mineta followed right behind her.

"Alright team A, I'll head back to the class and let you plan out your strategy." All Might declared.

"Yes sir!" Uraraka and Izuku said in union.

With that, he was off to the monitor room.

"Soo..." Ochaco started while looking at Izuku. "Do you-"

"Have a plan?" Izuku interjected with a rare cocky smile. "Yes, yes I do."

| Four Minutes Later, Momo P.O.V |

Momo Yaoyorozu was bit nervous. She was normally level-headed and calm even in dangerous situations due to the training she received to prepare her for U.A. But right now she was nervous and it was mostly because of Izuku Midoriya.

He was strong, the strongest in the class if you asked her. Sure, Bakugo seemed to have more raw power than him, but Izuku possessed something that made her rank him above Bakugo. Versatility. At first, she thought his quirk only allowed him to create crude shapes like squares and circles, but then he made a perfect baseball bat during the quirk assessment test, hinting to her that he was capable of refining his quirks projection to at least some degree.

Combine that with the fact that Ochaco Uraraka, a girl strong enough to place top ten in Mr. Aizawa's test despite not being able to use her quirk for most of it, was Midoriya's partner and the nervousness she was feeling trying to work out a winning strategy was understandable. Especially when her partner was a near unhelpful perverted grape dressed in a diaper who preferred ogling her instead of pitching in ideas about the defenses.

"Mineta," Yaoyorozu said while finishing her double-checking the multitude of defenses and traps, she set up at the doors and windows in the bomb room. "I've set up as much defense as I could without making myself unable to fight."

"Mhmm" The grape boy responded while alternating his sight between her chest and eyes.

"The heroes are about to come in less than a minute."


"Did you finish setting up the sticky traps I asked you to make on the stairs?"


"Good, now I think you should position yourself towards the corner of the room to catch anyone who enters off guard with your quirk."

"MHMM," The grape boy says while backing up toward the corner of the room but never taking his eyes off Momo.

"Now, let's begin the indoor person-to-person combat training with Team A and Team C!" All Might announced through the speakers.

Yaoyorozu quickly positioned herself near the bomb and got into one of the many karate stances she learned during her training to come to U.A. She look at Mineta in the corner shadow of the room and to her pleasant surprise, he was finally taking the test seriously. His brows were knitted in concentration and he had two balls from his quirk in his hand ready to throw at a moment's notice while crouched as low as possible in the corner to remain hidden from sight. He actually looked sort of reliable like that, which calmed Yaoyorozu's nerves just a bit. Everything was set up and near perfect.

Then everything went wrong. A yellow flash of light carved out the area Mineta was standing on making him, the floor, and the ceiling above him fall to an unknown floor level with barely a squeak. Then multiple white balls came out through the hole in the ceiling and exploded into smoke.

Yaoyorozu didn't have enough time or lipids to make something to disperse the smoke and fearing there was a sleeping agent inside the gas, decided to quickly make a gas mask and infrared goggles as the smoke filled the room. All while moving around the bomb in random patterns to prevent her feet from being taken from under her like Mineta's was.

"Mineta Minoru has been captured." All Might's voice boomed through the speakers.

'Crap Baskets, Mineta is down and I still haven't even seen the Midoriya or Uraraka,' Yaoyorozu thought in panic as the situation was going from very bad to worse. 'I can't even make anything that would take long or they'll attack."

Yaoyorozu figured that somehow Midoriya or Ochaco was keeping track of where she was in the building since the start of the trail. A simple deduction considering they manage to pinpoint Mineta's location seconds into the trail. Two could play that game.

With her infrared goggles, she scanned the roof of the building and saw nothing up there. Then she scanned the entrances to the room nothing. She looked at the floor and finally saw something. On the bottom floor, she saw three heat signatures right next to each other. 'All three are downstairs? Wait, then who threw the pellets through the hole in the roof? What's going on here?'

As if to answer her question, both Izuku and Ochaco busted through her reinforced windows, accomplishing two things. One, letting the smoke out and the sunlight in. Two, getting her to turn to the light with infrared goggles on, effectively blinding her.

Even as Yaoyorozu felt one of the hero team members tackle her and rap the capture tape around her, she couldn't help but feel impressed by her classmate's strategy.

"Yaoyorozu Momo has been captured and the bomb has been disarmed by the heroes. A-Team wins." All Might announced through the sound system in the building.

| Seven Minutes Ago, Third Person P.O.V |

"That's it, that's the plan?" Ochaco asked slightly incredulous.

"Yep," Izuku replied simply.

"But what about using my training? If we do that plan, I'll barely get to use it," Ochaco whined.

Izuku felt a little bad for denying her a chance to put her training to use but there was a reason for this. "If we devise a plan that's just running in there and fighting them, it would not only have a huge risk of failing, but it would be disrespectful to our opponents not to try our best."

Hearing his reasoning made Ochaco feel a bit ashamed for being so selfish, so she decided to give the test her all and agree to Izuku's plan. "Your right! I have to give it my all or theirs no point in being in a hero school."

Izuku smiled. He was very glad his words go through to her. "Right! Now, do you remember the plan?" He asked and she nodded. "Good, repeat it for me."

"Ehem," Ochaco cleared her through for no reason but to do it. "First, you'll drop me off on the roof of the test building with sleeping gas pellets and smoke bomb pellets from your utility belt."

"Mhmm," Izuku confirmed.

"Then you'll use your x-ray goggles"

"Multi-view Shades," he corrected but was ignored.

"To find and capture Mineta by making a hole in the building. After that, I throw the pellets into the top floor from the roof and then float myself to the roof of the building across the street. Where I wait for you to finish making light clones of us near Mineta to distract Yaoyorozu. After you're done, you'll meet up with me on the roof, so we can smash through the window of the bomb room, capture Yaoyorozu and stop the bomb. Achieving complete victory." Ochaco finished reciting the plan.

"Yup that's pretty much it," Izuku said with a wide smile.

"Ok, but isn't that plan a bit overly convoluted?" Ochaco asked her partner. "I mean, we can just capture Mineta and double team Yaoyorozu. If it's the two of us, I'm 100% sure we wouldn't lose."

"Well, we could do that, but she most like has tons of traps on the top floor that could take us out. Also, I'm trying not to beat up our classmates if I can help it and this plan ensures that none of us get hurt," Izuku answered.

Ochaco sighed, she wanted to test the result of her training but if Izuku didn't want to beat up anyone she would oblige.

| Monitor Room, After Test, Katsuki P.O.V |

"Holy crap."


"So fast, kero."

"So manly!"

Where some of the various remarks some of his classmates made in awe after seeing Izuku and the Uraraka girl dismantle Team C in what had to be 3 minutes or less.

However, Bakugo's attention was elsewhere. Even when the teams got back from the test site and All Might announced Izuku the MVP, he didn't react to anything said or pay any real attention to the #1 heroes' words. Because frankly, Katsuki Bakugo wasn't impressed, he was disappointed.

Not because he thought Izuku was weak. Far from it, he believed that if there was anyone in this class of half-assed wannabe heroes that rivaled him or even surpassed him, it was his childhood friend.

The proof of Izuku's strength was easy for him to see. Like how despite the fact Izuku's quirk used to be so weak that it could barely light up a dark room, he could now use it to make strong constructs of solid light. Izuku's physique and posture also showed that he had been training hard nonstop to get to his current level of power. And the final, most undeniable, evidence was his test scores. In both the entrance exam and Aizawa's quirk assessment test, Izuku was always right behind him.

"My little brother will be the best hero in the world!" The voice of Izuki declared in Bakugo's mind. He smiled at the sudden resurgence of the old memory.

When Izuki had said those words so long ago, he and his cronies were picking on Izuku because he dreamed of being a hero when his quirk was so weak. At the time, he had laughed at her for saying something he believed was outrageous and stupid. But now, he could finally see why she believed in him so much. The current Izuku was undeniably strong and to top it off, versatile. There was no doubt in Katsuki's mind that Izuku would be a strong hero, maybe even the best.

What made Katsuki disappointed in Izuku despite his positive opinion of his childhood friend's capabilities, was how he held back during the exercise. Instead of using his full power to subjugate the enemy, Izuku went easy on them because he didn't want to hurt anybody. While Bakugo acknowledged it was only a training exercise and that Izuku didn't need to hurt the opponent badly to win, he knew from the way Izuku choose to complete the task that he would be soft on villains. Something he couldn't stand the thought of.

'If Izuku continues to hold back on enemies, show mercy, refuse to put villain scum-.' Katsuki stopped his train of thought when he realized his anger was rising. The thought of Izuku being merciful to villains after what they had taken from them was enough to get his blood boiling.

He then became angry at himself for being angry before taking a deep breath and started counting his heartbeats to calm down. Katsuki hated when he lost control of his emotion, it was because of them that Izuki died.

It was because of him, that Izuku didn't have his sister and for that, he could never forgive himself.


A/N: Took a while but I'm back baby and so is weekly chapter posting. Anyways, thanks P3T for the stones you dropped. I appreciate it.

This chapter is a bit of a rush job so I'm sorry if it is not up to par. I was trying to get something out fast since I didn't upload something for like two weeks and this is what I got. I'm especially sorry if you were expecting an epic fight out of it. I was thinking of doing one but dismissed the idea when I realized how easy it would be for Izuku to win without ever defeating his opponents. So your gonna have to wait for the USJ thing to happen for any cool fights.

That's all for now. Please point out any errors in writing for better writing quality. Author out. ☮️

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Did you know elevators chime once when going up and twice when going down?

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