
How Did I Become an Adventurer?

Follow the Story of a young woman named Hana. As she prepares to leave her home village to honor a marriage contract made by her king a sudden attack to her carriage changes everything. Deciding to fake her own death to have a chance at freedom she makes new friends and discovers a sinister curse that she and her new friends must try to break. Rewriting in third person point of view starting 4-16-23

happyhyuga1221 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

You've Got to be Kidding Me

"It's no problem Hanna, our wares are really selling. I don't think giving a small piece of beef to my favorite customer will break us", Jackson chuckles loudly.

Her pale cheeks burn with embarrassment and awe at his confidence to say whatever he thinks. All she wants to do is rush out without the stupid groceries.

"Just write down the price of the meat for me and I will bring you the difference when dad returns. He would die of embarrassment if he knew mother was taking advantage of your kindness. Your family has always been so kind to us and we appreciate it". With a sigh he writes down a number which she speculate is rather on the low side before she pays him with all the coins on her person and leaves for home.

The roads grows less crowded as most of the villagers return home while a few begin to make merry, growing intoxicated with alcohol and old war songs. A gust of warm summer air blew through het curls making them tangle in front of her face. Hands full of groceries she does her best to wipe the hair from her face with her shoulder which helps a little.

With in fifteen minutes she makes it to her family's modest little home. Upon seeing a grey appaloosa horse in the coral excitement shoots up her body. Her dad's finally home!

She climbs the three stairs with haste and quickly slips off her sandles before pushing the brown stained door open with ease. she hears her mother talking away to her dad about something and they both stop when they notice Hana. The corners of her lips raise in a smile at seeing her tired dad back safe from a long mission. His arm is draped around her mom who looks as lovestruck as the day they met she's sure.

Laying the groceries on the table she forgets the aggravation felt before and puts her arms around both of her parents who have given her so much. She's no fool. She knows she is really lucky to have both of her parents. So many people her age had lost one if not both parents through the last war with the Grand Stone Kingdom which only ended fifteen years ago.

"Hana your dad has exciting news", her mother cries out grasping both of Hana's shoulders tightly. Suddenly the excitement died down a little bit and begins to be replaced with anticipation. "A Prince of the Grand Stone Kingdom has requested a bride picked from our own Sun Kingdom. He wants someone who comes from strong and proven bloodlines. Who better than the King's on personal wizards daughter?".

Hana looks at her like she had grown another head because she has clearly lost her mind. She has no magic, they may be well seen in the King's court but their blood is still that of the common people.

" Can you even hear what just came from your mouth. Do you wish for me to be executed? You understand that will be my fate if I am sent to a Prince as a bride.He wants someone with a strong magic bloodline and I have no magic. I choose to have my head on my shoulders but thanks", Hana shouts backing away from her parents distraught.

They both look at Hana in disapproval. "Hana this isn't up for debate it's a direct order from our King. He isn't sending you to your death. Prince Reign particularly requested your hand if you were unwed. You are being given a tremendous honor to marry for your kingdom."

Hana's nails dig into her hands as she tightens her fists at her sides. She never asked for this, she want to find love like her parents not have it pre-determined by kings who are obsessed with bloodlines and magic. They are sentencing her to a life where everything she does will be controlled by a husband who might as well be her puppet master.

"This isn't fair, I want to find love on my own time as you guys did. Wouldn't you want that for your only child, to fall in love and have a happy life?", Hana's voice trembles as tears slide down her cheeks. She feels like she's just been sentenced to a prison cell for the rest of her life.

Her mother frowns before looking at her dad with disappointment.

"Must you always be so selfish Hana?", her dad questions. His sharp blue eyes not even looking at Hana but at the nicely swept wooden floor.

His words feel like a knife carving in her heart. Selfish? Was this her being selfish? She thought he understood her better than her mom but she guesses she was wrong. Without waiting for any other "exciting news" she walks back out of the door and runs to the old pond that sets at the end of the horse pasture.

Tears blur her vision as she races through the dense woods. Arriving at the pond Hana sits on an old log that had fallen a couple of months ago occasionally throwing a broken twig into the water for something to do. Her chest rises and falls quickly and her breathing is ragged from all the running and crying.

She knows she's pathetic and others have it worse but is it so wrong to won't more for herself? Apparently so.

Once her body calms down and she accepts the news her parents had given her Hana makse her way back home. All the while wondering just how long she would have to enjoy the little freedom she does have right now.